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19                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

                                         The Movie "Last Christmas" and Multi-

                           Engi Khaled                             culturalism

                           Political Science
                                                                 Tom,   the  other  hero,   is   of   Asian  descent.  Katrina   works  for   a  Chinese
                           Teaching Assistant                    woman  who  has   a   store   selling  Christmas   items.   This  woman  is   loved
                                                                 by a Briton. And Katrina's friends are of African descent, not European.
       We  can   say   that   culture   is   the   common   norms,   goals  and   attitudes   that
                                                                 Also,   the   film  refers   to   the   bus  driver  who   comes  from   India.   The   film
       the   cultural   group   fabricates.   It   is   important   because   it   covers   many
                                                                 once   features   a   racist   Briton   who   insults   a   man   and   a   woman   for
                                                                 speaking   their   mother   tongue   on   the   bus.   Here   Katrina   comes   to   save
       faces   of   a   man's   life   and   it   shapes   his   view   of   himself   and   his
                                                                 them   and   she   continues   the   conversation   with   them   in   their   language.
       relationship   with   others.   How   countries   can   communicate   with   ethnic
                                                                 Economically,   much   of   the   film   shows   Katrina's   relationship   with   the
       and   cultural   minorities   has   become   a   very   important   thing.   We   can
                                                                 homeless   shelter.   It   was   after   Tom   guided   her   to   this   to   help   her   and
       name   the   recent   era   as   "The   Politics   of   Identity".   This   is   because   of
                                                                 feel   that   she   had   a   mission   in   this   world.   Emotionally,   romantic
       minority   demands   for   official   recognition   and   inclusion   of   their
                                                                 relationships  are  diverse.   There  is  a   marriage  (between   Katrina's  friend
       language   rights   and   cultural   and   religious   autonomy.   These   minorities  and   her   husband).   There   is   pure   love   (between   Katrina's   boss   and   the
                                                                 Briton).   There   are   bodily   relationships   (the   relationships   Katrina   had
       may   also   demand   the   regional   economy   or   the   most   political
                                                                 when   she   was   down).   There   is   _   I   refuse   of   course   _   homosexual
       representation.  And   the   policy   of   "Multiculturalism"  aims  to   determine
                                                                 relations (between Katrina's sister and her girlfriend).
       the   method   to   contain   these   cultural   and   ethnic   differences   in   social,
       economic and political organizations.
                                                                 Thus,   the   film   presents   several   dimensions   of   pluralism   (national-
                                                                 cultural  /  economic  /  emotional).  Then,  he  offers  the  perfective  method
                                                                 to   communicate   with   that:   ignore   and   tolerate   with   everything.   It   was
       There   are   several   theoretical   trends   related   to   "the   politics   of
                                                                 after assuring that these minorities are parties of British society. First of
       multiculturalism".   One   of   the   most   important   trends   is   the   "politics   of
                                                                 all,   he   said   that   the   heroine   of   the   film   was   an   “immigrant”   from
       indifference"   presented   by   liberal   thinker   "Chandren   Kukathus".
                                                                 Yugoslavia  and  that   the   story  of   the   film   revolved   around  her.  Second,
       According   to   this   policy,   the   country   should   not   recognize   ethnic   and
                                                                 the hero of the film is _ also_ an Asian "immigrant" who has helped her
       cultural   differences.   This   is   because   the   virtue   of   liberalism   is  to   live   organically   and   psychologically.   Organically,   he   gave   her   his
                                                                 heart;   and   psychologically,   he   advised   her   to   live   and   make   others
       "tolerance   with   variety"   and   "the   absence   of   moral   dogmatism".   He
                                                                 happy.  Third,  there  was  a  romantic  relationship  between  Katrina's  boss
       therefore   sees   that   the   liberal   country   must   leave   men   free   to   achieve
                                                                 and   a   respectable   British   man.   Fourth,   she   found   happiness   in
       their   goals   individually   or   in   groups.   And   the   country's   role   will   be   to
                                                                 overcoming   her   mother's   fears   and   not   laughing   at   them.   Fifth,   she
       present   the   peace   and   the   system   necessary   to   achieve   these   projects
                                                                 fixed  the  antiques   she   had  broken   for  her   friend's   husband.   And,   when
                                                                 she did that, she found it luckily. Sixth, the film presents the Indian as a
