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ELITE                                                                                       Issue6: Apr.2019                                                                                        Page | 5

                       EGX INDICES                                                                          FEPS & UNICEF

     MONTHLY ANALYSIS                                                                                                            BOND

         With  a  market  cap  of  $953  billion  dollars,  the  Egyptian  stock
  exchange  (EGX  for  short)  is  considered  to  be  one  of  the  important

  markets for investment in Egypt. In this article we are spotting the light

  on a one month performance of EGX. In particular, we’ll be talking about
  EGX 30 and EGX 50. What do these indices mean? EGX30 stands for the

  top 30 companies in terms of liquidity and activity. The Index is weighted
  by the adjuste  d free floated market capitalization. EGX50 includes top 50

  companies  in  terms  of  liquidity  and  activity.  The  index  is  designed  to

  balance the impact of price changes among the constituents of the index
  as they will have a fixed weight of 2% at each quarterly review.

                                                                               Mohamed Fawzi
  General overview                                                             Economics. 2  Level

                                                                                                           FEPS & UNICEF Agreed on Producing High Quality Research

                                                                                                                                        on Children and Adolescents

                                                                                                                 The Faculty of Economics and Political Science has recently signed a

                                                                                                          cooperation agreement with the United Nations Child  Fund-UNICEF Egypt.
                                                                                                          The  cooperation aims  at developing evidence-based high quality research to

                                                                                                          help  formulate  and  implement  better  public  policies  in  a  number  of
                                                                                                          developmental fields; related to sustainable development and achieving multi-
        Fig 1.1                                                    Fig 1.2                                dimensional  equality  for  children  in  Egypt.  The  cooperation  also  targets
  As we can      see the general trend of  both  indicators over a  year  is  heading  for an  increase  but  in  a   capacity building for promising researchers that are able to identify innovative
  decreasing rate until it reached its trough on the x-axis in the 9  of December 2018. It’s worth noting   evidence-based  policy  solutions  to  improve  the  well-being  of  children  and

  that this trend does  not mean that EGX  is acquiring  losses  however  it’s acquiring positive rates  of   adolescents  in  Egypt.  The  cooperation  coincides  with  Egypt's  endeavors  to
  change at much smaller rates than previous percentages in earlier months of 2018.                       achieve justice and social inclusion in its 2030 vision.

  Feb\March Performance                                                                                   Within the framework of this cooperation, the end of February witnessed the          Nadine Alaa

                                                                                                          successful  launch  of  the  first  research  activity,  in  which  FEPS’  faculty
                                                                                                          members and students were invited to prepare research papers on “Child and              Economics TA
                                                                                                          Adolescent  Wellbeing  in  Egypt".  Research  papers  are  to  be  presented  in  a
                                                                                                          conference that will be held in October, 2019.
                                                                                                          Prof.  Mahmoud  El-Said,  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political
                                                                                                          Science, delivered the opening speech in the presence of Prof. Omneia Helmy,
                                                                                                          Vice Dean for Post-Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Mona Esam Fayed,
                                                                                                          Associate Professor at the Economics Department and the coordinator of the
                                                                                                          cooperation agreement. UNICEF was represented by Dr. Luigi Peter Ragno,

                                                                                                          Chief of the Social Policy (SPME), UNICEF and Ms. Marisa Foraci, UNICEF
                                                                                                          Social  Policy  specialist.  Many  faculty  members  and  students  participated  in
                                                                                                          this event.

