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ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

           Islamic Caliphate: The Past-

                           Present Debate

    *Prof. Dr. Neveen Abdelkhalek, Professor of Political Thought and Political Theory

                                                                                  Translated by Nadeen Hesham

       The starting point: since the first moments following the death of
                                                             Islamic   caliphate   in   the   1920s,   the   debate   around   reviving   this
       Prophet   Mohammed   (peace   be   upon   him),   no   other   issue   has
                                                             concept   and   the   title   of   the   Caliph   of   Muslims   hasn  ’t   stopped.
       engendered   much   disagreement   and   debate   among   Muslims   –
                                                             However,  the  passage  of  time  and  the  strong  winds   of  change  in
       whether   intellectuals   or   masses   –   as   the   issue   of   succession   or  the   direction   of   establishing   modern   civil   states   dimmed   this
       “khilafah.  ”   The   Muslims   who   had   emigrated   to   Madinah  debate   for   a   while   until   political   Islamist   groups   emerged   with
                                                             their goal of reviving the caliphate.
       (“muhajiroon  ”) and the natives of the city who had supported the
                                                             Therefore, what is the true nature and historical evolution of this
       Prophet   and   embraced   Islam   (  “ansar  ”)   rushed   to   discuss   this
                                                             concept?   The   constant   view   among   the   majority   of   Muslims
       issue,  which   was   settled  when   Abu  Bakr   al-Siddiq   assumed  the
                                                             known   as   “ahl   al-sunna  ”   is   that   the   caliphate   was   a   form   of
       position   and   was   the   first   to   hold   the   title   of   successor   of   the
                                                             diligence exercised by Muslims via their consultation and choice
       prophet   “khalifat   al-rasul.  ”   Concerning   the   other   title   of
                                                             as the Prophet had not named a successor. And this era began by
       successor   of   God   “khalifat   al-Allah,  ”   we   see   that   the   Quran
                                                             following   the   Prophet  ’s   method   of   laying   the   foundations   of
       addressed Mohammed as a messenger and a prophet but never as
                                                             justice,   rendering   it   a   caliphate   whose   aim   was   to   preserve
       a   successor   of   Allah   or   His   shadow   on   Earth.   And   the   second
                                                             religion   and   manage   worldly   affairs   according   to   it.   Thus,   this
       caliph,   Omar   bin   Khattab,   refused   to   be   described   as   such,
                                                             era came to be known as the rightly-guided caliphate and its four
       opting   instead   for   the   title   of   prince   of   the   believers   “amir   al-
                                                             caliphs   as   the   rightly-guided   “rashidun  ”   caliphs,   who   were,   in
       mo  ’mineen  ”   when   he   found   that   the   title   of   successor   of   the
                                                             order   of   succession,   Abu   Bakr   al-Siddiq,   Omar   bin   Khattab,
       successor   of   the   prophet   was   too   long.   In   any   case,   Islamic
                                                             Uthman bin Affan, and Ali bin Abi Talib.
       thought   has   rejected   the   notion   of   God  ’s   shadow   on   Earth;
                                                             Although the historical narrative settled on describing this era as
       hence,   the   divine   right   to   rule   that   Europe   knew   during   the
                                                             the   model   to   be   referenced   as   an   example  of   the   application   of
       Middle  Ages   never   made  its   way  into   Islamic   thought  save   for
                                                             Islamic   values,   this   did   not   prevent   sword   fighting   and
       exceptional   cases,   but   it   was   never   an   integral   concept   of   this
                                                             beheadings   from   occurring   leading   to   the   Great   Strife   “fitna.  ”
                                                             History   books   have   narrated   the   events   of   this   strife   that   ended
                                                             with   the  agreement   between  Muawiyah   bin   Abi   Sufyan  and   al-
       The  continued   debate:  in   old  and  modern   times   alike,   the   issue
                                                             Hassan   bin   Ali  giving  the   former  the  caliphate   to  be   succeeded
       of   succession  or  the  caliphate   remained  at   the   center  of   Muslim
                                                             by the latter.
       debate,   discussion,   thought   and   disagreement.   Since   the   fall   of
                                                             Muawiyah   and   the   overturn   of   the   caliphate   into   kingship:
            the Ottoman Caliphate and the declaration of the end of the
                                                             Muawiyah reneged on his agreement with al-Hassan and seized
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