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Irene N. Selwaness (On Leave)
Associate Professor
Mailing Address: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Email: irene.selwaness@feps.edu.eg
Website: http://scholar.cu.edu.eg/?q=iselwaness/
My Curriculum VitaeEducation: Ph.D., Applied Economics, University Paris 1-Pantheon Sorbonne, Paris-France (2012).
Masters in Quantitative Economics with specialization in Labor and Demographic Economics, University Paris 1-Pantheon Sorbonne, Paris-France (2007)
Research Interest: Applied Microeconomics
Labor Economics
Developing Studies
Recent Publications:
Ghada Barsoum and Irene Selwaness. 2022. Egypt`s reformed social insurance system: How might design change incentivize enrolment, International Social Security Review
Mona Amer and Irene Selwaness. Forthcoming. 'Unleashing Employment Potential in the Manufacturing Sector: Developing SME Finance and the Way Forward.' International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies
Ragui Assaad, Caroline Krafft, and Irene Selwaness. 2022. 'The Impact of Marriage on Women`s Employment in the Middle East and
North Africa,' Feminist Economics, 28(2)
Irene Selwaness and Caroline Krafft. 2020. 'The Dynamics of Family Formation and Women`s Work: What Facilitates and Hinders Female Employment in the Middle East and North Africa' Population Research and Policy Review
Rania Roushdy and Irene Selwaness. 2019. 'Who Is Covered and Who Underreports: An Empirical Analysis of Access to Social Insurance in Egypt.' Journal of International Development, 31(8)
Irene Selwaness and Rania Roushdy. 2019. 'Young People School-to-Work Transition in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring: Early Evidence from Egypt.' International Journal of Manpower, 40(3)
Irene Selwaness and Chahir Zaki. 2015. 'Assessing the impact of trade reforms on informal employment in Egypt. ' The Journal of North African Studies 20 (3)
Courses: Mathematiques pour Economistes.docx HPE_Plan 2014-2015.doc