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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

   moderate  shi  ’ats    ,   that  finally   led  to  the   assassination   of  Ali   in  661  such   as   fiscal   deficits   ,   population   pressure,   loss   of   government
   A.D   After   then,   the   stance   on   caliphate   based   on   hereditary  control   over   provinces   ,   protests   and   decentralization   and   rule   of
   succession took place  – but was not a result of  caliph Ali himself- but  incompetent   sultans   with   struggle   over   succession   ,while      modern
   the   context   ,   and   it      was   fixated   for   2   dynasties   “   The   Ummayyads  European   states   were   rising      with   technology   that   allowed   the
   and   The   Abassyds    ,   but  it      gained  some   new   aspects   in  each   stage  penetration   of   merchant   capital   to   the   ottoman   empire   then   led   to
   but still caliphate was based on  succession.              economic dependence, consequently ,ottomans used caliphate now to
                                                              appease   these  rising  powers  whom   they  wanted   for  financial  support
   Caliphate as Absolute Monarchy                             ,Ottomans   wanted   a   caliphate   that   will   not      object   the   liberal   state.
   After   the   decline   of   the   Abbasid   empire   by   the   Mughals      in   1258     thus   maintained   new   large   scale   modernized   policies   regarding
   D.C.,   3   Empires   were   established   ,   the   safavid   in   Iran   ,   Mughal  social   and   financial   systems   ,   education   ,   administration   ,   laws   and
   empire   in  the  East  and  Ottoman  empire   in  the  west    that    became   the  restrictions   of   the   power   of   religious   class   ,   that   led   to   internal
   greatest one in its Golden age in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,  opposition   of   Muslims   that   colonial   powers   advantaged   from      who
   the concept of caliphate was transformed  in   order  to  fit  with  the  new   wanted   to  mobilize   the   Muslim   Umma  against   the   Ottoman  empire,
   large   and  diversified   multi  ethnic    Ottoman   empire  consisting   of   75  as , Britain supported local movement of Arab caliphate in Egypt and
   different   groups   with   multiple   religions   :   Muslims,   Jews   and  Indian  khilafa  in  India   while   France  supported   the      Ottomans,  along
   Christians, specially that the main policy the Turkish empire borne in  with  Russia  that  insisted  during  the  Sykes  Pickot  agreement  between
   mind   was   (Ghazu)   which   is   the   prevailing   stance   of   the   ottoman  other   powers      in   1915   to   separate   caliphate   from   the   ottomans
   caliphate    ,   so   it   was   able   to   conquer      the   Christian   and   non  Muslim  .Gradually   ,   After   achieving   total   control   over   the   territories   of   the
   regions led before by the ancient decaying empires as safavid , so the  decaying   ottoman   caliphate   ,  the   colonial   powers  lifted   no   finger   in
   caliph who now turned to be a Sultan had to rule with semi theocracy  supporting   caliphate   anymore   and   it   was   legally   abolished   by   the
   but   at   the   same   time   ,   to   rule   with   centralized   administration   to  ottoman government in 1924 and disappeared with the collapse of the
   control   that   diversified   population   and   wide   lands   ,   the   concept   of  ottoman   empire      ,   consequently   ,new   concepts   came   into   sight   that
   caliphate  was   modified  and  transfromed   to   be   absolute   monarchy   or  seemed  more   compatible   with   the   conditions  of  disintegration   of  the
   Sultanate   ,   it  ’s   no  longer  one   Umma  united   under   one   religion   ,   the  empire   into   different   regions   led   by   different   powers   ,      concept     as
   sultan   is   no   longer   an   Imam   and   religious   matters   are   no   longer   in  national self determination, Modernization took place
   public sphere compared to before , the only reason why the Ottomans
   held   on   some   of   Islam   tradition   was   due   to   secular   rather   religious  Where does caliphate lie afterwards? ( In the Normative standards)
   reasons      unlike   before   ,   they   wanted   to   keep   the   union   of   Muslims  Caliphate   as  a  concept  is  now  inert  empirically,  but  it  still  exists  as  a
   while   at   the   same   time   protect   the   Orthodox   Christians   in   their  normative   standards   in   some   minds   or   in   some   actions,   there   was
   regions.                                                   always   many   attempts   to   revive   khilafa   back,   some   were   direct,
                                                              others  indirect  ,  some  were  violent  ,  others    were  peaceful,   so  finally
   The disappearance of the concept of Caliphate   “Empirically  ”  we   can   say   that   the   concept   of   caliphate   although   existing   as
   Caliphate was treated as  a tool or a  principal institution  in the hands  normative   standard   but   it   results   be   employed   in   real   life   politics
   of   both   the   ottoman   empire   and   colonialist   west   from   17th   to   20th  which invited us to put some lines around this general concept.
   centuries , the ottoman empire started to suffer internal problems

                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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