Room No: 57 Old Building
Office hours: Tuesday 1-3
Phone: 01001767858
Mailing Address: Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
My Curriculum VitaeEducation:
BA,Faculty of Economics and Political Science,Cairo University,June 1967,Excellent,First degree honors.
Ph.D.,Graduate Institute of International Studies,University of Geneva,December 1979
Research Interest:
Political Economy of Development,State Theory,Politics of democratization,including human rights and civil society politics,Egyptian and Middle East politics.
Recent Publications:
"Arab Spring: Why in Some Arab COuntries and Not in Others" in Larbi Sadiki,Ed. Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring.Rethinking Democratization. Routledge,Taylor and Francis Group.London and New York.2015.P.51-62.
"Rule of Law,Ideology and Human Rights in the Egyptian Courts" in Said AMir Arjomand and NAthan Brown Eds.The Rule of Law,Islam and Constitutional Politics in Egypt and Iran.State University of New York.2013.p.211-232.
"The Arab Spring and the Crises of Political Development"in P.Singh K.Chatterjee.Interpreting the Arab Spring.Significance of the NEW Arab Awakening.KW PUblishers Pvt Ltd.New Delhi.2013.p.77-96
Arab Human Rights AUC0.doc
Comparative politics 11 .doc