Page 6 - Issue-65
P. 6

Vol 1 - issue 65                                                       ELITE

             the  failure  of  integration  plans  due  to Therefore,  in  ‘Ahwal  Masreya’,  we
             their  impact  on  external  factors  and strive to build a modern development
             increased      competition       for    natural model        based     on    the    Egyptian
             resources by international forces, which collective  identity-not  subsidiary  -
             would increase the intensity of conflicts and retain its specificity, as we did in

             and fueling crises such as the division of the number of Egypt between twenty
             Sudan                                             and  so  on,  in  the  belief  that
                                                               successful  models  around  the  world
             Q6  How  do  you  see  the  situation  in were             able     to    carry    out     the
             Egypt,  is  Egypt  still  a  leader  at  the development  process  in  light  of  its
             African, Arab, and regional levels?               adherence  to  its  identities,  such  as
                                                               China, India, Japan, and Indonesia.
             For  Egypt,  it  is  a  big  country  with
             prestige,  capable  of  leadership.  At  one Q7How  can  You  explain  the  state  of
             point, it had what its peers did not have, uncertainty  in  the  analysis  of  the
             so  it  was  the  one  that  was  leading,  but global political situation, and current
             now the rest of the countries had many events regionally and globally?
             gains  and  strengths.  However,  in  my
             estimation,  Egypt  still  owns  more  than

             any other country in the region, which is
             the Egyptian identity.

                                                                                                  Sept. 2024, p.6
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