Page 14 - Issue-24
P. 14

Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

          Environmental Feminism and

    Resource Management in the Light
                                                                          Dina Ibrahim
           of the Coronavirus Crisis (5)
                                  FEPS Political Science Assistant Lecturer

   This  article  seeks   to  resume  what  was  covered  in   the  previous  article  society  in  its  broadest  definition.  These  responsib  ilities  and  rights  fall  on
                                                             resources that have an original contribution to prod  uction processes, such
   on   analytical   frameworks   for   resource   management   from   an
                                                             as land, water, trees and animals, as well as enviro  nmental quality.
   environmental   feminism   perspective,   which   is   centrally   concerned
                                                             This   framework   pays   great   attention   to   the   qualitati  ve   division   of
   with   understanding   development,   environment   and   ecology   issues
                                                             resources  as   well  as   the  qualitative  division  of  po  wer   relations   to  ensure
   from  a  gender  perspective,  considering  all  issues  raised  in  this  regard
                                                             the   operations   of   maintaining,   preserving,   building,     changing   and
   are   issues  of   a  qualitative  dimension,  i.e.,   are   critically   affected   The  restoring   environments   and   reorganizing   the   practice  s   of   individuals
                                                             towards   them.   This   division   reflects   the   differenti  ation   of   rights   and
   power relations involved in gender relations.
                                                             responsibilities   between   men   and   women   to   create   an  d   maintain   a
   This   article   focuses   on   the   second   framework,   which   is   gendered
                                                             healthy   biophysical   environment,   as   well   as   the   impor  tance   of   those
   environmental   rights   and   responsibilities.   It   raises   a   number   of
                                                             responsibilities   and   responsibilities   in   determining     the   quality   of   the
   important  questions  about:  Who  controls  the   resources?  Who  has  the  environment and life.
                                                 2 2
                                                 2018-2020018-2020018-2020   observations  that  this  framewor  k  passes  through  is
   right   to   have   more   access   to   it?   Who   determines   the   rights   to
   distribute   them?   Who   determines   the   quality   of   a   healthy  the   idea   of   dealing   with   environmental   responsibilit  ies   and
   environment?                                              responsibilities   on   the   basis   of   gender   from   the   pe  rspective   of   place
                                                             policies,   as   the   areas   of   access   to   and   control   over   resources   are
   The previous questions are essential when examining the controversy
                                                             differentiated   between   men   and   women,   so   a   distinct  ion   is   often   made
   surrounding   the   relationship   of   gender   with   environmental   rights   in
                                                             between   private   and   public   spaces   and   the   degree   of   their   access   to
   this   analytical   framework,   where   environmental   feminism   raises  resources   in   the   private   sphere.   Or   the   year.   This   b  ecomes   clear   when
                                                             comparing   the   home   and   workplace.   The   economic   vuln  erability   of
   questions   about   gender   and   the   underlying   power   relations   and
                                                             women   has   already   been   addressed   from   a   feminist   ec  ological
   frameworks   for   economic   development,   while   many   feminist
                                                             perspective on both the theoretical and practical l  evels in the third part of
   criticisms   of   development   focus   on   a   specific   issue,   namely   the
                                                             the article.
   degree of access to resources and control. on her.
                                                             The  idea  of   designing   spaces  and  places  on   the   basi  s  of   gender   plays  an
                                                             important  role   in  resource  management  through  the   po  wer  of  employing
   The   issue   of   resource   tenurebased   on   gender   is   one   of   the   issues
                                                             the  spatial  dimension  and  the  various  and  distinct  d  ivisions  in  a  dramatic
   initially   addressed   in   the   context   of   rural   development   studies,   as
                                                             way   according   to   the   cultural   factor,   which   affects   the   formation   of
   well as in the study of the impact of gender-based power relations on
                                                             resource   acquisition,   distribution   and   consumption   s  ystems,   as   well   as
   the   quality   of   the   environment   in   industrial   sites   and   urban
                                                             the quality of the environment.
   environments.   The   framework   of   gender-based   environmental
                                                             Despite   the   prevailing   trend   in   dealing   with   the   issu  e   of   the   tenureof
   responsibilities  and  rights  provides  a  broader  view  and   interest  in  the  resources between the various parties in a fixed, ma  terial way, it actually
                                                             detracts   from   the   changing   factors   such   as   the   confl  icting   groups   with
   rural and urban contexts, crossing different regions.
                                                             their   qualitative,   class   and   ethnic   differences,   the     changing   places,   as
   This  framework  deals  with  addressing   both  environmental  rights  and
                                                             well  as  the  time  factor  that  affects  the   value  of  re  sources,  which  changes
   responsibilities   on   the   basis   of   gender   that   affect   the   individual's
                                                             with   changing   needs,   capabilities,   knowledge   and   sk  ills   Mankind   in
   chances   of   accessing,   distributing   and   controlling   resources   in   the
                                                             addition   to  power  relations  which  makes   the   issue   of    tenure   and   control
                                                             of   resources   a   major   problem   in   this   context   calls   f  or   asking   questions
   private spheres as in the home institution, and in the public, i.e. in
                                                             about the types of rights and responsibilities in t  he use of resources from
                                                             the perspective of environmental feminism, which is   the topic of the next
                                                             issue. ,,, Follow.
                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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