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18                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

          In  the  contrary,  I  was  certain  that  those        So   I   learned   that   it   is   not   easy   to

          who    usually   have   neutral   opinions,   or        make   people    see   things   in   the   same

          those  who  do  not  rush  out  with  strong            perspective as yours, especially since
          and   clear   opinions   and   voices   towards         our   opinions   are   not   facts.   A   person

          issues    as   people    who    probably     are        must   understand    that   things   are   not

          indifferent    or   simply   unfamiliar    with         only   white   or   black,   and   that   those
          controversial       and     trending       news         who    think   and    declare    that   their

          emerging,  maybe  even  worse,  that  they              personal   opinion    is   as   good   as   the
                                                                  goodness    and   integrity   of   the   facts
          don't   care   about   solving   the   problems
                                                                  are   the   ones   who   divert   between   us
          of   their   society   (unpoliticized-people)
                                                                  and   the   truth.   Those   who   are   biased
          …    Then,  after  a  while,  I  decided  to  try
                                                                  towards  their  ideas  do  not  seek  right
          to   think   objectively     and   to   discuss
                                                                  or   truthes,    but    rather    want    to
          without    prejudice   with   those   who   had
                                                                  convince those around them that they
          ideas   that   contradicted    mine,   and   the
                                                                  are  right,  and  that  their  opinion  is  the
          result   was   that   I   understood   why   they
                                                                  winning    and   correct   opinion.    They
          think in this way.
                                                                  are  people  who  do  not  search,  and  if
          Every    person   has   a   point   of   view   that
                                                                  they   search,   they    are   looking   for
          makes    them    see   a   certain   side   of   the
                                                                  what  supports  their  opinion.  Without
          world. There are factors that affect their
                                                                  trying   to   look   at   the   other   opinion,
          way      of    thinking,      such     as    the
                                                                  they   pose    the   question     biasedly,
          environment      in   which   they   were   born
                                                                  instead    of   asking,    "What     is   the
          and  raised,  such  as  the  society  in  which
                                                                  truth?"   They   ask,   “Isn’t   what   I   say
          they   live   and   the   habits   and   traditions
                                                                  the   truth?”....   Therefore,   the   impulse
          that   are   inherited   and   bequeathed     by
                                                                  to   judge   matters    is   not   wise   or
          them,   such   as   their   level   of   education
                                                                  mature,   but   on   the   contrary,   for   a
          and  upbringing.  And  in  particular  their
                                                                  person     to   be    neutral    with    his
          personal    experiences,     and    what    they
                                                                  understanding of the problem is what
          went  through  in  their  life,  so  that  if  we
                                                                  makes  us  attain  the  most  rational  and
          had     been      placed     in    the     same
                                                                  logical   reasoning    and    move    away
          circumstances  as  this  person,  we  would
                                                                  from fanaticism.
          inevitably  have  seen  the  world,  things,
          or issues from their same point of view,
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries   Adel,   Nadeen   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
          and perhaps we’d also react exactly like
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa   Assem,   Assile   Mostafa,   Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.

                                                      | Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |
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