The Faculty of Economics and Political Science extends its
congratulations to all its members: academic faculty, alumni,
current students and administrative staff for the faculty having
received international institutional academic accreditation from
the British “Accreditation Service for International
Colleges”(ASIC). This achievement came as a result of a thorough
visit in which experts from the ASIC agency conducted an
examination and evaluation of all the Faculty’s practices and
ASIC is a British accreditation agency for universities,
institutes and international academic entities. It’s a
world-recognized international academic accreditation agency
that is also recognized by the UK government. It operates under
the supervision of the British education and social services
institution of the British Department of Education. It is a
member of the British Quality Foundation (BQF) and the US
Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). It is also
accredited by the US CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG). It
is among the world’s most prominent accreditation agencies,
having accredited hundreds of universities and faculties in more
than 65 countries.
It is worth noting that this agency has accredited FEPS as a
“Premier Institution”, which is this agency’s highest ranking.
ASIC only awards this accreditation to faculties having achieved
all conditions of accreditation, which are the following:
1- Governance, Management, and Staff Resources
2- Quality Assurance and Enhancement
3- Systems Management
4- Learning, Teaching, and Research Activity
5- Awards and Qualifications
6- Student Welfare
7- Premises and Health and Safety
8- Marketing and Recruitment of Students
The Faculty has received “commendable grades” in all of these
areas, reflecting the level of excellence it has achieved.
Dr Hanan Mohamed Ali, Acting Dean of the Faculty, notes that
ASIC has accredited FEPS as a Premier Institution, which is the
agency’s highest ranking, awarded only to institutions having
achieved accreditation conditions in all required areas.
This accreditation was only awarded after a thorough inspection
by the accreditation agency, which involved the participation of
faculty alumni, academic faculty, volunteers, administrative
staff and students. It is a testament to the close-knit
community of our Faculty and its commitment to raising its
status and presenting the best education to the upcoming
generations. This is all part of FEPS’ participation in Cairo
University’s sincere efforts to transform into a fourth and then
fifth generation Smart University, and a part of the Faculty’s
strategy to present only the very best in education, research
and community development.
This accreditation will allow the Faculty to attain a higher
ranking and form deeper local and international partnerships. It
also testifies to its prestige and improves the local and
international work opportunities of its students and alumni, as
well as their position in the most prestigious local and
international educational and research communities.
For this reason, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science,
represented by Dr Hanan Mohamed Ali, Acting Dean, presents its
deepest gratitude and thanks to everyone who contributed their
efforts and ambitious ideas, which were then defined during a
period of hard and impressive work by the international
accreditation team, as well as the prestigious image showcased
by the faculties’ members during the accreditation agency visit.
All thanks to the international accreditation team, all members
of the academic faculty, alumni, students and administrative
staff of our Faculty: every new achievement is built on your
hard work, and every brighter future is based on your efforts.
May FEPS always remain the crown jewel of Cairo University and a
home of Commitment, Excellence and Distinction
