Room No: 85
Phone: +2 01005674033
Mailing Address: Political Science Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science,Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
My Curriculum VitaeEducation:
2011 - University of Oxford, PhD in Political Science.
2006 - University of Warwick, MA in Political Science.
2005 - Cairo University, MSc in Political Science.
2002 - Cairo University, BSc in Political Science.
Research Interest:
Lab, survey, and field experiments explaining social behaviour; surveys; electoral and party systems; democratic transitions; behavioural economics.
Recent Publications:
English Peer-reviewed Publications:
Hassan, Mazen, Sarah Mansour, Engi Amin, and Stefan Voigt (2023) ‘Incentivizing cooperation against a norm of defection: Experimental Evidence from Egypt’, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 107; 102121.
Hassan, Mazen, Engi Amin, Sarah Mansour, and Andreas Nicklisch (2023) ‘Did the Arab Spring generate affective polarization? Experimental evidence from five Arab countries’, Democratization, 30:4, pp. 569-594.
Brooke, Steven and Mazen Hassan (2022) ‘Does Learning About Protest Abroad Inform Individuals’ Attitudes About Protest at Home? Experimental Evidence from Egypt, Government and Opposition, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 428-445.
Hassan, Mazen, Sarah Mansour, Stefan Voigt and May Gadallah (2022) ‘When Syria was in Egypt’s Land - Egyptians Cooperate with Syrians, but less with each other’, Public Choice, 191:337–362.
Hassan, Mazen, Sarah Mansour, Vjollca Sadiraj and Sally Wallace (2021) ‘How Do Electoral and Voice Accountability Affect Corruption? Experimental Evidence from Egypt, European Journal of Political Economy, 68, 101994.
Haas, Nicholas, Mazen Hassan, Sarah Mansour and Rebecca Morton (2021) ‘Polarizing Information and Support for Reform’, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 185, May 2021, pp. 883-901.
Haas, Nicholas, Mazen Hassan and Rebecca Morton (2020) ‘Negative Campaigns, Interpersonal Trust, and Prosocial Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Democratic Experience, Electoral Studies, 63, 102087.
Hassan, Mazen, Ahmed Abdrabou and Hala Abdelgawad (2021), Walking a Thin Line of Representation Analyzing the Behavior of Egyptian MPs, Middle East Law and Governance, 13(3), 335-362.
Hassan, Mazen, Jasmin Lorch and Annette Ranko (2019) Explaining Divergent Transformation Paths in Tunisia and Egypt: The Role of Inter-Elite Trust, Mediterranean Politics, 25:5, 553-578.
Hassan, Mazen and Marwa Shalaby (2019) Drivers of Tolerance in Post-Arab Spring Egypt: Religious, Economic, or Government Endorsements?, Political Research Quarterly, 72:2, pp. 293-308.
Hassan, Mazen, Elisabeth Kendall and Stephen Whitefield (2018). Between Scylla and Charybdis: Religion, the Military and Support for Democracy among Egyptians, 2011-2014. Democratization, 25: 2, pp. 273-92.
Hassan, Mazen, Elisabeth Kendall and Stephen Whitefield (2016). Media, Cultural Consumption and Support for Democracy in Post-Revolutionary Egypt. Political Studies, Vol. 64, Issue 3, pp. 534-551.
Abdellatif, Lobna, Mazen Hassan, Noha Youssef and Mohamed Zaky (2016). Fiscal Transparency Puzzle and Electoral Institutions: Applying a 3Ds Approach for Tracking the Action Cycle in Egypt. The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 424-444.
Hassan, Mazen (2013). Institutional factors affecting party systems in new democracies: endogenous or exogenous predictors? Democratization, 20: 4, pp. 668-92.
Hassan, Mazen (2013) Elections of the Peoples Assembly, Egypt 2011/12, Electoral Studies, 32: 2, pp. 370-74.
Hassan, Mazen (2011) The Effects of Egypt Election Law, Foreign Policy.
Working papers:
Amin, Engi, Mazen Hassan, and Sarah Mansour, (2024) ‘Producing a social media-based Arabic sentiment lexicon: Methodology & Data, Under Review.
