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2                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

                       Prof.Dr. Ahmed Youssef Ahmed in an ELITE Interview
       Colonial Israel is the Arabs' 1st Enemy. Iran & Turkey

             can be deterred and encouraged to cooperate

          Cairo : Ramy Magdy, Nadeen Hesham and Jozeph George   The   limited   number   of   students   at   the   Faculty   played   a   role   in
                                                                structuring   the   relationship   between   professors   and   students.   The
          1.  How  did  your  relationship  with  the  Faculty  of  Economics  size   of   the   batch   wasn’t   more   than   150   students;   thus,   with   three
          and Political Science begin and why did you choose it?   main   departments,   theoretically,   no   more   than   50   students   were
                                                                present   in   the   lecture   hall.   This   allowed   for   deeper   and   greater
          I   joined   the   Faculty   based   on   two   considerations.   First,   there  interaction between professors and students. Furthermore, we had a
          was   a   subjective   consideration;   in   high   school,   I   was   able   to  sizeable   number   of   faculty   members   directly   involved   with   the
          determine   the   field   where   I   could   excel.   And   I   belonged   to   a  students   and   caring   about   their   issues.   For   instance,   Dr.   Ibrahim
          generation  whose  youth  coincided  with  the  achievements  of  the  Sakr   was   the   first   to   actively   implement   the   idea   of   office   hours;
          July   23rd   Revolution,   the   defeat   of   the   Tripartite   Aggression,  his   office   was   full   of   students   before   the   lecture   discussing   with
          the   Egyptian-Syrian   unity,   and   the   nationalization   of   the   Suez  him   everything   from   the   general   issues   of   the   day   to   specific
          Canal.   It   was   thus   a   period   of   landmark   political   events   with  issues.   The   same   applied   to   many   of   our   professors   such   as   Dr.
          which   I   was   fully   engaged,  so   I   felt   a   tendency   to   study   these  Mohamed   Zaki   Shafi,   the   Faculty’s   first   dean,   Dr.   Fathallah   al-
          subjects.   Furthermore,   I   didn’t   notice   that   I   was   particularly  Khatib,   Dr.   Abdel   Malek  Ouda,   and   Dr.   Boutros   Ghaly;   hence,   it
          talented   in   math   or   natural   sciences.   Perhaps   the   only   other  was a general phenomenon.
          faculty I considered joining was that of medicine, which I could
          have   easily   been   accepted   to   given   my   score,   but   I   thought  Concerning   the   activities  at   the   Faculty,   it   was  an   anomaly   during
          studying medicine was too long and I preferred to join FEPS.   the  Nasserist  period.  Despite  the  criticism  directed  at  this  period  as
          Second,  there  was  an  objective  consideration;  I  joined  FEPS  in  to   being   illiberal,   it   is   striking   to   note   that   it   was   a   period   of
          the   academic   year   of   1965-1966   at   a   time   when   the   Faculty  flourishing   arts   such   as   theatre,   novel,   the   establishment   of   the
          enjoyed   a   powerful   reputation   as   a   mechanism   to   produce  national   television,   the   first   ballet   group   and   folklore   groups.   I
          qualified   researchers   and   diplomats.   Therefore,   the   subjective  mean  that  it  was  a  rich  period  in  spite  of  the  criticism.  This  pattern
          consideration   met   its   objective   counterpart   leading   to   my  of  activity  existed  at  the  Faculty  as  well;  so  intellectually,  we  had  a
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries   Adel,   Nadeen   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
          decision to study at FEPS.                            society for socialist thought that included the students who adhered
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
                                                                to   this   thought   and   who   could   be   classified   on   the   left   of   the
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
          2.  Tell  us  about  your  relationship  with  your  professors  and  Nasserist   regime.   We   also   had   a   society   for   nationalist   thought
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
          the activities at the Faculty.                        whose members could be considered as being in line with the
                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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