Page 22 - Issue-24
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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

      Did the dream of Pan-Arabism fade
     Mahmiud Medhat                     away?

     Fourth Level, Political Science

                                                              the   Hashemite   Arab   Federation   between   the   two   kingdo  ms   of   Iraq   and
   Who  of  us  did   not  hear  once  a   day  about  the  Arabian    dream,  that   dream
                                                              Jordan   established   in   February   1958   which   came   as   a   pre-step   for   the
   which   has   haunted   most   of   Arab   civilians'   minds,   par  ticularly   after
                                                              unity  between   Egypt   and   Syria,   which  lasted   only   for     four   months.   And
   liberation  from  oppressive  colonialism,  why   not  as   this  is  the  dream  if  it
                                                              that was the idea of the United Arab Emirates feder  ation which started to
   became   true,   we   would   be  one  hand   deters  who  touche  s  its   sovereignty,
                                                              be   tackled   in   1968,   until   it   was   originally   declared     about   the   unity   of
   one   military   and   economic   power   terrifies   the   world  ,   as   a   result   of   its
                                                              seven   emirates   –   Qatar   and   Bahrain   refused   to   join-   in   the   country   o  f
   human   and   natural   resources   if   gathered   together.   W  hat   a   great   hope,
                                                              United   Arab   Emirates   on   2   December   1971.   Then,  afte  r   this   successful
   most   efforts   failed   to   achieve,   yet   does   that   preve  nt   us   of   still   aspiring
                                                              Emirati   model,   it   was   declared   about   so   called   Arab     Islamic   Republic
   this hope?
                                                              between   Libya   and   Tunisia   in   1974   after   a   meeting   d  one   between
                                                              Muammar al-Gaddafi and Habib Bourguiba, but Bourgui  ba went back on
   In   the   beginning,   it   does   matter   to   give   a   look   upon     what   most
                                                              his   decision   after   the   declaration   because   of   his   w  orries   towards   al
                                                 2018-2020                   ten   years  al-Gaddafi  winged  t  o   have   unity   with   the
   experiences of Pan-Arabism have gone to, let's take   Mohamed Ali Pasha,
   the   founder   of   modern   Egypt,   as   a   starting   point,   bu  t   how,   was   not
   Mohamed   Ali   originally   a   Kurdish?,   yes,   but   he   consid  ered   what  kingdom   of   Morocco,   so   the   Arab-African   Federation   was   declared   in
                                                              1984,   but   it   has   failed   as   aresult   of   the   differenc  e   in   their   political
   greatness  of  power  he  would  have  if  he   comprised  ot  her  Arab  countries
                                                              systems (monarchy and republican). Finally on 22 May   1990 Yemen was
   to   Egypt,   so   he   sent   his   campaigns   under   the   leader  ship   of   his   son
                                                              unified  after  it   was   divided   in  eastern  and  western.    Here   we  must  stop  a
   Ibrahim    to  Sudan,Levant,  and  Al-Hejaz  countries,   th  ough  as  a   result   of
                                                              little,   as   we   notice   that   all   experiences   of   Pan-Ara  bism   have   had   its
   the  unity   of   international   powers  against  Mohamed   A  li,   nothing   left  for
                                                              failure,   except   for   the   country   of   United   Arab   Emir  ates   which   was   an
   him   but   Sudan,  which  gained   its   independence   officia  lly  in   1956   in   the
                                                              exceptional,   successful,   and   an   emulated   model   for   Pan-Arabism.   And
   era  of  the  president  Gamal  Abdel   Nasser,  this  man  w  ho   was  titled  as  the
                                                              for   the   country   of   Yemen   which   witnesses   one   of   its   worst   periods
   leader of Arab Nation. In fact, the dream of Pan-Ar  abism has reached its
                                                              nowadays, we hope it will not be divided- or dismantled  - once again.
   peak   in  his   time   and   seemed  as   getting  nearer  to  rea  lity,   as   from   United
   Arab   Republic   between   Egypt   and   Syria   in   1958   which     ended   by   a
                                                              Because  history  here  is   not  the  goal  in  itself,  but  it    is  basically  atool  and
   military   coup  in   Damascus   1961,  to   signing  a   charter     of   tripartite  unity
                                                              a   mean  by   which  we  can  get   benefit  from  the  past  and    its  experiences  in
   between Egypt, Syria, and Iraq on 17 April 1963, af  ter the revolutions of
                                                              order   to   get   the   most   of   the   present.Did   not   most   e  xperiences   of
   14   July   1958   in   Iraq   and   8   March   1963   in   Syria,   in   w  hich   Baathism
                                                              integration between Arab Nations in flag, people, an  d government get its
   tendency   (Arab   Socialist   Baath   party)   has   played   a   sensitive   role,
                                                              failure?  .so   it  becomes   really  needed   to  find  other   more   pragmatic   tools
   however   as   a   result   of   differences   between   Abdel   Nas  ser   and   that
                                                              and   manners   aiming   to   combat   the   engulfed   crises   in   t  he   Arab   World
   tendency,  this  unity   lasted  only  3  months.  And  afte  r  the  death  of  Gamal
                                                              (the   most   important   extremist   terrorism),   increase   t  he  awareness   of   the
   Abdel Nasser, El Sadat has kept this dream up, so the F  ederation of Arab
                                                              Arab  citizen  about   the   different   types  of  the  Fourt  h  Generation   Warfare,
   Republics  was  declared  on  1  September  1971   between  E  gypt,  Syria,  and
                                                              and activate the role of Arab League and its capabil  ities.
   Libya,   however   this   one   also   has   not      lasted   long   bec  ause   of   the
                                                              Hence,   it   is   possible   to   say   that   Pan   Arabism   in   its     old   uniform
   differences   among   the   three   leaders,   especially   afte  r   the   peace
                                                              represented  in   complete   integration  between   Arab   sta  tes,   without   taking
   negotiations have started between Egypt and Israel.
                                                              their   national   character   in   consideration,   becomes   a   semi-impossible
   Other Arab countries as well have followed the same   trend, as this was
                                                              dream,   therefore   the   other   tools   and   manners   which   can   empower   the
                                                              bonds of Arab cooperationbecome the new dream..
                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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