Page 11 - Issue-24
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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

       New Cooperation Protocol Between FEPS

                        and The Diplomatic Institute

    In   the   presence   of   Prof.Dr.   Mahmoud   Alsaid   (FEPS   DEAN),  This protocol aims to make the best use of the available academic
                                                              capabilities   of   both   sides.   The   cooperation   covers   many   fields
    Prof.Dr.Mohamed   Osman   ELkhosht   Cairo   University   President
    signed   a   cooperation  protocol   between  the  Faculty   of  Economics  whether   scientific,  academic  or   applied,  as  this  protocol  includes
                                                              granting   of   an   academic   master  ’s   degree   to   students   of   the
    and   Political   science   and   The   Institute   for   Diplomatic  Studies   of
    the   Egyptian   Ministry   of   Foreign   Affairs   on   Tuesday   Morning,  Institute   of   Diplomatic   Studies   in   the   areas   that   the   two   parties
                                                              together   specify.   It   also   includes   holding   programs,   training
    22nd of September.
                                                              courses,   joint   research   and   studies,   organizing   and   holding
                                                              events,   conferences   and   seminars,   exchanging   publications   in
    Several   representatives   of   Cairo   University   attended   signing   the
    protocol,   including   the   vice-presidents   of   Cairo   University,   Dr.  addition   to   the   exchange   of   professors   and   experts   in   various
                                                              activities whether motivational or training.
    Mahmoud Alsaid, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Political
    Science,   Prof.   Dr.   Hanan   Mohamed   Ali   FEPS      Vice-Dean   for
                                                              Dr.   Mohamed   Osman   ELKhosht   said   that   Cairo   University
    Student   Affairs,   Prof.Dr.   Omneia   Helmy   FEPS   Vice-dean   for
    postgraduate   studies  and   a  group  of   FEPS   faculty  members   (Dr  .  places   the   academic   preparation   of   diplomats   on   its   list   of
    Mazen Hassan Hassan and Dr Engy Mahdy)                    priorities   as   many   cooperation   agreements   have   also   been
    In   addition   to   representatives   of   the   Institute   of   Diplomatic  concluded   with   various   institutions   in   Egypt   to   increase
    Studies,   including   Ambassador   Khaled   Rady,   Assistant  Minister  efficiency,   qualifying   students   academically   and   granting   higher
    of   Foreign  Affairs   and  Director   The  Institute   and   The   Minister-  academic degrees.
    Counsellor   Sherif   Ismail,   Deputy   Director   of   the   Institute   for
    Diplomatic Studies

                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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