Page 12 - Issue-24
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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

                    A Hat Worn by All
               The Historical Transformations of

                             The Caliphate Concept

         Layla Amr Galal, Crisis Management Specialist at The State Ministry of Information

                                                              rising   on  rebellions   and   insurrections      ,   Christians   and   Jews  refused
   The concept as (Khalifatu-Allah)
                                                              to pay their taxes or ( zakat) ,so it was inevitable to shift the term and
   It   is   common   that   the   concept  of   ‘khilafa  ’   started  after   the   death  of
                                                              choose   a   new   caliph   who   has   the   closest   relation   to   the   prophet   in
   prophet   Muhammed   (a.s.)   .But  ,in   fact   it   had  come   into  sight     even
                                                              order   to   be   legitimatized   by   the   Umma      ,this   new   definition   was
   before , as prophet Muhammed (a.s.) himself was a caliphate to Allah
                                                              problematic   .it   caused   division  upon   the   question   of  who   is  the   one
   ,   the   concept   was   mentioned   in   Hadith   and   Qura  ’an   as   (Khalifa-
                                                              who   bears   the      claim   to   be   the   successor   of   Muhammad   (a.s)
   khulafa-khalaif)   referring   to   the   presence  of   a   person   who   takes  due
                                                                between   these   who   based   succession   on   kinship   who   are   the   Alid
   responsibility   and   was   sent   to   earth   as   caliph   of   Allah      in   order   to
                                                              party,claiming   that   the   successor   should   be   one   from   the   family   of
   release   the  rightful    and  just  attitude  of  the    man.  consequently      ,   the
   concept was reflected in the practices of ruling the Muslim Umma by  Muhammad   (Ali   ),   and   those   who   based   succession      based   on   the
   the   prophet  who  was  the  head  of  the  state  ,  governor   and   sole  leader     special   companionship   of   the   prophet,      the   second   party   was
                                                              dominating   as   they   were   the   majority   ,   so   the   term   of   caliphate
   accountable   to   Allah   (whom   he      is   a   caliph   to),   he   was   performing
                                                              shifted   in   favor   of  this  party   that  supported   Abu  Bakr   to   be  the  new
    all matters concerning the Muslim Umma , being the religious leader
                                                              caliph based on two claim: Firstly , is that the prophet gave Abo Bakr
   even   in   prayers   ,   army   commander   ,   searching   for      a      method   of
                                                              his orders to lead Muslims in prayers during his illness so this can be
   coexistence   with   members   of   other   religions   and   conducting
                                                              seen   as   the   prophet   chose   him   before   death   by   delegating   him   his
   agreements   with   them   specially   in   a   time   when   Ansar   Muslims
                                                              practices , Secondly , Abu Bakr was one of the closest companions of
   emigrated   from   Mecca   to   Medina   where   they   got   entitled   to   Many
                                                              the   prophet   ,specially   that   he   was   always   referring   to   the   prophet
   followers  there  and  non   Muslims  as  well  and  the  Muslim  Umma  was
                                                              specially  when   he  said  in  the  Bay  ’a   “Obey  me   ,  as  I  obey   Allah   and
   getting wider , so the concept was important to be treated that way in
                                                              his   prophet  ”,  so  since  then  ,  the  concept   of  (Al   khualafa  ’Al  Rashidin
   order   to  maintain   stability   and   unity   of  Muslim   Umma      that  ’s   why,
                                                              )   appeared      referring   to   the   4   caliphs   who   used   to   be   the   closest
   during   the   lifetime   of   the   prophet   ,   no   dispute   took   place   among
                                                              companions of the prophet.
   Muslim Umma.
                                                              Caliphate as dynastic monarchies
   The concept as (khalifat Rasul- Allah)
                                                              The   last  two   rightly  caliphs   :Othman   and   Ali   ,   Although  they   faced
   After   the   death   of   prophet   Muhammad   (a.s.)      in   632   A.D.,      the
                                                              opposition   within   the   Muslim   community   but   the   concept   of
   concept   emerged  to  be  compatible  with  the   status  quo  of  the  Muslim
                                                              caliphate   was   the   same   as   they   used   to   rule   according   to   the   same
   Umma , it was logic for the concept to  simply mean   “The succession
                                                              terms   laid   by   Abu   Bakr   ,   specially   for   Ali   who   never   attempted   to
   of  a   person  by  another   “,  derived  from   the  word  (khalaf)  which  is  (to
                                                              gain   special   title   based   on   his   personal   blood   relationship   with   the
   be   behind),      the   caliph   was   the   person   who   replaces   and   succeeds
                                                              prophet.  After   the   death   of   Othman   ,   a   civil   war  happened   between
   Muhammad   (a.s.)   to   protect  religion   and   conduct   worldly   affairs   by
                                                              Ali   and   Mu  ’awiyya   when   the   shi  ’is   claim   caliphate   to   Ali   and   his
   fulfilling all powers and activities maintained before  by the prophet ,
                                                              later  descendants ,this led to a division even between radical and
      given that  after his death , some Muslims apostatized , Arabs were
                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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