Room No: 87
Office hours: Sunday & Tuesday 12-1pm
Mailing Address: Political Science Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science,Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
My Curriculum VitaeEducation:
2012:D.Phil, Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Oxford. Thesis title: “State-Society Relations and Regional Role: Comparing Egypt and South Africa”.
M.SC in Politics, Cairo University.
Grade :Excellent with the recommendation of publishing the thesis and exchanging it with other universities.
Thesis title: Good Governance and Development in Africa: An Analysis of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)
B.SC in Politics, Faculty of Economics & political Science, Cairo University. Grade: Excellent with honors.
Came top of the list of politics graduates 2001.
Research Interest:
Hydropolitics in the Nile basin, African political economy, comparative politics especially areas of governance and democratization, foreign policy of regional powers, especially Egypt and South Africa.
Recent Publications:
Revisiting hydro-hegemony from a benefit-sharing perspective: the case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Discussion paper 5/2015, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Bonn, July 2015
The Declaration of Principles on Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam: A breakthrough or another unfair deal?, German Development Institute (DIE), DIE Current Column, March 25, 2015,
‘Water and Development in shared rivers: Sustainable development for all’, DIE Current Column, March 19, 2015,
‘Are Egyptian State and Society Ready for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation? lessons from South Africa’, Siyasat Arabiyya (Arab Politics), Qatar: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Issue 6, January 2014.
‘North African studies in South Africa: A Research and Policy Agenda’, in Hamdy Hassan, ed., Regional Integration in Africa: Bridging the North- Sub-Saharan Divide The African Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 2011.
‘Egypt’s Regional and International Roles: A Hegemon in Decline?, South –South Collaborative Programme Occasional Paper Series, No.5, The Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA), 2008.
‘NEPAD and African Development: Towards a New Partnership between Development Partners in Africa’, African Journal of International Affairs, vol.11,no.1,2008.
‘Reviewing Good Governance : Towards a methodology for the African Peer Review Mechanism’, The South African Institute of International Affairs , SAIIA Reports , no.42, 2004.
‘Land and Agriculture in NEPAD: implications for North Africa’, in: Saruchera M. (ed.), Securing Land and Resource Rights in Africa: Pan-African perspectives; Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape; Cape Town, 2004.