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                ELITE                                                         2020 ﺮﺒﻤﻓﻮﻧ ,25 دﺪﻌﻟا , 1 ﺪﻠﺠﻤﻟا
                                                                                Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020
                                                                                Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

    Sinful Upbringing

              Mohamed Elsawy

       Second Level, Economics
                                                              Al-Akra'a   said:   I   swear   by   Allah,   I   have   ten   childr  en   and   I   have
                                                              never kissed one of them before.
        We   are  shocked   from  time  to   time  with  events  published  in   the
                                                              The   Prophet   Mohamed   replied:   What   can   I   do   if   Allah  ,   The
        newspapers and social media. Such events have their supporters
                                                              Almighty,  Has taken mercy out from your heart?
        and   their   opponents   and   have   received   attacks   or   sympathy
        from   influential   persons   and   the   public.  However,   such   events
                                                              The   guardianship   of   the   father   on  his   family,   wife   and   children   is
        do not indicate in particular singular events taken place within a
                                                              not achieved with orders and prohibition or by usin  g loud voice and
        family   only  represented   1/24.7   Million  Egyptian   families.  Yet,
                                                              whip but it can be achieved by affection and mercy,   by forgiveness.
        they indicate to a living phenomenon in society and it is time to
                                                              The father isn  ’t only the source of livelihood for his family but   he is
        shed light on it. Here, we talk about family violence represented
                                                              also   the   source   of   mercy   and   sympathy   –   ordered   to   provide   by
        in   the   last   times   in   a   number   of   concurrent   or   consecutive
                                                              Allah   –.   A   slice   of   bread   provided   by   father   with   his   kindne  ss   is
        events  ranging  between  escaping  of  children  from  their  parents'
                                                              better than a table of food provided by him with cr  uelty. The respect
        houses   to   wrongful   ways   as   well   as   committing   a   lot   of   other
                                                              of  father   is   not   represented   in  keeping  the   mouths   o  f   children  shut
        crimes  such   as   adultery,  suicide   and   others.  This  is   the   core  of
                                                              but   it   is  represented   in  the   smile   and  happiness   wh  en  the   sound   of
        the case without any need to mention certain examples.
                                                              father's   feet  are   heard   approaching   from   the  door   of     the   house   and

                                                              knocking   on   the   door!   Allah   recommends   us   only   to   be     merciful
        As   soon   as   we   hear   that   one   of   the   children   escapes   from   his
                                                              with   our   children.   So,   Don  ’t   mix   it   with   disaffection,   anger,
        parents'   house,   a   lot   of   attacking   opinions   or   sympathetic   ones
                                                              harshness and cruelty.
        are   provided.   Neither  of   the  two   parties  knows   that   the   escape
                                                              Get   closer   to   your   children   and  listen   to   them,   par  ticipate   them  in
        of   such   child   is   not   his   first   escape   as   he   may   live   all   his  life
                                                              their   interests   and   engage   them   in   your   interests,   mo  nitor   their
        escaping,   escaping   from   the   cruelty   and   ejection   of   his   father,
                                                              tendencies   and   their   hobbies   and   support  them,   do   n  ot  let   them   to
        escaping   from   the   scolding   of   his   mother   as   if   both   of   them
                                                              solitude   of  themselves   and   the  confusion   of   their  m  inds,   do  not   let
        surrounded   themselves   with   barbed   wire   that   cannot   be
                                                              despair overcome them, do not let them fight their l  ife fights alone!
        approached!  and  One  or  both  of  them  may  surround  themselves
                                                              Support   them   with   your   encouragement   and   care.   Know   well   that
        out   of   the   other   with   the   same   barbed   wire,   As   the   successful
                                                              there are some life problems which can only be over  come with your
        marriage   has   indications   and   marks   appeared   in   the   children
                                                              kindness Plant values in them. whenever they deviat  e from the right
                                                              path,  punish   them  and  teach  them  how  to  get  back  to    the  right  path.
                                                              Whenever   they   do   wrong,   actually   they   shall   do   wron  gs,   punish
        We   shall   mention   one   of   the   stories   quoted   from   the   prophet
                                                              them one time and discuss them in such acts in anot  her time, punish
                                                              them   for   rectifying   them   but   not   for   punishing   them  ,   Be   merciful
        One   day,   Companion   Al-Akra'a   Ibn   Habes   visited   the   prophet
                                                              with your children Be a bridge for your children an  d not an obstacle
        and messenger, May The Prayers, Peace of Allah be Upon Him.
                                                              on their way, Do not build barriers and let your op  inions and values
        While   he   was   sitting   at   the   prophet   Mohamed,   Alhassan   Ibn
                                                              be implanted in them!.
        Ali,   May   Allah   be   Pleased   with   them,   came.   So,   the   prophet
                                                              Hundreds   of   studies   and   essays   were   launched   about   family
        Mohamed welcomed, hugged and kissed him.
                                                              violence case. Yet, the majority of them were in vain   and useless as
        Al-Akra'a was amazed from such conduct and the sympathy and
                                                              they   touch  the   case  and  do   not   penetrate   them.   most     of   them  bring
        kindness   of   the   Prophet   Mohamed   So,   he   asked   him   in
                                                              us  down  to  a  lot  of   branched  aspects  for  example  bu  t   not  limited  to
        amazement, Do you kiss children?
                                                              –   The   difference   existing   between   the   culture   and   edu  cation   of
        The   Prophet   Mohamed      replied:   Yes,   what   is   strange   in   such
                                                              parents   from   their  children   as   parents  desire  to   mak  e  their   children
                                                              inherit   their   initial   primitive   education   and   its   si  nful   philosophy!
                                                              Such   attitudes   only   justify   the   family   violence   and     parental
                                                              authority.   It   is  a   wrong  pretext  as  if  its  constitue  nts   are   true,   where
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                                                              are its correct results?!
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