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Ali El Din Hilal Dsoky
Room No: Room 10
Mailing Address: Political Science Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science,Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Email: ali.hilal@feps.edu.eg - ali@alieldean.net
My Curriculum Vitae Recent Publications: List of Publications
Prof. Ali E.Hillal Dessouki
I – Books
1. (Co-editor and Contributor), Foreign Policies of the Arab States: the Challenge of Globalization, Neo & Revised edition (Cairo and New York: the American University in Cairo Press, 2008)
2. Economic Aspects of Disarmament as an Investment Process, co- author ( New York: the United Nations, 1993).
3. The Future of the Arab Nation: Challenges and Options, co- author ( London: Routledge, 1991).
4. Egypt's Economic Potential, co- author, ( London: Croom Helm, 1984).
5. The Foreign policies of Arab States, co- editor and author, ( Boulder: Westview Press, 1984). 2nd ed, 1991.
6. International Relations in the Arab World 1973-1982, editor and contributor (Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economics, 1983).
7. Egypt and the Great Powers 1973-1981, (Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economics, 1983).
8. Islamic Resurgence in the Arab World, editor and contributor ( New York: Praeger Publishers, 1982).
9. The Iraq – Iran War; Issues of Conflict and Prospects for Settlement, editor and contributor, ( Princeton University, Center for International Studies, 1981).
10. Communication System in Rural Egypt, co- authored with Ithiel de Sola Pool (MIT) and Ahmed Aziz Kamal ( Cairo University), ( MIT, Cairo University Technology Planning Program Publications, 1980).
11. Islam and Power, editor and contributor ( London: Croom Helm, 1981). Second Edition in 2013.
12. Democracy in Egypt, editor and Contributor, Cairo papers in social Sciences, (Cairo: the American University in Cairo, 1978). 2nd ed, 1983.
13. Canadian Foreign Policy and the Problem of Palestine ( Ottawa: the Middle East Research Center, 1969).
1. British – Egyptian Relations: The Future Seen Through the Eyes of the Past, in Noel Brehony & Aymn el Dessouki (Eds.) British –Egyptian Relations from Suez to the Present Day ( London: Saqi, 2007), pp. 154-162
2. " Dynamics of change and Continuity in Egypt Today", in Mark Kennedy,ed., Twenty Years of Development in Egypt 1977-1997. Part I (Cairo: The American University in Cairo press, 1999) ,pp.11-16.
3. " Managing Ambivalence: Egypt changing Regional Environment" in Phebe Marr, ed., Egypt at the crossroads. Domestic stability and Regional Role (Washington D.C: National Defense university press, 1999), pp. 193-202.
4. "The Political Situation in the Region after the End of the Cold War", in Thomas Scheben, ed., Towards Partnership between Egypt and the Mediterranean Region. Security and Peace (Cairo: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 1996), pp. 15-19.
5. "External Factors and Development in Egypt", in Dan Tshirgi ed., Development in the Age of Liberalization. Egypt and Mexico (Cairo: The American University in Cairo press, 1991) pp. 159-168.
6. The Impact of Islamism on the Arab System", in Laura Gruazzone, ed., Islamist Dilemma ( Reading: Ithaca Press, 1995), pp. 247-264.
7. "Ideolgy and Legitimacy in Egypt: The Search for a hydbird Formula, in Ayse Oncu" et al, eds, Developments and Beyond Society and Politics in Egypt and Turkey (Cairo: The American University in Cairo press, 1991) ,pp.75 -93.
8. "The Gulf Crisis: An Arab Perspective" in Arab-Japanese Dialogue (Amman: Arab Thought Forum, 1993) pp. 97-107.
9. "Dilemmas of Security and Development in the Arab world: Aspects of the Linkage", in B. Korany et al, eds, The Many Faces of National Security in the Arab World (London: Macmillan, 1993), pp. 76-91.
