Special Units


Green Office

About the Green Office   

The Green Office is the Faculty of Economics and Political Science sustainability office, founded in 2023, to take responsibility for creating a more sustainable work environment, raise awareness on the importance of environmental sustainability and encourage more research on sustainable development, environmental governance and climate action

Green Office Inauguration Ceremony & the 1st Sustainability Arts Gallery

Green Office Mission  

Promoting and adopting sustainability ideas and practices within the faculty of Economics and Political Science through raising awareness on environmental sustainability, adopting solutions and practices for better and more efficient use of resources, and encouraging more research on sustainable development and environmental policy issues.

Green Office Team

Dr. Sally Abd ElMoez

Green Office Director



Mr. Ossama El Badawy

Development Specialist


Green Office

The Green Office develops and formulates the Faculty of Economics and Political Science sustainability policy, and implements sustainability practices working along three main tracks:

1.     Sustainable Development &   Environmental Governance Research and Policy:

 -      Facilitate policy dialogues & discussions of sustainable development & environmental governance and climate action involving decision makers, researchers and civil society through seminars & roundtables, conferences and forums

-      Encouraging research on sustainability & environmental governance.

-      Capacity Building and Training.

-      Building networks and engaging with local, regional & international organizations to encourage exchange of ideas and experiences.



Green Office participation in environmental governance panel at FEPS Annual International Conference

2. Raising Awareness

            -      Workshops and Training Sessions.

            -      Art-Cycling Workshops and Gallery/Exhibition to encourage ideas that reuse waste material and turn it    into more practical and sustainable uses in an artistic manner.

           -      Encourage innovative solutions for environmental challenges & sustainability practices through exhibitions and contests.

           -      Awareness Campaigns

          -      Encourage more academic course offerings in FEPS programs and curricula covering environmental policies and sustainable development.

Green Office and FEPS students’ participation in Sustainable Universities Initiative at Cairo University

3. Promoting Sustainability Practices:

Towards a More Sustainable FEPS Environment

          -      Improving the waste-management system.

          -      Increase green spaces to improve air quality.

          -      Paperless community & digital transformation.

           -      Reducing Energy Consumption.

           -      Cooperation with leading institutions specialized in
waste-management and recycling.


ArtCycling Workshop

 Contact Us

Green Office-Faculty of Economics and Political Science-Cairo University-Giza, Egypt




02 37759365