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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
                                                             Authority   and   I  became   the   director   of   the  actuarial   Science   program   at   the
   work   and   how   they   devote   all   their   time   for   their   students.   On   the   other
                                                             American University in Cairo. After several years, a new Dean was appointed
   hand,   I   wasn  ’ t   involved   in   the   student   activities   greatly   where   my
                                                             for   the   faculty   ofs   cience   and   Engineering   and  he   needed   to   appoint   a   new
   participation   was   limited   to   some   sport   activities   like   participating   in
                                                             vice   Dean   for   the   faculty.   After   asking   various   people,   people   started
   basketball   games   and   some   art   activities   mainly   some   art   exhibitions.   My
                                                             describing   some   of   my   qualities   to   him   which   Igained   at   the   Faculty   of
   small   participation   in  the   activities  was  due  to  the  difficulty  of   the  major  of
                                                             Economics and Political Science, he eventually appointed me. In addition that
   Statistics which required complete dedication.
                                                             last   year,   I   became   the   vice   president   of   the   affairs   of   evaluation   and
                                                             accreditation   at   the   American   University   in   Cairo.   The   department   of
                                                             Statistics  truly  affected  me  since  I  entered  the  Faculty  till  now  and  I   owe  this
   Personally,   The   Faculty   of   Economics   and   Political   Science   was   and   will
                                                             credit to everyone who has taught me something.
   always   be   a   family,   a   home   and   a   role   model.   My   work   at   the   Faculty
   continued   20  years,  starting   from   being  appointed  as   a  teaching   assistant  in
                                                             4. You have important expertise in the field of managing the risks related
   1986  till  2006  when  I  went  to  The  American  University   in  Cairo.Even  after
                                                             to companies. In your opinion, how did the Corona crisis affect our lives?
   going   to   The   American  University  for  5  years,   I  had  no  doubt  that   I  would
   return to the Faculty of Economics and Political Science after a year or two.
                                                             Certainly,   our   lives   will  not   be   the   same   after  this   crisis.   Nevertheless,   I  see
   In   2011,   I   was   asked   to   be   permanently   appointed   in   The   American
                                                             that   although   this   pandemic   has   negative   effects,   it   also   has   some   positive
   University  in   Cairo  and  I  can  describe   this   decision   to  be  one  of  the   hardest
                                                             ones.If  we  take  a  look  at  the  education before  the  pandemic, it  had to  be done
                                                             face   to  face  and  the  teachers  had  to  explain  in  classes.  However,  in  a  blink  of
   decisions I made since I had to choose between my family and an extremely
                                                             an  eye,  all  our   traditional   ways   had   to   be   changed   in   order   to   adapt   to   what
   promising   and   challenging   job.   The   decision   of   being   permanently
                                                             happened.  In   48   hours,   we,   as  professors,were   required  to   changequickly,  to
   appointed   at   The  American   University   was   not  an   easy   choice,   because   of
                                                             teach   remotely   and   to   be   technology   educated.   From   the   things   that   I   have
   the  very   lengthy  process,  almost  a  year  for  the  appointment  to   be   approved.
                                                             learned  from  this  crisis  is  that   the  person   has  to   develop  and  enhance  himself
   More specifically, your department, the Faculty and the University had to be
                                                             all   the   time,   otherwise   he   will   fall   behind.   Definitely,   this   pandemic   has
   rated  and   your  papers   had  to  be  sent  to  evaluators   in   The   United  States  Of
                                                             affected  the  lives  of  a  lot  of  people,  especially  the  ones  who  have  to  go  out  to
   America   and  it   had  to  get   good   references,  so  that   your   employment  could
                                                             earn their living. This is where the society  ’ s role take place, where we have to
                                                             help those who are incapable of keeping up with technology and evolution. To
   be approved. Despite of the difficulty of the decision I had to make, I finally
                                                             conclude, it is extremely difficult not to learn from this pandemic. Personally,
   accepted the offer of the permanent employment at the American University
                                                             I   would   love   to   see   my   students   and   teach   them   face   to   face,   but   I   can
   in   Cairo  and   I  had   to   resign  from   my   job   at  the  Faculty   of   Economics   and
                                                             probably  send   them   a   video   pre-lecture   with  a   simplified   explanation   of   the
   Political  Science,  however   my  relation   with   the   faculty   never  ended   and   I
                                                             lesson and I can leave the lecture for discussion and problem solving.
   stayed in touch with my colleagues and students.
