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8                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

          Prof.Dr. Nevine                    My Daughter's Room

               Mossaad                                                             Translated by: Hania Bahaa

      Professor of Political Science

                                                                the   means   of   livelihood   were   cut   short,   and   the   manifestations   of
                                                                creativity   were  restricted.   Then   I   will   not   soon   rebel   against   this   logic   ...
         There   is   difference   between   my   feelings   when   I   hear   the   radio   program
                                                                the  logic  that  the  more  the  spread  of  the  phenomenon  the  more  it  reduces
         in   which   the   fathers   and   mothers   in   the   1960s   used   to   give   songs   and
                                                                its   impact   ,so      that   means   when   someone   else   suffers   from   the
         longings  to  their  loved  ones  who  live  abroad  and  it  was  titled  "Our  Sons
                                                                estrangement   of   their   children,   this   will   reduce   the   impact   of   my
         Abroad".After   I’ve   lived   the   experience   having   a   daughter   abroad   my
                                                                daughter's  alienation  on  myself  ...  however,  It  never  reduces  it.  And  when
         feeling  was  split  in  two:  where  the  first  feeling,  I  was  eagerly  waiting  for
                                                                the   alienation   is   in   the   other   hemisphere   the   sense   of   connection   is
         that   weekly   program   to   hear   some   of   the   sweetest   songs   of   the   top
                                                                minimal. You lose traditional expressions of the type of g ood m orning a nd
         singers   kept   in   our   radio   archive.   While   the   second   feeling   I   was
                                                                what   time?   And   it   is   time   for   lunch.   It   loses   all   its   significance   as   Our
         surprised   by   this   reality   that   was   imposed   on   me   living   in   one   country
                                                                morning   is   not   like   their   morning   ,   our   clock   does   not   turn   in   their
         and   my   daughter   in   another   country.   And   unfortunately   the   mother
                                                                direction,   and   our   lunch   may   come   while   they   are   still   in   their   beds.
         feelings   do   not   adapt   to   globalization   and   are   not   subject   to   its
                                                                Someone  said:  The  solution  is  to  fill  the  walls  of  the  house  with  hours  set
         requirements,  she  does  not  understand  how  that  from  one  moment  to  the
                                                                according  to   the   timings  of   our  children,   so   they   will   be   with   us  and  they
         next   her   relationship   with   her   daughter   turns   into   a   mere   antenna   that
                                                                are not. Is it the solution?
         carries  her   voice,  after   she   was  tied   to   her   by   an  umbilical   cord   for  nine
         months,  which  she  pumped  her  daughter  through  it  with  little  food  and  a
                                                                In  her  absence,  the  map  of  my  political  interests  changed.  I  no  longer  care
         lot of love and tenderness.
                                                                about   America   because  it   is   the   only   or  greatest  pole,   but   I   have  become
                                                                interested   in   it   because   there   is   a   piece   of   mine   on   its   continent.   A
         I  ran   to   escape   her   absence  while  passing  by  the   open  door   of  her   room
                                                                devastating   earthquake   strikes   Haiti,   so   I   watch   with   terror   as   children
         and  her  unusually  tidy  bed.  The  strange  thing  about  this  world  when  my
                                                                come  out  from  under  the  rubble  with  my  head  on  fire  at  tens  of  longitude
         daughter was still at home she used to hide in her room or in her big little
                                                                and   latitude   for   the   location   of   the   event   on   the   map   of   South   America.
         world, finishing her work and met her in the hallway of the apartment for
                                                                Al-Jazeera   broadcasts   an   interview   with   the   voice   of   Bin   Laden
         a   few   minutes   preparing   her   lunch   and   then   sneaking   into   her   room.
                                                                threatening  the  United  States  with  successive  strikes  ,S o  my  heart  took  off
         While   hearing   her   loving   laugh   rattle   from  time   to   time,   so   I   recognize
