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ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020



                                         RESCUERS EQUALLY

       taught   in   this   faculty   made   him   feel   elegant   and   distinguished,
                                                              level.   For  almost  10  years  now,  the  insurance   sector  makes  up
       partly   due   to   the   high   quality   professors  there.   He   thinks   that   in
                                                              0.8   %   of   Egypt's   gross   domestic   product,   compared   to   a
       order for the faculty to influence the student's character, s/he must
                                                              percentage   of   3   %   in   Morocco   and   2   %   in   Saudi   Arabia   and
       be   moldable   and   have   good   receptive   skills.   This   is   because   the
                                                              UAE   and   other   countries   with  small   populations.   This   puts   us
       feeling   of   distinctiveness,   instilled   in   them   by   the   faculty,   could  in   a   bad   position,   for   the   insurance   sector   lacks   a   legitimate
       either   make   them   feel   arrogant   or   being   capable   of   bearing  sponsor that can help and promote it.
       responsibility.   The   limited   number   of   students   also   helped   to
                                                              This is very different from the banking sector where the Central
       gradually narrow the gap and differences among students.
                                                              Bank-which  is   only   considered  to   be  regulator-   did   something
                                                              outside the realm of governance, and dealt with banks that were
       On   the   educational   level,   Mr.   Basil   feels   grateful   for   all   of   his
                                                              then   owned   by   the   Finance   Ministry.   As   a   result,   the   Central
       professors.   On   the   professional   level,   Mr.  Basil   feels  grateful  for
                                                              Bank  became   the   God  Father   of  that   sector,  managing   to  lead
       Mr.   Omar  Mehanna,  his   first   manager   at   the   banking   sector,   and
                                                              the  development   plan  of   the   sector   which   started   in   2004,  as   a
       Mr. Fou'ad Sultan, a former tourism minister, and others whom he
                                                              part of the World Bank's economic reform program. Four banks
       met during his professional career.
                                                              in Egypt were used as a locomotive to pull other banks forward.
       Mr   basil   continues   by   saying   that   although   Misr   Insurance
                                                              Although  those  banks  were   the  most   financially  troubled,   they
       Holding   Company's   (IHC)   main   job   is   insurance,   it   still   can   be
                                                              were  the  biggest  among  other  banks.  So,  if  those  banks  were  to
       categorized   as   part   of   the   banking   sector,   as   it   contributes   to   the
                                                              be   reformed,   other   banks   could   too.   This   is   what   exactly
       promotion of financial inclusion, raising Egypt's economic growth
                                                              happened.   After   more   than  10  years,   the   banking   sector  which
       and   its   GDP,   in   addition   to   creating   more   job   opportunities,
                                                              in   2004   had   an   allocation   gap   of   100   Billion   Egypt   pounds,
       establishing   a   large   investment   base   that   is   used   in   financing   of
                                                              made profits in 2015.
       projects, and raising investments and saving rates. The former two
       sectors  have  the   weakest   rates   in   Egypt.  In   order   to   support   these
                                                              The   insurance   sector,   on   the   other   hand,   doesn't   have   a   God
       sectors,   the   insurance   sector   needs   to   be   boosted,   because   this
                                                              Father   that   can   play   the   role   the   Central   Bank   did   with   the
       sector  includes  all  these  points,  and  it  adds  to  them   the  element  of
                                                              banking sector, as it has an oversight body that doesn't promote
       protection that the whole society looks for.
                                                              the  sector,  because   insurance  is   not  the   only  sector  this  body  is
                                                              responsible   for.   In   fact,   this   body   is   responsible   for   other
       He thinks that the insurance sector in Egypt is not at the required
                                                              financial services apart from banking services.
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