Page 18 - Issue 68
P. 18

ELITE                                                                        VOL 1, ISSUE 68

                                    Why Regimes Fail?

                                  Abdelrahman Sakr- Economics- Third Level

           After 13 years of war in Syria, marked by          or  submission  to  oppression  to  preserve

           bloodshed  and  displacement,  Syria  was          stability and a minimum standard of rights.
           liberated  from  the  tyranny  of  Bashar  al-         In their renowned book "Why Nations
           Assad, the criminal, on December 8, 2024.          Fail",  Daron  Acemoglu  and  James
           Undoubtedly, the fall of Bashar represents         Robinson  explore  how  economic  and
           a victory for justice and a manifestation of       political  institutions  shape  economic

           divine  fairness.  However,  there  is  no         prosperity,  poverty,  and  power  dynamics.
           denying that the potential division of Syria       One of the key points in the book revolves
           could  bring  further  instability  to  the        around the causes of political conflict and

           region,  serving  Israel's  interests  by          the  determinants  of  its  forms.  They  argue
           isolating  Hezbollah  through  severing            that one of the primary drivers of conflict
           supply lines from the Syrian borders. This         is  that  authoritarian  rulers  will  not  create
           could pave the way for greater expansion           just institutions of their own volition. This
           into Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. As a result,        compels  various  groups  within  society  to

           a mix of emotions dominates the scene: a           engage in conflict with these rulers to force
           release of anger against tyranny, hope for         the adoption of more inclusive institutions.
           change,  fear  of  division,  and  anticipation    This conflict may take peaceful forms, such

           of  what  lies  ahead.  These  events  have        as struggles to change institutions through
           reignited debates about who is responsible         nonviolent  means  like  strikes,  peaceful
           for  the  destruction  and  devastation,  the      protests,    and     electoral    competition.
           Western and Turkish support received by            Conversely, conflict can also take the form
           various  factions,  and  whether  these            of  violent,  zero-sum  clashes  in  which

           factions are merely a group of treacherous         neither  side  is  willing  to  coexist  with  the
           mercenaries.  It  has  also  revived  the          other,  ending  only  when  one  party  is
           dilemma of choosing between al-Qaeda or            entirely eliminated. The choice of conflict

           Bashar, chaos as a path to potential justice
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