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17                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

            A Race to The Detriment of

                               the truth

         An article written by: Assile Mostafa

                                                              By  this,  I  don’t  only  mean  radicalism  as  a  conc ept   but
         This   month’s   article   is   about   a   topic   that
         troubles  me  and  which  I’ve  been  overthinking   also   the   fact   that   everyone   feels   the   need   tha t   the y
                                                              must adopt a sharp and strict position regardi ng  issue s,
         lately.  And  with  the  emergence  of  a  number  of
                                                              instead   of   being   willing   to   accept   the   trut h   rega rdl ess
         Issues  and  social  causes  recently,  accompanied
                                                              of   who   says   or   who   finds   it.   The   problematic   I   am
         by people openly expressing their opinions and
                                                              posing  is:  Is  having  a  strict  or  unbiased  poi nt   of   vi ew
         points   of   view   about   these   issues   for   the   first
                                                              necessary   or   correct?   Is   accepting   and   tol erating
         time   in   such   huge   numbers,   this   question
                                                              other’s   opinions   and   perspectives   a   sign   of    a   weak
         seemed  urgent;  it  needed  to  be  both  put  under
                                                              personality,   a   lack   of   understanding   of   the    issue    and
         the   spot   and   discussed.   During   the   emergence
                                                              even  a  preference  for  pacifism?  Shouldn  t  it  be   a  sign
         of   these   previously   mentioned   controversial
                                                              of maturity?
         issues,   we   focused   on   the   reaction   of   people
                                                              Let's   see   ...   why   am   I   asking   this   question?   It’s
         towards   these   issues,   since   it   wasn’t   usual   in
                                                              because  I  was  simply  one  of  those  people  who  are
         Egypt   for   people   to   express   their   point   of
         views   and   opinions   honestly   and   freely,    biased towards a certain ideology, unwavering and

         arguing  and  discussing  them  which  is  certainly  determined   about   having   an   opinion   on   every
         gladdening   because   it   proves   that   people   are
                                                              issue,   whatever   is   its   nature,   be   it   political,
         finally   more   aware   and   conscious   of   their
                                                              humanitarian,   religious,   even   regarding   movies,
         societal   problems   and   them   concerned   with
                                                              series   and   other   topics   ...   as   if   I   was   keen   to
         getting  them  resolved.  However  unfortunately,
                                                              always   have   a   voice   that’s   heard,   I   wanted   to
         these  comments  or  discussions  between  people
                                                              prove   through   these   strong   opinions   that   I   am
         rarely   lead   to   a   resolution   or   a   logical
                                                              aware   of   these   issues,   that   I   fully   understand
         reasoning   regarding   these   issues   or   problems.
                                                              them...   And   indeed   I   was   receiving   this   from
         In   fact,   we   witness   an   obvious   division   of
                                                              people,   I   felt   that   my   strong   opinions,   whether
         opinions composing two separate groups, those
                                                              people  liked  them  or  not,  were  making  an  impact,
         “with”  and  those  “against”,  as  if  there  were  no
                                                              and  making  me  feel  Strong,  and  able  to  influence
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries  unbiased   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
         opinion.  Is  it  impossible  to  have  a  neutral  and
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   convince  people  if  you  are  determined  and  fanatic
         logical opinion that’s not offending a particular
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
         group of people?                                     of your thoughts”.
                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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