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7                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

                   My advice to FEPS Students is to continually

                             develop their skills and be patient

          What  truly  worries   me   is  the  fact  that  some  people   see  that  the  presence  of  a  to   do   more,   and   we   hope   to   reach   the   sound   equation   that
          Turkish   or   Iranian   threat   erases   the   Israeli   threat,   which   is   the   most   deep-
                                                                    combines security and freedoms.
          rooted   as   Israel   is  a  colonial  structure;  for   however   long   we   discuss   Turkish
          aggressive   policies,   Turkey   remains   a   natural   entity   in   the   region   whose
          aggression   –   like   that   of   Iran   –   can   be   countered.   On   the   contrary,   there   is
                                                                    10.   What   advice   do   you   have   for   our   students   at   the
          always   the   possible   threat   that   Israel’s   colonial   behavior   might   expand
          outside   Palestine   if   the   situation   allows;   and   we   know   that   colonialism   no
          longer solely relies on the military instrument.
                                                                    I’d   like   to   tell   them   that   they   have   joined   a   distinguished
          I   will   say   that   the   ideal   condition   in   my   view   is   for   us   to   realize   that   the
          objective   enemy   of  the   Arab   World  –   if   I   may   call   it   so  –   is  Israel,  whatever  faculty  that  will  –  God   willing   –  qualify   them   to   have   bright
          peace   agreements   there   may   be.   And   that   there   are   Turkish   and   Iranian
                                                                    individual   futures   and   to   play   important   roles   in   the
          policies   harming   Arab   interests   but   they  can   be  addressed.   Finally,  whatever
                                                                    development  of  their  country.  But  they  must  arm  themselves
          our   orientations   towards   security   threats   may   be,   we   cannot   allow   one   of
                                                                    with   continuous   learning,   reading,   and   enhancement   of
          these   threats   to   cancel   the   other;   any   Arab   state   has   the   right   to   regard   the
                                                                    language   and   computer   skills   since   this   will   help   them   in
          Iranian   threat   as   more   dangerous   to   its   security   than   its   Israeli   counterpart;
                                                                    their future wherever it may be. And those who do not get the
          however,  it  cannot   come  to  see  that   the   Iranian   threat  cancels   the   Israeli   one
                                                                    chance  to   do   postgraduate   studies   must   know  that   what  they
          or ever begin to ally with the latter to counter the former.
                                                                    have learned at the Faculty is not the end of knowledge.
          9.   Domestically,  how  do  you  see   the  economic  and   political  conditions   in  Finally,   you   must   be   patient;   we   are   living   through   difficult
                                                                    times,   so   don’t   expect   to  achieve   all   what   you   hope   for   in   a
                                                                    matter   of   a   year   or   two.   And   my   long   tenure   at   the   Faculty
          I   am   following   with   admiration   and   appreciation   the   effort   that   is   being
                                                                    during   which   I’ve   stayed   in   touch   with   our   graduates   leads
          exerted to build a strong state in Egypt. And among the features of this strong
                                                                    me   to   tell   you   that   there   are   always   difficulties   in   the
          state are its army  – the world’s 9th most powerful  – , a remarkably improving
                                                                    beginning;   but   in   a   period   of,   let’s   say,   five   years,   which   I
          infrastructure,   especially   in   terms   of   transportation   networks   and
                                                                    think   is   rather   short,   I   found   that   every   graduate   of   our
          communications,   in   addition   to   economic   development   that   manifests   for
                                                                    Faculty had reached a prominent position in practical life.
          example   in   the   different   agricultural   projects   and   developmental   projects   in
          Sinai.We   might   question   the   economic   orientation   of   some   projects   and   we
          might   have   different  priorities   from  those  of   the   government,   but   we   cannot
          deny the amount of effort being exerted to build a strong E gyptian s tate.
          And  I  think  that  this  has  helped  us  a  lot  to  face  the  current  crises;  without  the
          economic   reform  program   for  instance   –   despite  its   severe   impact   on   certain
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries   Adel,   Nadeen   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
          groups   –   we  wouldn’t   have  been  able  to   stand   in   the   face  of   the   coronavirus
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
          concerning   the  non-executive   political   structure;   our  political   parties   remain
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
          weak and ineffective, the legislative authority is expected
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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