                                                             5. Finally, what advice do you have for our students at the Faculty?
   3. How did the Major of Statistics shape your personality?
                                                             Firstly,  I  advise  them  to  strive  hard  in  any  small  endeavor  they  pursue,  to  not
                                                             look   for   short   term   success   and   to   not   wait   for   the   immediate   return   of
   My  personality   is  a   unique  blendthat  resulted  from  my  family   and   from  the
                                                             anything   they  do.   In  addition,   I  want  them  to  not   pursue   and  run  after   things
   department   of   Statistics.The   department   was   sort   of   an   extension   to   my
                                                             but   to  work   hard   and  the   right   things  will   come   to  them.   Secondly,   I  advise
   home,   this   is   because   of   the   special   nature   the   Statistics   department   had
                                                             them  to  not  compare  themselves  to  others  as   I  often  hear  that  people  want  to
   which   was   consistent   with   mine.   More   precisely,   my   father   always
                                                             be   like   someone   else   or   to   live   a   life   like   his/her;   however,   this   is   neither
   encouraged  me   to   enter   debates   from  a  young  age  and   express  my  opinion
                                                             correct   nor   healthy.   I   am  not  saying   that   the   individual   shouldn  ’t   learn   from
   on   issues   since   I   was   8,   which   gave   me   confidence   to   talk,   express   my
                                                             others,  but   they  don  ’ t   necessarily   have   to  be   an  exact  copy   of  them.  This   is
                                                             because   every  person  has  his  own  good  and  unique  characteristics  that  he  has
   opinion   and   to   never   be   afraid   of   the   older   people.   I   also   learned   the
                                                             to   preserve   and  others  that  need  to   be  improved.   That  ’ s   why  each   individual
   diligence   in   everything   I   do   whether   it  ’ s   a   huge   and   important   thing   or   a
                                                             should   understand   himself,   understand   what   he   needs   to   change   in   himself
   small   thing,   to   give  everything   its  right   and  do   everything  with  conscience.
                                                             and should improve himself every day.
   After  enrolling  in  the   department   of   Statistics  in  the   Faculty   of   Economics
   and   Political  Science,   I  found   the  ethics   and   the  virtues   of  the   people   there
                                                             Thirdly,   they   should   look   around   themselves   with   an   open   heart   and   mind.
   close to mine, and that  ’ s why I never felt alienated.
                                                             From   the   things   I   have   noticed   while   studying   my   PHD   in   England,   is   that
                                                             there   are  3  types   of  Egyptians  that   travel   abroad,   two  of   them   are  extremely
                                                             common.   First   type,   is   the   type   that  ’ s   afraid   of   facing   the   change,   so   they
   Definitely,the  ethics   and  knowledge   that  I  learned   in  the   faculty  was  a   base
                                                             isolatethemselves   in   fear   of   being   affected   by   the   foreign   society;   this
   to   all   I   have   achieved   afterwards.   Going   to   the   American   University   in
                                                             particular  type  learns  nothing  from  their  travelling.  The  second  type,  which  is
   Cairo,the program of Actuarial Science was still new as it had only started 2
                                                             the  type   that  ’ s   impressed  by   everything   abroad,  thinking   that   everything   that
   years   before.   I   didn  ’ t   know   anything   about   Actuarial   Science;   however,   I
                                                             they  have  left  in  Egypt  is  bad  and this type learns  nothing too.  The third type,
   was   excited  to  learn  more  about   it.     At   the  beginning,   I  started  teaching   the
                                                             which  is  extremely   rare,  is  the   one   that   looks   around   with  an   open  heart   and
     course   of   probabilities   at   the   American   University   in   Cairo,   then   I   found
                                                             mind.  By   this   I   mean,   they  see   the  good  things   that   they  can  learn  from   the
   that   the  core   of  the   Actuarial   Science   was   probabilities   and  the   theories   of
                                                             European society and they add it to themselves and see what good things they
                                                             have   inside   of   them   that   they   have   learned   back   home   and   they   keep   and
   statistics   that   I   studied,   this   is   a   result   of   measuring   and   evaluating   the
                                                             preserve it. By this, they truly will have a unique personality.
   financial   dangers   that   encounters   companies   in   Actuarial   Science.   I   truly
                                                             Lastly,  I  urge  them  to  not  focus  on  what  they  will  benefit from their work  but
   loved this new science and I started seeing what I can do with it. On learning
                                                             to   focus   on   how   they   can   benefit   and   add   to   their   work.   Most   of   this
   about the fellowship system at the American Actuarial society, I found that I
                                                             generation  are  really  keen  on  seeing  immediate  returns  from  anything  they  do
   had to take a number of exams to be a member. Indeed, I started studying all
                                                             and  by   this  they   miss  various  opportunities.  Moreover,  I   advise  them   to   give
   the  time   similar  to  the  students  despite  teaching  at  the  American  University
                                                             their work enough time and effort. Finally, I advise them to not be arrogant, as
   in   Cairo  at   the  same   time.   Maybe   this  was  a   result  of   what  I   was   taught   at
                                                             till  now  there   are  lots  of   things  that   I  do   myself  although  I  could  have   given
                                                             them to any secretary in the department to do. As I like to do things myself so
   Cairo  University,   that  learning  never   ends  and  that  something  new  must  be
                                                             that I can see them in a certainway where it doesn  ’ t matter who gets the credit
   learned   every   day.   The   exams   lasted   for   5   years,   afterwards   I   became   a
                                                             but what matters is the growth of the work place.
   member   at   the   American   Actuarial  Society   which   gave   me  the  right   to   be
   registered as an Actuarial expert at the Egyptian Financial Regulatory
                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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