Hassan, Mazen, Sarah Mansour, (2024) ‘Social Capital among Egyptians: Measurement, Factors and Possible Interventions’, Under Review at the Oxford Handbook of Egyptian Political Economy.
Hassan, Mazen, Sarah Mansour, Engi Amin, and Zeyad Kelani (2023) ‘Is ChatGPT Detrimental to Innovation? Experimental Evidence, Conference on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Center for Interdisciplinary Research ZiF (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung), Bielefeld University, Germany, July 2023.
Abdelnabi, Mariam, Mazen Hassan, Dalia Ismail, Sarah Mansour and Andreas Nicklisch (2024) ‘Empowering women to beat negative social norms on female fertility’, Under Review.
Hassan, Mazen, Sarah Mansour, (2022) ‘When religious discourse is perceived to justify immoral deeds: measuring religious rationalization and how to reverse it’, Inaugural Meeting of the MENA Network of Experimental Social Scientists, NYU Abu Dhabi, 2022.
Other English Publications:
Hassan, Mazen and Engi Amin (2022) ‘Data and Data Systems’. In M. Mohieldin (ed.). Financing Sustainable Development in Egypt Report, Cairo: League of Arab States.
Hassan, Mazen (2018) Women in the Egyptian Parliament: A different agenda? Rice University: James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy.
Hassan, Mazen (2014) Evaluation of European Union Policies towards the Arab World, Cairo: Europe’ Department, League of Arab States.
Arabic Peer-reviewed Publications:
Hassan, Mazen (2014) ‘New Directions in the Study of Political Parties’, Al-Nahda, Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp. 1-32.
Hassan, Mazen (2013) ‘The political consequences of the Egyptian electoral system applied in the 2011/12 legislative elections’, Al-Nahda, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 1-32.
Hassan, Mazen (2014) ‘Representative Democracy: Global Dilemmas and Arab Challenges’, Majalet Al-Demokrateyia, Vol. 55, pp. 82-85.
Hassan, Mazen and Yousry El-Ezbawy (2013) ‘The map of political parties in Egypt after the revolution: from restrained pluralism to party fragmentation’, Strategic Notes (kurasat estrategiya), 234.
Other Arabic Publications:
Hassan, Mazen, Sarah Mansour and Engi Amin (2022) Increasing Youth Participation: Examining Behavioural and Structural Incentives, Egyptian Cabinet: Information and Decision Support Centre.
Helal, Ali-Eldin, Mazen Hassan and Mai Mogeeb (2017) The Egyptian Political System, Cairo: Cairo University Press.
Helal, Ali-Eldin, Mai Mogeeb and Mazen Hassan (2015) The Return of the State: The Egyptian Political System after June 30th, Cairo: Al-Dar Al-masriya Al-libnaniya.
Helal, Ali-Eldin, Mazen Hassan and Mai Mogeeb (2013) Egypt after the Revolution: the struggle for a new political system, Cairo: Al-Dar Al-masriya Al-libnaniya.
Hassan, Mazen (2012) ‘Independent Candidates in the People’s Assembly Elections 2011/12’, in, Amr Hashim Rabie (ed.) Elections of the People’s Assembly 2011/2012, Cairo: Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, pp. 179-206.
Hassan, Mazen (2011) (ed.) Electoral Systems, A Comparative Study of their Types and Consequences in the Egyptian Context, Cairo; Mahrousa Publishers.
Hassan, Mazen (2013) ‘Painful Trade-offs: Managing economic challenges during democratic transitions’, International Politics, Vol. 191, Annex on Theoretical directions in analysing international politics, January 2013.
Hassan, Mazen (2012) ‘Patterns of pacts and competition in choosing presidents in post-revolutionary contexts’, International Politics, Al-Ahram, Cairo - Egypt.
Hassan, Mazen (2012) ‘International Players in the Egyptian presidential elections 2012’, International Politics, Al-Ahram, Cairo - Egypt.
Course Outline - Electoral Systems and Party Systems, 2019-2020.pdf
Course Outline Research Methods, 2015.pdf
Course Syllabus - Comparing Political Systems in the EU, 2015-16.pdf
Egyptian Political System, second year, 2013-14.pdf
Comparative Politics Masters, course ouline and reading list 2014.pdf