Page 17 - Issue 68
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ELITE                                                                        VOL 1, ISSUE 68

            In addition, the paper explores the impacts of        Mireille Maher (J-PAL MENA) for her
            these coping mechanisms on dietary patterns               research titled “Understanding

            and      choices.    One      of    the     main      Educational Attainment in Egypt: Key
            recommendations  n  this  paper  are  the            Socioeconomic and Parental Influences”,
            provision  of  balanced  school  meals,  facing                          and
            this increase.                                       Mazen Hassan (FEPS, Cairo University),
            The  second  one,  studied  the  implications  of      Engi Amin (FEPS, Cairo University),
            parental educational attainments and mental          Sarah Mansour (FEPS, Cairo University
            wellbeing  and  socio-economic  factors  on             and National Defense College, Abu

            giving their children high quality education.        Dhabi), and Zeyad Kelani (FEPS, Cairo
            Finally, the last 2 papers provided insightful        University) for their research titled “Is
            knowledge  about  the  key  factors  and             ChatGPT Detrimental to Innovation? A
            determinants  of  child  labor,  tailored  for  the    Field Experiment Among University
            Egyptian context. What was really interesting                        Students”.
            I  this  session  was  the  nuanced  definition  of

            child  labor  based  on  the  context  and  the
            socio-economic  background  due  to  the
            effects of globalization.
            At  the  end  of  the  conference,  best  research
            awards were announced and given to:
                 Reem  Abdelbassir  Hassan  (Egyptian
                 Competition  Authority),  Aya  Mosallam

                 (United    Nations     Global     Compact
                 Network  Egypt)  for  their  research  titled
                 “Food  Price  Increase  and  its  Impact  on
                 Children’s Education in Egypt from 2020
                 to 2024” (Young Researcher.
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