       and   goals.   Subsequently,   the   country   will   not   be   responsible   for   the
                                                                 driver   driving   the   bus.   It   is   as   if   we   meant   to   say   that   without   this
       success or failure of these groups in achieving these goals and projects.
                                                                 person   the   working   life   of   London   will   end.   Seventh,   despite   my
                                                                 objection,   he  assures   that   the   sister's  difference  (she   is   gay)   should  not
       The   movie   "The   Last   Christmas"   is   an   application   of   this   trend.   The
                                                                 degrade  her  position  in  the  family.  Thus,  the  film  focuses  on  the  truth  -
       film begins with "Katrina" _ played by Emelia Clarke_ who wants to be
                                                                 how liberals believe - that gays are _ maybe _ parties of the individual's
       a  singer  and  work  in  a  store  selling  Christmas  supplies.  During  the  first  family;   and   their   exclusion   would   weaken   the   family   bond.   Eighth,
                                                                 when  Katrina  cursed  and  mocked  the  British  racist,  the  film  focuses  on
       part   of   the   film,   she   appears   neglected,   reckless   and   depressed.   She
                                                                 the   plight   of   those   who   challenge   multiculturalism.   Their   fate   will
       always   makes   trouble   for   all   her   friends   and   she   hurts   her   family.   His
                                                                 mock   them   and   their   exclusion.   It   is   because   these   racists   refuse   the
       romantic   relationships   are   not   stable.   We   _   the   viewers   _   know   she's
                                                                 existing   reality.   At   the   end   of   the   film,   the   finale   featured   all   of   the
       been   like   this   ever   since   she   had   a   "heart   transplant"   operation.   She
                                                                 heroes   _   who   come   from   different   cultural   /   ethnic   /   economic   /
                                                                 emotional   affiliations   _   together   in   the   homeless   shelter.   They   are
       continues   like   this   until   she   meets   "Tom"   who   will   correct   her  opinion
                                                                 enjoying   Christmas.   This   is   in   addition   to   the   unity   of   "Yugoslav
       on   life.   She   will   love   herself   until   she   finds   out   the   truth:   it   was   Tom
                                                                 Katrina"   and   "Asian   Tom".   She   lives   with   her   heart   and   her   dreams.
       who  gave  her  her  heart.  It  was  after  having  an  accident  that  killed  him.
                                                                 And   the   movie   doesn't   say   whether   she   would   like   someone   else   after
       So   Katrina   understands   all   the   mysterious   things   about   her.   After
                                                                 Tom or not.
       knowing  the  truth,  Tom  _  who  is  a  ghost  that  no  one  can  see  except  her
                                                                 In  short,  the  film  may  have  offered  the  best  model  -  from  their  point  of
       _  tells  him  that  she  must  live  to  help  others.  He  tells  her  that  this  is  the  view  -  for  dealing  with  multiculturalism.  It  is  by  tolerating  them,  not  by
                                                                 intimidating   them.   In   tolerance,   Katrina's   happiness   came   true.
       method   that   will   make   her   happy.   Moreover,   if   she   does   this,   she   will
                                                                 Likewise,   with   tolerance,   the   happiness   of   Brittany   would   become
       assure   him   that   her   heart   has   not   been   lost   in   vain.   In   fact,   during   the
                                                                 reality.   The   film   emphasizes   that   it   is   the   environment   expected   of
       latter   part   of   the   movie,   Katrina   puts   up   with   everything   (her   family,
                                                                 British  society  that  contains  everyone  on  its  land.  Of  course,  one  of  the
       friends,   boss,   and   the   homeless   people   Tom   was   taking   care   of).It's   a
                                                                 flaws  of  the  film  is  that  it  doesn't  mention  Arabs  or  Muslims  at  all.  And
                                                                 this  is  strange  because  Britain  is  one  of  the  most  important  destinations
    Nourhan  movie   and   its   rating   is  Ebeid,   Maries  an   application   of   the Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
                                                                 for   Arab   and   Muslim   immigrants.   This   adds   to   my   reservations   about
       Kukathus   trend   in   communicating   with   multiculturalism.   The   film
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
                                                                 seeing   "homosexuality"   as   a   minority   that   needs   tolerance.   Other   than
       includes   a   large   number   of   minorities   that   Katrina   meets.   Culturally,
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
                                                                 that the movie was cool that we can have a good night with.
       Katrina   and   her   family   are   “immigrants”   from   Yugoslavia   and   had   to
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
       move to London after violent events.
                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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