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14                                            ELITE                       Vol.1 No.23 September 2020 |

                 “ THE DIFFERENT  HIGH SCHOOL


                     CORONAVIRUS PANDMIC”
                                          Written by: RAWANE NADER

       Our   future   needs   plans,   work   and   perseverance   so   that   we   can
                                                                schools   like   the   investment   ones   tha t   tried   to   impro ve    the ir
       achieve   our   dreams   and   reach   our   goal.   Sometimes   the
                                                             student’s   grades.   Also   their   opport  uni ty   to   joi n   the    publ ic
       circumstances  overcome  us  and  make  us  change  or  replace  our
                                                             universities is weak.  Because only  20%  of  BA C  stude nt s can  joi n
       dreams   but   what   matters   is   when   we   change   our   plans   we
                                                             these   universities   but   after   their   law   grade s   in   com pa rison   with
       should not lose hope and not let despair enter our soul.
                                                             sanawwaya  amma  so  they  have  little  or  no   cha nc e.  But   after  the
           I write this article especially for the high school students with
                                                             precautionary  measures  taken,  the ir  gra de s  became  inc om pa rabl e
       different   educational   systems   like   the   system   of   “sanawaya
                                                             with   sanawaya   amma   which   made    the    com pe tition   so   hard   and
       amma”,   BAC,   IG   and   American.   All   these   educational   system
                                                             reduced  their  enrollment  chance.  The refore,  many   stude nt s  make
       have   taken   many   measures   to   complete   the   year   safely   during
                                                             decisions   to   attend   private   universities   or   com pl ete   the ir   studi es
       the   coronavirus   pandemic   that   has   upended   the   world.
       However,   which   system   of   them   has   worked   fairly   for   these
                                                             The   IG   system   is   not   much   different    from    the    BAC   sys tem,
       High school students have suffered a lot from stress and anxiety
                                                               especially  that  the  online  study  and   exa ms  ha ve   be en  com pl eted
       about   their   future   in   addition   the   constant   fear   of   a   sudden
                                                             throughout   the   year,   but   Cambridge    ha s   de cide d   to   canc el   the
       change   in   their   educational   system.   Many   of   them   were
                                                             exams   and   provided   a   particular   calcul ating   sys tem   in   ord er   to
       oppressed  and  they  changed  their  dreams  and  plans  because  of
                                                             collect   the   students’marks   and   grade s.   Thi s   system   is   based   on
       the   inability   of   these   systems   to   overcome   the   pandemic   of
                                                             teachers'   assessment   of   the   stude nt s’   thro ugh   onl ine    exa ms.
                                                             Therefore,   many   problems   have   been   occurre d,   as   well   as   low
                                                             scores.The   most   controversial   system   is   the    American   sys tem
       Through  their  experiences,  it  became  clear  to  us  that  there  were
                                                             because  no  part  of  the  curriculum  ha s  be en  de leted  and   the   exa m
       systems that could not adapt to the circumstances, which caused
                                                             will   be   on   29/8/2020,   will   this   da te   be    in   the    int erest   of   thos e
       harm   to   students   and   others   that   have   tried   to   overcome   this
                                                             students?I   don't   think   so   becaus e   thi s   day   will   affect   the ir
       crisis.   The   public   secondary   school   system   was   among   the
                                                             opportunity  to  join  the  public  unive rsities,  but   on   the   othe r  ha nd
       systems  that  turned  the  end  of  this  crisis,  where  many  measures
                                                             the  grades  of  American  students  or  the ir  GPA  were  good   and  thi s
       were  taken  to  benefit  the  student,  such  as  not  taking  exams  for
                                                             is the one point that distinguishes thi s sys tem from  ot he rs.Fina lly,
       some   of   the   subjects   that   are   out   of   total,   such   as   religion,
                                                             each   system   has   its   own   flaws   and   adva nt age s   and   each   one
       economics,   and   statistics.   In   addition   to   the   private   lessons
                                                             controls   its   system   in   the   way   it   believe s   is   bene ficial   for   the
       stopped   from   educational   centers,   replacing   them   with   online
                                                             student.  However,   so   far,   these   stude nt s   ha ve    not    be en   faced
       lessons   and   making   sure   that   the   Internet   is   accessible   to
                                                              injustice,   fear,   and   anxiety   about   the ir   fut ure .  Neve rthe less,   I
       governorates  that  lack  the  Internet.  In  terms  of  the  results,  most
                                                             would  like    that  every  student  know s    tha t  the   pa pe r  of  the   exa m
       of   students   were   satisfied   with   their   score   and   there   is   a   large
                                                             can’t   determine   your   future,   and   tha t   your   life   didn     stand   on
       proportion  of  the  students  who  received  98%  and  99%  in  all  the
                                                             yours grades,  but it represents a   short  time in  his long  life.  Hope ,
       sections (science, math and art).
                                                             seriousness  and  diligence  are  keys   of   success  but   som etimes  the
                                                             circumstances   can   be   changed   in   a   minut e   but    the    suc cessful
       The   BAC   system   deals   with   the   Corona   pandemic   differently,
                                                             person   is   the   one   who   adapts   to   the    situa tion   and   tries   to   learn
       the  exams  have  being  canceled  either  at  school  or  at  home  and
                                                             and   exploit   the   opportunities.   Fina lly,   he    can   say,   “I   AM
       The  process  of  learning  has  been  continued  through  distance  or
                                                             SUCCESSFUL   DESPITE……”    Until   the    da y   when   he    can   say
    Nourhan   Osama,   Youstina   Ebeid,   Maries   Adel,   Nadeen   Hesham,      Nouran   Hossam,   Mostafa   Sayyed,   Reem
       online   education   and   with   regard   to   the   result,   there   are   based
                                                             that,  he  should  go  beyond  all  these  condi tions   and  be   sure   tha t  he
    Omran  ,  Zeina  Tarek,  Hana  Henien,    Hania  Bahaa,  Yassmine  Gamal  Hussein,  Salma  Bayoumi,  Mariam  Sultan,
                                                             can   do   a   lot.   “Determine   your   future    by   yours elf   and   don     rely
       this    was  not  expected,  which  made  a  lot  of  students  lose  their 
    Nada   Hosny,   Jozeph   George   ,   Farah   Ezz   Eldin,   Aliyaa  on a quiz that hasn’t any value”. Rana   Doss,   Mirna   Ossama,
       marks.  Not  all  the  BAC  students  suffered  from  this  injustice  as
    Farah Islam, Zeina Arafa.
       there were many 
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