Page 17 - Issue-24
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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
                                              Ramy Magdy                                                     ELITE

                                           ELITE Editor in Chief

                              FEPS Political Science Assistant Lecturer

                  ELITE AFTER TWO YEARS : FROM


    This month ELITE celebrates its second anniversary since
                                                                 In   addition,   we   succeeded   so   far   to   publish   10
    its   launch   in   October   2018   ..   However,   now   having   24
                                                                 French   issues   ,   and   this   made   us   a   full   fledged
    complete   issues,  a   lot  of   water   has  come   across   the   river,
                                                                 magazine   qualified   to   compete   with   professional
    which   demands   from   us  an  understanding   of   the   changes
                                                                 magazines   in   Egypt   and   the   region.   This   French
    that   ELITE   passed   through,  the   contributions  it  made  and
                                                                 edition   ,   that   contains   monthly   different   articles
    the things it needs.
                                                                 from   its   Arabic   and   English   counterparts   ,
                                                                 contributed  to  the   richness   of  the   content   we   offer
    Definitely  two   entire  years   can   change   everything,   yet  as
                                                                 and to the space we allow for expression.
    editor   in   chief   of   this   unique   magazine   in   the   history   of
    university   journalism,      I   see   ELITE   managed   to   become
                                                                 Nonetheless,  we   still   need   improvement,   as   in   the
    not  only  a  space  gathering  thoughts  from  faculty,  students
                                                                 last   year   we  were   argued  by   many  to   enhance   our
    and   alumni,   but   also   it   managed   this   year   to   become   a
    platform for recording history.
                                                                 design.   And   although   we   managed   this   year   to
                                                                 fulfill   this   requirement   with   extra   professional
    This   is   of   course   due  to  the  outbreak  of   COVID19  which
                                                                 designs,   we    still   need   to   develop   our
    changed   our   relationship   with   FEPS   from   covering   its
                                                                 organizational   differentiation.   This   is   because   the
                                                 2018-2020                  tasks   among   our   editors   differs   every
    events   on   the   spot,   to   recording   this  critical   period   in   the
    history   of   the   world   and   the   lives   of   Egyptians.      ELITE
                                                                 month   according   to   their   personal   circumstances,
    grasped   this  opportunity  to   be   a  space  for   writing  history
                                                                 and   this   makes   me   (in   the   coming   year)      seek   to
    and it did not submit to the pressures of isolation.
                                                                 stabilize   our   work   flow.   However,   such   an
                                                                 ambition does not overshadow our main dreams of
    In   addition,   being   a   magazine   allowed   us   to   project   the
                                                                 being   printed   and   of   having   a   space   for   meeting
    image   of   this   hard   period   in   different   formulas   :   like
                                                                 and   work.   Yet   one   has   to   wait   for   the   end   of
    reports,   academic   discussions,   student   discussions   and
    Op-ed(s). Such a diversity of content allowed us to offer a  COVID, so that dream can become true.
    treasure  of  information  that  showed  how  the  world,  Egypt

    and FEPS fared during this period.
                                                                 Finally  I  pray  for   our  third   year  to  be  better,  more
                                                                 contributive   and   more   diverse   in   content.   And
    Therefore, one can say that we added a new role to ELITE
                                                                 ,definitely,   I   wish  for  ELITE   to   be   more   effective
    by   making   it   a   space   for   togetherness   and   a   platform   for
                                                                 in   influencing   opinions   and   in   improving   its
    recording   history   ,   and   I   believe   this   distinguishes   us
                                                                 organizational  capacities.   Not   to   mention  that  one
    uniquely   against   the   rest   of   universities   and   faculties,   no
                                                                 also   wishes   that   this   third   year   be   better   for
    matter whether these entities issue bulletins or not.
                                                                 Egyptians than the previous ones.

                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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