Page 13 - Issue 68
P. 13
This led to the need to study the Four indicators were set to evaluate the
achievements and identify the obstacles first decade's plan: alignment, relevance,
faced in achieving the goals and the ways to effectiveness, and intensity. As for the level
overcome them. of alignment, the goals and programs were
Dr. Mohamed Ashour Mahdy discussed the in line with the national development plan.
evaluation of the decade-long plan of the However, in terms of responding to the
agenda. His presentation answered the specificity of each country, there was
following questions: What is the agenda? weakness, as the plan was framed in a
Why the agenda? How the agenda? And general manner that did not consider the
where is the agenda headed? specificities of some countries. This
The agenda is a 50-year developmental explains the performance disparities
strategy that began in 2018 and will between the North and South on one hand,
continue until 2063. It is divided into five and between the East and West on the
phases: the first decade (2014-2023), the other. Regarding the alignment between
second (2024-2033), the third, fourth, and the agenda's goals and other strategies, the
fifth phases, each ten years. The agenda was goals were in harmony with the
created to address the challenges faced by Sustainable Development Goals and the
previous experiments in African and to five priorities outlined in the African
continue successes achieved by some of Development Bank Group's program. The
them. criteria set for efficiency were weak.
Dr. Mahdy outlined the seven aspirations Overall, the results related to effectiveness
of the agenda: a prosperous Africa, a showed that ten indicators were achieved
politically integrated and united continent, beyond expectations, particularly in areas
good governance and democracy, peace such as free trade, enhancing
and security, shared cultural identity and infrastructure, and increasing awareness of
common values, citizen-led leadership, and the agenda at the political level.
empowering Africa to play a key global Thirty indicators showed good
role. Based on these aspirations, twenty performance, particularly in health,
goals were set, with twelve programs and nutrition, education, technology, and some
projects designed to drive the achievement aspects of security and peace. Sixteen
of these goals and hence the strategy. The indicators showed weak performance, and
goals were highly ambitious, such as the three indicators showed negative
creation of a virtual African university, performance, such as silencing the guns in
silencing the guns, and developing an Africa, climate change, natural resource
African space strategy, and other ambitious management, poverty, and inequality.
goals. Dr. Mahdy ended his speech by stating
that ten years was not enough to judge the
agenda’s success, as some objectives
require longer periods to be fully realized.