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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

           Nassar to Soffar : " The Core of Ibn Khaldun's

         Thought is not religious as much as it is Social,

                                 Political and Historical"
    Prof. Nassar:
                                                              Prof. Nassar:
    In   the   introductory   section   of   my   study   in   Ibn-Khal  dun  ’s
                                                              My   study   in   the   thought   of  Ibn-Khaldun   has   numerous    goals.
    realistic   thought,   I   recollect   using   the   “phenomenological
                                                              Most   importantly,   on   the   long   run,   is   the   march   tow  ards
    approach  ”   rather   than   the   “phenomenological   methodology  .  ”
                                                              preparing   the   arena   and   formulating   a   plan   to   resum  e   the
    It   was   certainly   inspired   by   Hegel.   This   goes   back   to   the
                                                              authentic   philosophical   thought   in   the   Arab   culture     for   its
    subject  of  the  study  which  was  the  study  of   Ibn-Kha  ldun  ’s  life
                                                              continuation   in   this   twenty-first*   century   and   beyo  nd.   I
    –as   the  author  of   “Kitab  al-'Ibar  ”-through  the  book  of   “Alt'arif
                                                              referred   to   this   in   its   final   pages   ,   as   such,   “the   Road   to
    bi   ibnKhaldun  ”;   i.e.   by   returning   to   the   dialectic   of   objective  Philosophical   Independence  ”   exemplifies   a   systematic   feat
    biography   and   autobiography,   reaching   the   mind   that
                                                              crystallized with utter theoretical preciseness in   the framework
    marvelously created the  “muqaddimah  ”.
                                                              of this encompassing plan.
    There   is   an   important   point   for   me   to   grasp   the   pat  h   of   your
                                                              I   would   like   to   know   your  opinion   about  what  was  me  ntioned
    intellectual   evolution   and   development.   How   does   yo  ur   book
                                                              by   the   great   philosopher   Mohammed   Iqbal   in   his   book     “The
    about   Ibn-Khaldun   relate   to   your   book   “The   Road   to
                                                              reconstruction   of   Religious   Thought   in   Islam  ”   about   Ibn-
    Philosophical   Independence  ”   [triq   al  istiqlalalflsfi]?  Of   course
                                                              Khaldun.   He   sees   in   the   Introduction   a   continuation     of   the
    I  am  aware  that  your  book  about  Ibn-Khaldun  was  wri  tten  in  a
                                                              current that antagonises the presence of the Greek   spirit within
    time   prior  to  that   of  The   Road  to  Philosophical   Ind  ependence,
                                                              the   Islamic   civilisation.   To   support   his   view,   he   r  efers   to   an
    however,  Ibn-Khaldun   –as  you   know-   declares   the   annulment
                                                              argument   that   asserts   the   contradiction   between   the     Greek
    of  philosophy  and   the  depravity  of   its  adherers  ,   w  hich   is   also
                                                              view   of  the   universe   as  a  static  and   unchangeable  e  ntity,  such
    the title of one of the chapters in the Introductio  n. Thus, how it
                                                              as   Plato  ’s   world   of   ideal   forms,   as   opposed   to   the   Islamic
    is   possible   to   seek   the   path   of   philosophical   indep  endence
                                                              ontological   view   of   the   universe   and   cosmos   as   dyna  mic   and
    through   Ibn-Khaldun?   Or,   are   those   two   books   comple  tely
                                                              continuously  growing   and   changing   .   He   then  cites   n  umerous
    separate   with   each   of   them   belonging   to   a   different     phase   in
                                                              quranic  verses  about  the  variationof  the  day  and  ni  ght;   “Every
    your   intellectual   development?   In   this   context,   ano  ther
                                                              day   He   manifests   Himself   in   yet   another   [wondrous]   way  ”.
    statement   mentioned   in   the   introduction   of   your   boo  k   about
                                                              Hence, he sees that Ibn-Khaldun was aware of this o  ntological
    Ibn-Khaldun came to my attention; namely, that you   attempt to
                                                              contradiction between the two civilizations, conseq  uently, that
    negate Ibn-Khaldun  ’s negation of philosophy.
                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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