Page 7 - Issue-65
P. 7
Vol 1 - issue 65 ELITE
I see that the world is moving towards I see that we are in facing a new stage of
what can be called the global risk research work due to the technological
community, which is a product of developments that have produced chat
human interventions and crude GPT and the increase in quality but a
policies. For example, climate change decrease in the degree of creativity, but I
was a product of the exploitation of believe that this generation is smart
resources by major industrialized enough to be distinguished, but it lacks
countries, which in turn caused an some frameworks that regulate the
imbalance in the balance of nature. process of its formation in order to be
As for epidemics such as Covid 19, in able to analyse reality by interacting with
the end it is part of the global
industry with great economic
interests, where sometimes some Q9 What are the important topics that are
epidemics are launched-whether not widely discussed in the Arabic library,
intentionally or accidentally - to test despite their importance
them, which may lead to their spread.
This is in addition to the rhetoric I think that one of the issues that need
about the possibility of a third World further discussion are the problematic of
War. Although all this reflects a state Arabism, do we need to reconsider its
of future uncertainty, we should not definition as limited only to language, or
succumb to these ideas to the point do we need to build a new concept based
of exaggeration, and at the same time on a higher degree of commonality based
developing countries should prepare on commonality, in addition to more
to keep up with such developments research towards the concept of the
national state, but in the Twenty-First
Q8 Do you consider the level of Century, and to delve into the study of
academic researchers increasing or Generation Alpha and Generation Z. At the
decreasing over time? end of my speech, I would like to thank
you, Dr. Hanan Ali, Acting Dean, and Dr.
Sept. 2024, p.7