Page 16 - Issue 68
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ELITE                                                                        VOL 1, ISSUE 68

             Not  only  that,  but  the  panel  discussion    Moreover,  the  3rd  session’s  papers
             between  Dr.  Asmaa  Ezzat:  Assistant           discussed  remarkably  interesting  and

             Economics  Professor  at  FEPS,  Ms.  Hala       recent  topics,  particularly  the  impact  of
             Abu-Khatwa:            Advocacy          and     TikTok on child wellbeing, especially on
             Communications  Manager  for  UNICEF             child influencers, and the consequences of
             Egypt,  and  Prof.  Mervat  Abou  Oaf            ChatGPT  among  university  students.
             Professor of Practice at the Department of       These  papers  had  a  considerable  weight
             Journalism  &  Mass  Communication,              as they discussed fairly new and modern
             AUC,  was  very  fruitful.  And  personally      topics that are not as present in literature,

             this was one of the best sessions, because       especially  in  the  Arab/Middle  Eastern
             it  was  very  related  to  the  evolutive       context.  On  one  hand,  for  the  paper
             Egyptian  context,  and  based  on  their        about  TikTok,  the  researcher  explored
             different  yet  complementary  fields  of        the moral and psychological implications
             expertise.    They      discussed     several    of being a child influencer, which are not
             dimensions of the impact of social media -       letting  them  live  a  so-called  “normal”

             and  generally  of  screens-  on  child          childhood.  On  the  other  hand,  the
             development and wellbeing. For example,          methodology used in the ChatGPT paper
             the  key  role  of  parents,  teachers  and      was  the  most  striking  because  they  used
             educators  in  ensuring  the  well-being  of     multiple experiment methods to evaluate
             children  and  adolescents,  but  also  the      the impact of the AI chatbot on creativity
             methods  that  can  be  used  by  parents  if    and  innovation,  problem  solving  skills
             they  try  to  support  and  protect  their      and  risk  tolerance.  This  timely  paper  is

             children  from  the  rapid  ad  sudden           very  relevant  to  our  context  and
             evolution  of  technology  and  media.           especially  studying  its  implications  on
             Furthermore,       the     speakers      also    university students is important.
             highlighted  that  the  considerable  impact
             of  media  is  not  only  implicated  on
             children  but  also  on  the  parents.  The

             discussion has also shed some light on the
             considerable  role  of  drama  and  cinema,
             and  also  of  media  literacy,  in  order  to
             raise  awareness  about  certain  topics  and
             issues  and  be  able  too  understand  and
             have  the  correct  tools  to  understand
             certain  matters  related  to  our  day-to-day

             life.                                            Discussing        the       socio-economic
                                                              implications on child welfare is crucial. In
                                                              the  first  paper,  the  researchers  discussed

                                                              the  repercussions  of  food  price  increase
                                                              one children’s education and the parents
                                                              choosing certain schools over others, due
                                                              to financial strains and difficulties.
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