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ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

                         Reem Omran

       As   per   recent   news,   a   famous   wedding   was   on   the   verge   of  team,   especially   after  a  victory.  The  obsessive   fandom   tends   to
       being   ruined   as   result   of   the   scene   caused   by   2   celebrities  say   “we   won  ”   instead   of   “the   team  won  ”,  whilst   surely   having
       fighting over football clubs and that  ’s not the first time we have  their   whole   mood   shift  to   the   better   as   a   result   of   that  victory.
       witnessed   sports   sparking   up   fights,   ones   that   may   reach   the  On the contrary, obsessive fans who are only in it
       extent  of  being  deadly.  From  permanently  tattooing  themselves
       with   their   favorite  ’s   club   logo,   to   actually   smashing   the   TV  for  the  wins  apply   the   “Cut  off  reflected  failure  ”  after  each  loss;
       when   their   team   is   defeated,   sports   superfans   have   displayed  they   avoid   identifying   with   the   team,   and   even   try   to   avoid
       bizarre   forms   of   obsession   over   the   decades   ,   and   when   this  anything  that  ’s  team-related,as   it  boils   up   their  anger.   Needless
       obsession takes violent forms , we are witnessing what is called  to   say,   it   is   only   fickle   fans   who   display   the   COFR
       HOOLIGANISM.   Reaching   the   stage   of   being   a   superfan   is  phenomenon.   Moving   on,   to   the   social   phenomena,   “Ingroup-
       surprisingly  common   these  days,  as   a   result   of  the  exposure   of  outgroup   bias  ”   is   the   phenomenon   that   creates  rivalry   between
       more and more sports and clubs around us.             teams  ’   fans;   it   is   when   a   fandom,   the   ingroup,   deprecates
       A   sports   fan   is   someone   who   roots   for   their   favorite   team,  another team  ’s fan, the outgroup. The deprecation may reach the
       whilst  enjoying  the  skills  in   the  game.  On   the  other   hand,  there  extent   of   strong   insult   and   violent   behavior,   all   in   the   aim   of
       are people whom their lives revolve around this team; superfans  proving   whose   team   is   best.   Superfans   also   exhibit   another
       allow   a   team  performance   to  take  full   control   over   their  mood  social  phenomenon   that  ’s  known  as   “Disinhibition  ”,  where  they
       and  actions.  Conducted  studies   showed  that   kids   who  grow   up  publicly  act   differently   when  it  comes  to   supporting  their   team.
       in    jousehold   where  sports   are   watched   regularly  have  a  higher  Whether   in   sports   bar   or   in   a   stadium,   they   react   to   wins   and
       tendency of becoming crazy superfans later on.        defeats in ways that contradicts their personal nature; a shy quite
                                                             person,  for  instance,  would  scream  and  jump  around,  highfiving
       They connect with the sport the club from such a young age, till  complete srangers.
       it   ends   up   being   part   of   their   identity.   They   include   their  Having a passion for sports is something magnificent, as well as
       beloved team in every single aspect of their everyday life, for  appreciating the beauty of the game. Displaying phenomena that
       instance,  clothes,  social   media   posts,   day-to-day   conversations  indicate   hooliganism   is   where   a   line   should   be   drawn.
       and even their houses  ’ interior designs.            Hooliganism   and   obsessive   fandoms   have   already   cost  us  lives
       Of the many psychological phenomena                   of   innocents,   Thus,   awareness   over   this   matter   needs   to   be
       displayed   by   superfans,   “Basking   in   reflected   glory  ”   is   seen  raised,   in   order   to   protect   younger   generations   from   going
       almost every day; it is the act of identifying yourself with the   obsessively crazy over goals and scores.

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