Room No: 80
Office hours: Monday 3-6 Tuesday 10:30-13:30
Mailing Address: Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
My Curriculum VitaeEducation:
2011: Masters of economics
2018: Phd of economics
Research Interest:
knowledge economy
International trade
environmental economics
Recent Publications:
Do environment regulations matter for EU-MENA trade?
Ramzy, M. and Zaki, C. (2019). “Unleashing Trade Potential in the South and East Mediterranean Countries: How do Non-Tariffs Measures Matter?”, EMNES policy paper No.007.
Ramzy, M. and Zaki, C. (2021).”Trade Integration and South-South Cooperation: How Digitalization Matters in Africa?”, UNOSSC South-South Idea Papers, available at
Aboushady, N.; Ramzy, M.; and Zaki, C. (2023). “Which Agreements boost Trade in Agriculture in Africa?”, Chapter in the African Agriculture Trade Monitor Report AATM, 6th edition, AKADEMIYA and IFPRI.
Hazem, N.; Ramzy, M.; and Zaki, C. (2022). “Do Trade Agreements Matter for Environment? The Case of the MENA Region" Background Research for the World Trade Report, Acknowledgments available at
Kamal, Y. and Ramzy, M. (2024). Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and Egyptian Competitiveness: A trade facilitator or a trade barrier?, Chapter in a Joint Policy Study, EUROMESCO.
Ramzy, M.; and Zaki, C. (2023). “Clusters in the MENA region: Overview, Challenges and Opportunities”, (forthcoming), conducted under the co-funded project between the Economic Research Forum, FEMISE, and Euromed Clusters Forward.