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4                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

         UAE &Israel Normalization will not be the last yet it

       is unwise to appease the Zionist danger against the

                                 Iranian and Turkish threats

      distinguished  Heikal  was  the  fact  the  he  continued  to  flourish  even  that   the   Arab   World   is   experiencing   clear   divisions   that   affect
      after Nasser had died contrary to what many had expected.  Arab  Studies.  Nevertheless,  let  me  say  that  there  is  still  a  group  of
                                                                intellectuals   who   believe   in   the   Arab   league   and   produce   good
                                                                writing   in   that   regard.  I   must  admit   though   that   some  members   of
      4.   You   have   a   pioneering   role   in   the   field   of   Arab   Studies   in  this  group  have  been  breached   –  if  I  can  call  it  that   –  leading  them
      political   science;   how   do   you   evaluate   the   state   and   range   of  to diverge partially or fully from the Arab framework.
      this   field   amidst   declining   interest   in   the   Arab   World   as   a  I   have   not   discussed  the   Islamic  framework   in   detail   as   it   focuses
      concept  in  favor  of  other  concepts  such  as  the  Middle  East  and  on   the   association   between   Muslim   states,   which   are   bound
      MENA?                                                     together by religion but not my much else.

      The   framework   and   concept   of   Arab   Studies   is   facing   challenges  5.   Since   the   end   of   2010,   the   Arab   region   has   been   facing
      from   alternative   concepts.   For   example,   there   are   those   who   call  challenges   and   even   threats   in   the   wake   of   the   Arab   Spring
      for   an   Islamic   framework   and   they   tend   to   come   from   within   the  revolutions;   how   do   you   read   the   state   of   the   Arab   World
      region.   And   there   are   those   who   stress   the   concept   of   the   Middle  almost a decade after the outbreak of the Arab Spring?
      East,   which   is   the   Western   reference   whose   interests   would   be
      harmed   in   case   of   a   strong   Arab   league   or   bond.   Thus,   they   push  I’d   have   to   go   back   in   time   because   the   problems   of   the   Arab
      for   a   league   of   the   Middle   East,   which   naturally   has   to   combine  regional   regime   date   back   to   its   founding;   although   at   first,   they
      contradictory   elements  including   Arab   states,   Iran,   Turkey,   Israel,  tended   to   come   from   outside   its   borders   thereby   strengthening   it.
      Cyprus  and  Malta.  Hence,  this  would  be  a  conflictual  rather  than  a  For   instance,   the   establishment   of   the   Zionist   state   in   Palestine   in
      cooperative regime.                                       1948   caused   the   Arab   defeat   in   the   first   Arab-Israeli   War,   but   it
                                                                also   led   to   strengthening   the   Arab   League   by   signing   the   Joint
      Those   who   believe   in   the   Arab   league   suppose   that   there   are  Defense  Treaty  in  1950;  in  addition  it  contributed  to  the  July  23rd
      special   relations   binding   the   people   of   the   Arab   nation   as   well   as  Revolution in Egypt, which drove the national liberation phase.
      Arab   states,   and   that   these   relations   are   beneficial   for   all;   in
      addition,  they  believe  that  we  need  studies  to  look  into  this  league,  The   real   blow   to   the   Arab   regime   came   in   the   defeat   of   1967,
      its relations with the outer sphere, and its internal problems such as  which   was   also   an   external   factor.  The  effects  of   this   defeat   were
      democratization and terrorism, for example.               then   overcome   with   the   1973   War;   however,   since   that   time,   the
                                                                Arab   regime   has   been   facing   a   new   kind   of   challenges   coming
      Undoubtedly,   the   challenges   facing   Arab   Studies   have   increased  from   within:   first,   the   disagreement   over   how   to   manage   the
      lately   to   the   extent   that   it   can   be   said   that   there   is   no   longer   an  conflict   with   Israel,   which   was   a  disagreement   between   the  Sadat
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries   Adel,   Nadeen   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
      Arab   framework;   we   can   see   this   in   the   different   approaches  approach   and   that   of   the   other   Arab   states.   This   challenge   was
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
      adopted   by   Arab   states   towards   issues   such   as   the   Arab-Israeli  overcome   in   the   late   1980s   as   the   Iranian   threat   grew   during   the
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
      Conflict and the relations with Turkey and Iran. Hence, we can say   Iraq-Iran War, when in 1986, an Iranian victory in this war seemed
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.

                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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