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6                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

          The current threats to the Arab system are not new

                         yet their tempo increased since 2010

          relationship   that   we   should   have;   the   current   Turkish   and   Iranian
                                                                    later  to  the  Palestinian  territories.  Because  a  continuation  of
          policies   will   not   allow   this   in   the   short   run.   Nevertheless,   I   have   to
                                                                    current   Israeli   policies   without   a   deterrent   will   inevitably
          keep   thinking   about   the   mechanism   by   which   we   can   establish
                                                                    stir   a   reaction   within   Palestine.   Although   the   Palestinians
          cooperation   with   Turkey   and   Iran.   And   Mr.   Amr   Mousa,   during   his
                                                                    have  taken  too  long  to  realize  their  national  unity,  they  will
          tenure  as  secretary  general  of  the  Arab  League,  presented  an  initiative
                                                                    have  to  do  so  if  they  want  their  basic  rights  and  the  equation
          for   an   association   titled   “League   of   Arab   Neighbors,”   which   wasn’t
                                                                    will begin to change.
          confined   to   Iran   and   Turkey;   it   included   neighboring   countries   such
          as  Chad,  where  Arabic  is  an  official  language.  However,  his  initiative
                                                                    8.   In   September   of   last   year,   we   asked   a   group   of
          was   turned   down   due  to  these   Turkish  and   Iranian  policies   that   harm
                                                                    sophomore   students   (first-year   political   science   majors)
          Arab interests.
                                                                    who   was   Egypt’s   primary   enemy;   Israel   –   thank   God   –
                                                                    ranked first, although Qatar, Iran, and Turkey had their
          7.   After   talking   about   neighboring   powers,   we   ought   to   mention
                                                                    shares  among  the   answers.   In   your   view,   generally,   why
          the   occupying   power   in   the   heart   of   the   Arab   World,   which   is
                                                                    has   the   perception   of   Israel   as   our   primary   enemy
          Israel;   how   do   you   read   the   rising   wave   of   naturalization,   the
                                                                    shifted   for   some   people   and   why   have   they   started   to
          latest of which is the United Arab Emirates’ agreement?
                                                                    develop   hostility   towards   other   regional   powers   than
          Indicators  show  that  the  Emirati-Israeli  agreement  will  not  be  the  last
          since   it   has   received   clear   support   from   Oman,   Bahrain   and   Sudan;
                                                                    First,   we   cannot   forget   that  the   developments   that   led  to  an
          although   it   seems   to   me   that   there   is   some   sort   of   duality   in   Sudan
                                                                    Egyptian-Israeli   peace   treaty   and   a   Jordanian-Israeli   one
          between  the  military  and  civil  components  of  the  regime.  And  we’ve
                                                                    must   have   had   their   effect   on   some   people.   Second,   some
          seen  its  indicators  in  the  statement  of  the  Foreign  Affairs  Spokesman
                                                                    people   might   have   also   been   affected   by   the   clear
          who   was   then   removed   from  his  position   and   the   Burhan-Netanyahu
                                                                    antagonistic   policies   towards   Egypt   and   other   Arab
          meeting before that.
                                                                    countries by states such as Turkey and Iran; obviously, there
                                                                    has   to   be   a   reaction   to   Turkish   interventions   in   the   region.
          We  are   now  facing   a   new   division   in   the   Arab  World   between   those
                                                                    Third,  the  deteriorating  conditions  of  the  Arab  World  might
          who   race   to   neutralize   relations   with   Israel   under   current   conditions
                                                                    have   shaken   people’s   faith   in   the   Arab   idea   and   its   utility.
          and   those   who   refuse   this   race   and   condition   neutralization   on   a
                                                                    Therefore,  I’m  not  worried  that  some  people  see  Israel  as  no
          solution   to   the   Palestinian   issue.   Actually,   we   have   a   specific
                                                                    longer  an  enemy  since  the  number  of  this  group  of  people  is
          reference, which is the Arab Initiative that was unanimously agreed to
                                                                    still   very   small,   I   believe.   I’m   not   concerned   either   that
          at   the   Beirut   Summit   in   2002.   This   initiative   explicitly   mentions
                                                                    some  have  started  to  regard  Turkey  or  Iran  as  their  primary
          neutralization   provided   that   Israel   withdraws   from   the   lands   it   is
                                                                    enemy   since   there   are   actual   hostile   acts   emanating   from
          occupying  and  the  establishment  of  a  Palestinian  state  with  Jerusalem
                                                                    these   two   countries  against   some   Arab   states.   For   instance,
          as   its   capital.   Thus,   the   Arab   states   that   have   either   objected   to   or
                                                                    in   Egypt   right   now,   you   can’t   detect   a   direct   threatening
          expressed   reservations   regarding   the   recent   developments   have
                                                                    Israeli   act   –   and   I   emphasize   the   word   direct   as   Israeli
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries   Adel,   Nadeen   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
          resorted  to  this  initiative;  among  these  positions  was  the  Arab  League
                                                                    policies   in   their   essence   are   a   threat   to   Egyptian   national
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
          as   expressed   by   its   secretary   general   Mr.   Ahmed   Abou   el   Gheit   as
                                                                    security   –   however,   you   can   detect   Turkish   actions;   thus,   I
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
          well as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.
                                                                    can excuse those who give primacy to the Turkish threat, for
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
          If these developments continue, the center stage will move sooner or
                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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