10. "Neue Perspektiven: Die Araber in Einer Verandaerten Weltordnung", in Micheal Luders: DER ISLAM IM AUFBRUCH? Munchen: R. PiPer , 1992, pp. 33-44. (German)
11. "The Middle East and changing World Order in The Post Gulf War Era", in Antonia Marquina ed., UN NUEVO ORDEN DE SEGURIDAD PARA ORIENTE MEDIO (Madrid: Editorial Complutence, 1992),pp., 47-52 .
12. "The Public Sector in Egypt: Organization, Evaluation and Strategies of Reform", in H. Handoussa &G. potter, eds., EMPLOYMENT AND STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT: EGYPT IN THE 1990's (Cairo: the American University in Cairo press, 1991) ,pp.219-158.
13. "African Positions on Disarmament", (Co-Author), in AFRICAN DISRMAMENT AND SECURITY (New York: United Nations, 1991), pp. 43-56.
14. "Middle Eastern Regional Politics in the Post Gulf War Era", in PROBLEMS OF MAINTENANCE PEACE AND SECURITY IN THE GULF AND JAPAN (Tokyo: the Middle East Institute of Japan, 1989) ,pp. 51-61.
15. "Nasser and the struggle for Independence", in Roger Louis and Roger Owen, eds., SUEZ 1956: THE CRISES AND ITS CONSEQUENCES (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989), pp. 31-42.
16. "Security in a Fractured State: The Conflict over Lebanon", in Robert O' Neil, ed., PROSPECTS FOR SECURITY IN THE MEDITERRANEAN (London : The Macmillan Press, 1988), pp.104-110.
17. "Egyptian Foreign Policy Since Camp David", in William B. Quandt,ed., THE MIDDLE EAST: TEN YEARS AFTER CAMP DAVID ( Washington, D.C.: the Brookings Institution, 1988), pp. 94- 110.
18. "Egypt", in Samual F. Wells, Jr., and Mark A. Bruzonsky, eds., SECURITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST ( Boulder : Weastview , 1987) , pp.61-89.
19. "Official Islam and Political Legitimation in The Arab Countries" in Barbara F. Stowasser ed., THE ISLAMIC IMPULSE ( London: Croom Helm, 1987), pp. 135-142.
20. "Technology Transfer and Social Structure in The Arab World" in Laurence O. Michalak and Jeswald W. Salcuse, eds., SOCIAL LEGISLATION IN THE CONTEMPORARY MIDDLE EAST ( Berkeley: University of California, Institute of International Studies, 1986), pp. 263-276.
21. The Politics of Strategic Imbalance: Israel and The Palestinian Question" in Michael Hudson, ed., ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO THE ARAB ISRAELI CONFLICT ( Washington, D.C.: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1984), pp. 11-26.
22. "Egypt and Gulf Security: The Dilemma of Two Role Perceptions" in Hafeez Malik, ed., INTERNATIONAL SECURITY IN SOUTHWEST ASIA ( NEW York: Praeger, 1984),pp.,141-152.
23. "The Limit of Instrumentalism, Islam in Egypt's Foreign Policy" in A. Dawisha, ed., ISLAM IN FORGEN POLICY (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983) pp.84-96.
24. "Trends of International Relations Research in Egypt and The Arab Countries" in John Stremlau, ed., INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS RESEARCH : EMERGING TRENDS OUTSIDE THE U.S., 1981-1982 ( New York: The Rockfeller Foundation, 1983), pp. 28-41.
25. "The Middle East: Theoretical Propositions and Examples ", in Deniel Frei, ed, MANAGING INTERNATIONAL CRISES ( Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1982), pp.87-96.
26. " The New Arab Political Order: Implications for the 1980's " in Malkolm Kerr and E. Yassin, eds, RICH AND POOR STATES IN THE MIDDLE EAST ( Boulder; Westview Press, 1982), pp. 319-348.
27. " The Politics of Income Distribution in Egypt", in the Robert Tignor and J. Abdel Khalek, eds, THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN EGYPT IN EGYPT ( New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers, 1982), pp.55-87.
28. "The Resurgence of Islamic Organizations in Egypt" in THE ISLAMIC WORLD AND JAPAN (Tokyo: the Japan Foundation, 1981). Pp.359-374.
