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12                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

                          Any future accord with Israel should put the

                                 palestinian interest in consideration

          The   analyses   that   interpreted   this   agreement   were
                                                                  -  The  UAE  took  a  bold  step  in  order  to  draw  the  features
          accelerated, and some of them emphasized the importance of
                                                                  of  the  new  phase  with  regard  to  the  Palestinian  issue,  as
          the   Emirati   step   in   stopping   the   process   of   annexing   the
                                                                  it   confirmed   that   this   agreement   came   only   to   suspend
          Palestinian  lands,  and  that  the  UAE  began  to  deal  following
                                                                  the annexation of Palestinian lands to Israeli sovereignty,
          the   data   of   the   new   phase   that   requires   concerted   efforts   to
          achieve   peace   in   the   region,   in   addition   to   some   others
                                                                  but   at   the   same   time   it   dealt   with   the   principle   of   the
          claiming  that  this  agreement  does  not  exist.  It  is  nothing  but
                                                                  national   interest   as   it   sought   to   benefit   from   this
          a process to formalize the relationship of the UAE and Israel,
                                                                     normalization   as   much   as   possible   By   establishing
          as   some   claimed   that   there   had  been   secret   communications
                                                                  bilateral   relations   with   Israel   in   many   fields   in   which
          between   the   two   countries   throughout   the   past   period   that
                                                                  Israel   is   considered  one   of   the   pioneering   countries,   and
          paved  the  way  for  that  public  agreement,  and  others  quickly
                                                                  certainly the UAE has studied this step well.
          linked   this   agreement   to   the   timing   in   which   it   was
          announced,   as   this   agreement   came   in   conjunction   with   the
                                                                  -  The  region  needs  courageous  steps  that  will  reduce  the
          approaching  presidential  elections.  This  led  to  being  seen  as
                                                                  growing   tension   over   the   past   years,   but   what   must   be
          a  consolidation  of  the  US  President’s  position  in  the  election
                                                                  focused  on  when  taking  these  steps  similar  to  the  UAE's
          race,   as   well   as   shedding   light   on   the   internal   conditions   in
                                                                  step   is   to   give   priority   to   the   interest   of   the   Palestinian
          Israel   that   witnessed   some   protests   against   Prime   Minister
                                                                  people  and  for  the  return  to  be  different  in  the  interest  of
          Netanyahu,   which   opened   the   door   to   linking   this   to   the
                                                                  the Palestinians.
          Emirati-Israeli agreement, which reflects the Israeli approach
          to establishing relations With the Arab countries.
                                                                  -  If  there  is  a  tendency  from  some  other  countries  in  the
                                                                  region  to  take  a  step  similar  to  that  of  the  Emirates,  these
          Predictions have mounted that many other countries will join
                                                                  steps   must   be   well   coordinated   to   achieve   the   greatest
          the   Emirates   and   establish   diplomatic   relations   with   Israel,
                                                                  possible benefit for the Palestinian people.
          which  has  been  implicitly  demonstrated  in  the  statements  of
          some   countries   that   indicated   that   they   might   follow   the
                                                                  Surrender   to   the   conspiracy   theory   has   proven   futile   in
          example of the Emirates.
                                                                  the   face   of   practical   solutions   that   can   make   a   tangible
          Finally, I would like to make a few important points:
                                                                  change   on   the   ground,   and   certainly   we   support   the
          -   The   determinants   of   the   new   phase   have   become   very
                                                                  Palestinian   people   as   much   as  we   support  the  peace   and
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries   Adel,   Nadeen   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
          different from the previous ones, in light of the prevalence of
                                                                  security process in our region.
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
          economic   power   and   the   imposition   of   the   same   strong
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
          policies on weaker ones.
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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