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Vol 1 - issue 65                                                       ELITE

             editor-in-chief      of     the     Egyptian As  for  the  promotion  at  the  center,  I
             Conditions magazine, and the Egyptian have  worked  in  all  units,  whether
             Studies  Unit,  what  is  the  position Egyptian,  Arab,  international,  law,  or
             closest  to  your  heart  and  what  is  the sociology.  Although  this  phenomenon
             reason behind this attachment?                  was  not  widespread  among  young

                                                             people,  I  desired  to  get  as  much
             Before  moving  on  to  talking  about information  as  possible.  I  learned  from
             positions, I want to mention the period Dr.  Yassine  how  to  build  a  distinctive
             of  me  joining  the  Al-Ahram  Center  for personality for a researcher, whether at
             Political  and  Strategic  Studies,  which the  scientific,  psychological,  or  moral
             served as the second stop in my life, as level, as well as not to engage in political
             it suited my personality. I also realized work  in  order  to  try  to  maintain
             that joining it was a great opportunity credibility,                 neutrality,           and
             to invest what I learned during my four professionalism.  During  that  period,  I
             years  at  the  college;  because  of  its worked  in  an  Israeli  anthology  and
             great history and my admiration to the specialized in Arab 48, The Strategic file
             great imprints left by its early founders on  estimating  situations  that  present
             in  the  research  field,  I  wanted  to  be many issues, the Arab Studies Unit, the
             among  that  scientific  and  research Arab  strategic  report,  and  then  the
             Constellation;  I  didn't  think  of  any editor-in-chief  of  Egyptian  conditions,
             other      alternatives.      The      strong which       taught     me    to    follow    the
             collaborative      bond      between      the intellectual       development         between
             faculty     and     the     first-generation generations.  There  was  that  pairing

             scholars at the center also served as a between               the     administrative       and
             catalyst  that  facilitated  integration scientific part, which taught me how to
             into the center and created a sense of manage  research  centers  and  deal  with
             familiarity.    This  stage  began  with  an researchers          in     a      collaborative
             internship  that  lasted  for  five  years framework  that  maintains  a  balance
             before  the  appointment,  but  my  love between                the       cognitive        and
             for  research  work  prompted  me  to psychological  side  of  the  researcher,  I
             continue       learning      and      gaining have  always  been  proud  to  supervise
             experience,  as  it  was  a  period  full  of the  training  of  students  of  Economics
             knowledge  sharing  and  brainstorming, and political science.
             it  was  a  cumulative  scientific  building
             accompanied  by  the  support  and
             encouragement of senior professors.

                                                                                                  Sept. 2024, p.4
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