Page 3 - issue-25 - en
P. 3

ELITE                                                           Vol.1 No.25, Nov. 2020

                                                                      Three Years of

                                                                       Restless Work

                                                                      Because he never asked us, since

                                                                       our launch, to propagate for his
                                                                            personal achievements,

                                                                         because his period as a dean
                                                                     witnessed each day an active step

                                                                         towards the goals he set for

                                                                         because he taught us, as our

                                                                          chairman, that making real
                                                                        progress is better than talking
                                                                                      about it,

                                                                         we decided to honor him the

                                                                            same way he taught us,

                                                                            that is by letting his real

                                                                         achievements speak for him.

                                                                         We are proud to publish the
                                                                        performance report for FEPS

                                                                      Dean Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Alsaid
                                                                     (2018-2020) and the clever teams

                                                                         he worked with at the link :



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