Page 5 - Issue-65
P. 5
Vol 1 - issue 65 ELITE
Q3 Congratulations on assuming the of the nineties, where the water issue
position of deputy director of the Al- was not a big pressing issue at that
Ahram Center for Political and Strategic time. Turning to the doctoral thesis,
Studies, What did this position add to the focus was on the process of
you, and what do you intend to add to democratic transformation, so I
it? wanted to touch on civil society,
indicating a course in that
For a researcher, positions are nothing transformation in the Arab world
but an opportunity through which he specifically. The problem was that the
exchanges experiences with his concept or culture of democracy has
colleagues. It is an administrative not taken root except within very
burden that has nothing to do with the simple limits in the Arab world due to
love of the job, so it should be viewed as the spread of institutions dominated
an opportunity to master the work by traditional character or culture, but
within research centers and organize the at the same time, I noticed the spread
collective mind, especially within a large of civil societies, so I worked to clarify
institution like the journal, as well as the ways and mechanisms through
developing it to the extent that it keeps which these civil societies can be a
pace with the developments, so supporting element for existing civil
consider it an intellectual or research society organizations through the
work mainly containing responsibilities value system.
for organizing work and not vice versa,
and always give weight to the research Q5 You have several writings in African
side. Studies, in light of a continent fueled
by conflicts, how do you assess the
Q4 You have several important writings situation in Sudan?
on civil society as an expert in civil
society affairs, and it was also your As for Africa, I see that its biggest
doctoral subject, what is the motive problem is the existence of a defect in
behind your interest in this field? the process of nation-building by
trying to impose and build the concept
of a modern state within traditional
societies mainly based on race and
ethnicity. This problem, of course, is
not born today, but since colonialism
divided the borders until now, in
addition to the failure of development
models and,
I liked to find research gaps that the
previous researchers had not delved
into, so I preferred to work on Africa,
specifically the Egyptian foreign policy
towards the Nile Basin countries in my
master's thesis at the beginning
Sept. 2024, p.5