Page 23 - Issue-24
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Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020

          A Fame Sacrificing Morals and


     Third Level, Political Science

                                                              fame   at   the   same   time,   Some   began   to   take   it   as   a   p  rofession,   gaining
   In   the   past   few   years,   society   began   to   witness   a   severe   storm,   the
                                                              money and fame together, From here, social media be  gan to pose a major
   winds   of   which   were   blowing   strongly   on   it,   which   is   the   storm   of
                                                              threat to the society and value system,When the ele  ment of money began
   addiction   to   fame   that   social   media   has   broadcast   to   some   of   its
                                                              to   appear,   the   number   of   people   coming   to   addiction   to   this   fake   fame
   users,After   social   media   was   used   to   open   channels   of
                                                              increased  and   some   individuals   began   to   waive   the   p  rinciples   that   they
   communication   between   individuals,   it   has   now   become   a   means
                                                              had   grown   up   on   in   exchange   for   reaching   fame,   We   f  ind   that   some
   used by some to achieve his dream of gaining fame, as if this fame is
                                                              individuals   have   started   putting   cameras   inside   the  ir   homes   and
   a charitable act by which a person approaches God or an achievement
                                                              participate in the whole community in everything th  at happens inside the
   that he seeks to achieve.
                                                              house,   as  if  the  person  penetrates  his   privacy  and   vio  lates   the   sanctity   of
                                                              his   home   by   himself   in   exchange   for   increasing   his      popularity,Some
   "The evolution of social media broadcasts of fake fame  among  some
                                                              girls abandoned their morals and principles in order   to gain followers and
                                                 2018-2020018-2020         individuals  started  mocking   themselv  es  in   front  of  the
   of its users"
   Social   media   in      the   beginning   of   its   inception   was   used   only   in  cameras  to   gain  more  fame,   What   is  surprising  here   is  how  a  person   can
   communication   between  people   separated   from   some   distances,   and
                                                              give   up   his   morals   and   principles  that   he   was   raised     on  in   exchange   for
   this   stage  was   the   safe  stage,   Then  a  new  social   media   appeared  and
                                                              gaining fame!
   some   began   to   use   them  to  create   popularity  and   form  the   so-called
   "audiences",Hence,   the   "obsession   with   fame   or   addiction   to   fame"
   stage   began,   as   the   number   of   people   on   social   media   increased  An  observer   of  the  accounts  of  those  addicted  to  fa  me  notes  that  most  of
                                                              them   are   predominantly   narcissistic,   characterized   by   arrogance   and
   significantly,   Fame   and   the   formation   of   a   large   audience   on   the
                                                              trying  to  gain  even  at  the  expense  of   others,  and  t  he  individual's   attempt
   social media for some people has become a goal they seek to achieve
                                                              to   shed   light   on   himself   by   any   means,most   of   them   provide   only
   by   all   means,   even   if   it   is   at   the   expense   of   their   morals   and
                                                              nonsense   and   non-purposeful   content,   and   overcome   o  f   them   tongue
   principles,  Some   began  to  strive   to   increase  the   number  of   followers
                                                              indecency, This explains the prevalence of foolishn  ess and the decline of
   and   admirers  on  social  media,  as   if  the  more  followers  and  admirers
                                                              morality that prevails now, The frightening thing is   that some individuals
   increased,   the   number   of   his   righteous   deeds   increased   and   he
                                                              take   them   as   role   models   and   follow   their   example,Al  l   this   has   left   a
   became   a   virtuous   and   ideal   human   being,   and   the   smaller   their
                                                              great   impact   on   the   value   system   that   is   the   basis   of   society,and   this
   number, the smaller the number. Of his good deeds.
                                                              caused  a   glitch  on   it,   Social   media   has   become  playi  ng   on  the   chord   of
                                                              destroying   the   value   system  and   has   become  a  plot  t  o  destroy   the   values
   How   does   addiction   to   fame   pose   a   major   threat   to   society   and   the
                                                              and principles of societies.
   value system?
   With   the   tremendous   development   that   social   media   has   witnessed,
                                                              This is social media has become terrifying, and the   fame has become like
   some   of   them   have   begun  to   deal   by   the  element   of   money,   so   The
                                                              drugs, and some people have started getting addicted   to it in our time ...
   more  followers  a   person   has   on   a  social  media  site,   the   more  reward
   they will earn for the increase, As if it turned into a business and a
                                      Vol.1 Issue 24, October 2020
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