Page 7 - Issue-24
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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

        Soffar to Nassar : " Recent Studies show that Although

            Ibn Khaldun was not a sufist , he was linked to sufi


                                                              civilisation   upon  which   the   transition   from   the  med  ieval   state
    is   why  he   nullified   philosophy  and   rebelled  against    it.  In  that,
                                                              to   modernity   could   be   established.   I   believe   this   i  s   the   main
    he   surely   exemplifies   a   continuation   to   Al-Ghazali  ’s   stance.
                                                              thesis of the book.
    Whether   Ibn-Khaldun  ’s   theses   relating   to   the   criticism   of
                                                              The issue here is that modern studies show that, th  ough he was
    philosophy   were   authentic   or   not   –as   you   stated   before-   they
                                                              not  a  Sufi  himself,  Ibn-Khaldun   had   close   contact  t  o   the   Sufi
    define his stance about philosophy.
                                                              circles.   It   is   to   my   knowledge   that   you   the   attribu  tion      of
                                                              “Remedy   of   Questioner   in   Search   of   Answers  ”   book
    Prof. Nassar:
    I   am   not   familiar   with   Mohammed   Iqbal  ’s   thought   on   Ibn-  [SHIFAA  ’   AL-SA'IL   LI-TAHDHIB   AL-MASA'IL]   to   Ibn-
                                                              Khaldun,   basing   this   rejection   on   Taha   Hussien  ’s   view.
    Khaldun,   therefore,   I   cannot   comment   on   it.   However  ,   I   can
                                                              However,   it   can   be   said   that   Taha   Hussien  ’s   opinion   was
    say   that   for   Ibn-Khaldun,   the   pillars   of   historical
                                                              prejudiced   as   his   Doctorate  ’s   thesis   shows   his   predisposition
    consciousness   were   rooted   in   the   Arab-Islamic   cultu  re.
                                                              against Ibn-Khaldun seeking to demeanandbelittle hi  m. This is
    Nonetheless,  this   did   not   hinder   him  from   employing    what   he
                                                              apparent   through   both;   the   text   of   his   study,   and   S  atea   Al-
    learnt   fromGreek   philosophy   towards   his   rational   an  d
                                                              Hosary  ’s   display   of   and   reading   into   TahaHussien  ’s   study
    scientific development.
                                                              about Ibn-Khaldun. Despite stating the different ph  ases in Ibn-
                                                              Khaldun  ’s   life,   you   did   not   refer   to   his   practice   of   Sufism
                                                              during   his   isolation.   He   used   to   retreat   into   seclu  sion   in   Abu
    The   point   that   I   eagerly   want   to   know   our   opinion   a  bout
                                                              Maydan   Al-Ghawth  ’sMosque/   Shrine   [Maqam]   and   practice
    concerns  the   internal   aspect   for  Ibn-Khaldun   –using  the   terms
                                                              different   spiritual   exercises.   This   also   led   him   to     send   his
    coined   by   the   late   Egyptian   philosopher   Othman   Amin  .   My
                                                              brother  in  his  stead  for   political  missions  in  orde  r   not  to  come
    belief   is   that  the   entirety   of  your   book  is  seeking    this  internal
                                                              out of his retreat.
    aspect   rather   than   the   partial   and   external   details     in   the
                                                              Moreover,  in  your  presentation  of   the   works  of   his   youth,  you
    “Introduction  ”   or   in   the   other   works   of   Ibn-Khaldun.   This
                                                              merely   passed   through   Ibn-Khaldun  ’s   explanation   of   “Al-
    leads  me   to   ask  you  about  Ibn-Khaldun  ’s   stance  from  Sufism.
                                                              Burda  ”,   although   this   explanation   is   one   about   a   Sufi   pie  ce
    In   fact,   I   have   sensed   on   your   part   an   avid   persist  ence   on
                                                              that   tackles   the   theory   of   Mohammadian   light   which   is   of
    distancing   Ibn-Khaldun   from   all   matters   spiritual   i  n   Islam   in
                                                              extreme   importance  to   Philosophical  Sufism.   There   a  re   many
    order   to   solidify   your   thesis   concerning   Ibn-Khaldu  n’s
                                                              historical evidence that appeared recently such as   Ibn  Qonfod
    realisation of a rational and practical base in the   Islamic
                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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