                                                                asking   God   for   kindness   in   his   judgment,   I   try   to   be   distracted   from   the
         that  she  is  speaking  on  the  phone  with  this  or  that  friend.   When  I  see  the
                                                                feelings   of   anxiety   that   besiege   me,   so   the   mother   leaps   from   inside,
         light   leaking   from   the   bottom   of   her   room   door,   so   I   know   that   she   is
                                                                bouncing,  and  I  imagine  her  forgetting  to  dry  her  wet  hair,  so  she  does  not
         reading  Mickey  or  searching  on  the  Internet  for  a  suitable  wedding  dress.
                                                                find me on the lookout as usual, Or she faces a problem o r a nother and s he
         when  hearing  the  commotion  and  noise,  so  I  feel  that  she  is  emptying  the
                                                                hides   it   because   the   Travel   Law   stipulates   that   we   should   not   exchange
         hollow   of   her   wardrobe,   searching   for   her   mobile   hiding   here   or   there.
                                                                news  except  for  the  happiest  Or  she  exaggerates  her  damn  diet,  so  I  cheat
         Her  isolation  annoys  me  and  I  revolt  at  her  from  time  to  time,  telling  her
                                                                on   it   with   some   fat   and   add   it   secretly   in   her   food.   God   is   this   anxiety
         that the house is not a hotel, so she used to react by flirting  with  me  with
                                                                about an end?
         a   brief   talk   or      a   short   walk  or   even   a  small   gift,   so   I   forget   everything
         and  I  do  not  hurry  to  forget  the  mistakes  of  the  children  from  a  mother.  I
                                                                When   I   think   about   the   immediate   cause   that   unleashed   this   emotional
         was  always  reassured  that  she  was  behind  this  door  and  at  any  moment  I
                                                                charge   from  its   deep   in   the   depths   of  myself,   I   find   no   justification   other
         yearn  for   her,   I   can   easily   knock   on   her  door   and   impose   myself  on   her
                                                                than   the   circumstances   of   my   birthday   celebration.   The   family   members
         world.  However,  whenever  I  go  now,  I  can  no  longer  see  the  door  closed
                                                                kindly  prepared  the  birthday  cake  and  put  four  candles  on  it  as  a  matter  of
         ...  I  do  not  like  to  close  it  in  a  vacuum  after  it  was  filling  her  room  from
                                                                decency,   perhaps  also   because  the  cake   can  no   longer   bear   the   burden  of
         wall to wall.
                                                                all  this  long  life.  They  turned  off  the  lights  in  the  dining  room,  and  set  up
                                                                a   call   to  my   daughter  on   the   laptop,   so  that   she   could   have  a  voice   and   a
         I   memorized   the   days   before   her   departure,   I   was   moving   like   a   robot
                                                                picture  with  us.  I  saw  my  daughter  sitting  on  the  edge  of  her  bed  wearing
         canceling   my   feelings   to   get   done,   preparing   her   needs   and   completing
                                                                on   appropriate   clothes  for   the   celebration   in  order  to  match  the  occasion.
         her  small  things,  packing  her  stuffed  bags  until  they    almost  explode  and
                                                                Her   childish   features   were   filled   with   joy,   and   she   waved   to   me   from
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina  The   last  picture?!  Because   why  not?   No  Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
                                                                thousands  of  kilometers  away.  And  when  my  daughter  joined  everyone  in
         one  knows  what  the  near  future  will  bear  to  us.  I  calmed  the  upheaval  of
                                                                singing  “Happy  Birthday  to  You”  I  felt  more  than  ever  about  her  absence
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
         emotions  that  was  in  my  chest  and  saying  that  I  am  not  the  only  one  who
                                                                and   drifted   away   from   irresistible   nostalgia   for   her   ...   really   irresistible
         was   suffering   and   faced   this   situation.   In   almost   every   family   there   is   a
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
         son  abroad  for  work  or  study  unfortunately,  after  the  means  of  livelihood
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
         narrowed in Egypt,
                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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