29. " Towards a Comparative Study of Arab and Japanese Modernization Experiences ", in ARAB JAPANESE RELATIONS ( Tokyo, 1980), pp. 101-106.
30. "Communist Movement in Egypt " YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST AFFAIRS ( Standford: The Hoover Institution, 1977 and 1978 Volumes).
31. "Reflections on Community Relations between Christians and Muslims in The Middle Est." , in S. J. Samartha and J.B. Taylor, eds, CHRISTIAN – MUSLIM DIALOGUE ( Geneva, 1973), PP. 99 -107.
III – Articles
1. The Whirlwind in the Arab Nation, 2014 – 2015: From Regime Change to State Collapse , Contemporary Arab Affairs, ( 2015), vol 8, no.3 pp.295 - 322
2. The Arab Regional system: a question of survival, Contemporary Arab Affairs, ( 2015), vol 8, no.1 pp.96-108
3. "Globalization and The Two Spheres of Security" THE WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, vol. 16 No. 4, ( Autumn, 1993), pp. 109-118.
4. "The Foreign Policies of Middle Eastern Countries: Change and Continuity", JIME REVEW , No. 16 (Spring, 1992), pp. 37-44.
5. " Mellemasten Og Den Aendrede Verdemooder, Tiden Efter Golfkrigun", in Van Kunsten Koflik, POLITIK& HISTORIE vol . 6, (March 1992), pp.7-14 (Danish).
6. 15- "Egypt's Response to The Persian Gulf Crisis", CURRENT History, vol. 2, No. 3 vol.91, No. 561, ( January 1992),pp.34-37.
7. 14-" The Postwar The Arab World" JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY; vol. 2, No. 3 ( Summer 1990), pp. 63-67.
8. "Egypt and Peace Process" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol . XLV No.3 (Summer 1991), pp. 63-67.
9. "L'evolution Politique De L"Egypt: Pluralisme Democratique Ou Neo- autoritarisme", MONDE ARABE, MAGHREB MACHREK, No. 127, (1990) pp. 7-16.
10. "The Shift in Egypt's Migration Policy: 1952 – 1978" MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, vol. 18, No.1 (January 1982), pp, 53-68.
11. "Political Science in the Arab Countries", PARTICIPATION published by the International Political Science Association vol.5, No1 (January 1981),pp 14-15 .
12. "Domestic Variables in Interstate Conflict: A Case Study of the Sahara", ARMED FORCES AND SOCIETY, vol.7 No.3 (spring 1981), pp, 409-422.
13. "Arms Race, Defense Expenditures and Development : The Egyptian Case 1952-1973", co-author, JOURNAL OF SOUTH ASIAN AND MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, Vol. IV, No.3 (Spring 1981), pp. 65-77
14. The Development of Official Ideology in Egypt: Democracy and Socialism", INDIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICS, vol.XIV No. 1-3 (1980), pp. 47-64.
15. "Policy Making in Egypt: A Case Study of the open-door Economic Policy:, SOCIAL PROBLEMS vol. XXVIII, No. 3 (April 1981), pp. 410-416
16. "The Viewers of Salama Musa on Religion and Secularization", ISLAM AND MODERN AGE vol. IV No.3 (August 1973) pp. 23-34.
17. "Arab Intellectuals and Al-Nakba", Middle Eastern Studies, vol.9, no.2 May (1973) , pp 187-195. Reprinted in S. Ibrahim and N. Hopkins, eds, THE ARAB SOCITY (Cairo: The American University in Cairo press., 1978), pp.440-450.
18. "Towards a Comparative Study of Secularization: Christian and Islamic Experiences", ISALM AND MODERN AGE vol.11, no.2 (June 1971),pp. 49 -56.
19. "The Mass Political Culture of Egypt", MUSLIM WORLD. Vol. LXI , No.1 (January 1971), pp. 13-20.
20. "Canadian Foreign Policy and the June War", MIDDLE EAST FORUM, Vol. XLV, No.3 (1969), pp. 61-74.