Page 14 - Issue 68
P. 14

ELITE                                                                        VOL 1, ISSUE 68
           Ambassador Nader Fath El-Alim started by           He  then  continued  his  discussion  on
           thanking  the  attendees  and  then  took  the     agricultural  programs,  which  aim  to
           audience  on  a  journey  discussing  the          prevent the export of raw African materials
           practical  side  of  implementing  the  agenda.    and  instead  use  them  for  manufacturing.

           He  explained  the  seven  aspirations  of  the    Africa  produces  sixty-five  percent  of  the
           agenda and stated that it was built on two         world's  raw  cocoa  but  does  not  produce
           key  principles:  helping  African  countries      chocolate,  produces  more  than  seventy
           emerge  from  colonialism  and  achieving          percent of rubber but does not make tires,

           minimal      economic       integration.     The   and produces over eighty percent of Arabic
           Economic  Community  of  West  African             gum,  which  is  used  in  more  than  ninety
           States  (ECOWAS)  helping  to  implement           percent of industries worldwide, yet Africa
           free  trade  effectively.  He  also  emphasized    lacks its own industries. He added that the

           the  importance  of  avoiding  Western-            longevity  of  nations  is  not  measured  in
           imposed  terms,  such  as  "sub-Saharan"  and      years  but  in  generations;  ten  years  mean
           "North of the Sahara," stating that Africa is      nothing.  The  Africa  we  want  extends  to
           one  entity  and  should  be  treated  as  such.   2063 for two reasons: the first is the youth,

           One  of  the  goals  of  the  2018  agenda  was    as  the  agenda  relies  on  them  for  its
           freedom of movement, with the ambition to          implementation,  and  strengthening  the
           achieve  a  unified  African  passport  that       youth  is  one  of  the  strongest  programs.
           would  allow  its  holders  to  enter  many        The  second  reason  is  advocating  for

           African  countries  without  a  visa,  which  is   women, as women are the backbone of this
           part of the African integration programs.          continent. He ended his speech by wishing
            One of the key goals of the agenda in 2018        us  a  successful  journey  with  Africa,  one
           was  the  freedom  of  movement,  with  the        that will not end until the desired hopes are

           ambition  to  create  a  unified  African          achieved.
           passport  that  would  allow  its  holders  to     Dr.  Hala  then  opened  the  floor  for
           travel freely across many African countries        questions,  and  one  of  the  main  questions
           without  a  visa.  He  also  discussed  good       was about whether there are internships for

           governance  and  democracy,  as  well  as  the     youth in the African Union. The question
           imposition  of  sanctions  on  countries  that     was  answered  by  the  Ambassador,  who
           violate  constitutional  systems,  such  as        pointed out that there is indeed a program
           through unconstitutional changes.                  for youth called "Youth Volunteer," but it

                                                              is for graduates, not students. When asked
                                                              why,  despite  having  raw  materials,  Africa
                                                              does  not  produce,  Ambassador  Nader
                                                              Fath Al-Aleem responded that Africa does

                                                              produce,  but  it  lacks  the  production
                                                              mechanisms that would lead the continent
                                                              to  prosperity.  Additionally,  it  cannot
                                                              produce with the same quality as Western

                                                              countries,  and  he  called  for  encouraging
                                                              African-made  products.  Dr.  Hala  El-
                                                              Rashidi  then  thanked  the  attendees  and
                                                              concluded the session.
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