                                                                                                          A number of the faculty members and senior students have recently sent their
                             Fig 2.1                                                                          Fig.2.2   research  abstracts  to  be  evaluated  by  a  committee  of  Economic  professors

                                                                                                          from  both FEPS and UNICEF. The authors of the eligible abstracts will go
  Both graphs show a decreasing trend until the line touches the x-axis at the 6  of March 2019 with a    into a process of many specialized workshops to end up with a high quality
  few  fluctuations  in  both  indices  to reach a  level  of 14,643  for EGX30 and 2394  for EGX50. Let’s   evidence-based research paper ready to be used in public policy making

  understand then, why would a level decrease? This happens when at a certain time, too many shares of

  a certain company are being sold and thus the supply of a share is high while the demand on it is low.
  If we look on the macro or aggregated level, we can find that even more companies are witnessing this

  occurrence and  it resulted  in  a  very  small positive change  in the percentage. However  the question   EXISTENTIAL!          A poem
  remains,  why    would  shareholders  sell  their  shares  in  the  companies?  Simple  answer,  the  company
  they’re investing in is not giving them satisfactory dividends; the company might be making losses, or

  their might be a better investment elsewhere and this is the actual reason of the decline in 6  of March
  2019. Before I state the “better” investment, it’s good to  link  it with the general economic  flow of

  Egypt first.                                                                                           Can you feel it too?  The slow death of your atoms? ..The burning out?

  Things You Need To Know                                                                                You're not a stranger,…Not for now.

  :  Back  in  2016,  Egypt  has  requested  a  loan  of  US$12  billion  from  the  International  Monetary   Maybe when you detach from that blackhole that sucked you in,
  Fund(IMF) to be paid on basis of 6 imbursements. To my analysis, I don’t think Egypt is in great need

  of that loan however, this act was one by the government to provide a green signal to the world that our   And  stop  wondering  what  makes  you  "you"…You're  not  the  only  one  who
  credit rating is good. However, in order to receive our green passport or our desired loan, the IMF has   hears them…I hear them too.
  to support the Egyptian authorities in the structural reform to ensure that we will be able to repay back   They whispered all the things you didn't want to hear and left you in despair.
  the debt. We’ve heard about important reforms such as exchange rate flexibility, subsidy reform; and
  spending  more  on  health,  education  and  infrastructures.  Yet,  the  most  important  one  was  the   But you forgot.
  encouragement of investors to invest their money. The government is planning to do this by issuing     It's a shame that you can neither stop time nor keep up with it….You know the
  shares for 5 massive public companies. The companies are 1)Eastern company for smoke 2)Abo Qir for     truth, it lies within you.
  Fertilizers  3)Heliopolis  for  housing  and  development  4)Alexandria  for  Mineral  Oil  5)Alexandria
  container & Cargo handling company. It’s worth noting though that a recent decision was made and       So close yet so  far  away…You just  need to silence the voices,.Open  up your
  Alexandria for mineral oil has been excluded from the offerings program.                               mind,
                                                                                                         And see.
  Reason for decline :
                                                                                                         You know why you're here….You just don't know what you know yet.
     As we have previously mentioned, these companies are the biggest and most profit-making public firms   The closer you get to the  answer the  more  frantic your eyes get..Don't be so
  in the Egyptian economy. Thus their offerings are such a very attractive investment to all types of investor.   scared.                                                               REEM Mustafa
  As  far as  I can see, the general decreasing  trend  of  the  indices  in Figure 1.1  and 1.2  is because  of the                                                                        Political Science, 3  Level
  following reason. Ever since the Minister of Finance announced that the price estimation  of the offered   You cannot possibly live in two bodies…This is your home, stranger.
  shares is calculated based on the average price offerings on the previous month, big investors (price-takers)
  were  trying  hardly  to  decrease  the  indices’  value  so  that  they  will  be  able  to  buy  the  shares  of  the  4   You're young and you're old…You're a misfit toy in this crowded isle.
  companies at a low price and thus doubling and tripling their profits.                                 And in some strange way you belong here.
  In  my  opinion,  they’re  winners  because  of  two  reasons.  The  first  one  is  they’re  buying  very  important
  shares for a low price and second thing is that a company like Eastern Company is always profit-making                                       ELITE  HIGH  BOARD:  Prof.  Dr.  Mahmoud  Elsaid
  and  thus  there  will  always  dividends  to  distribute  for  shareholders.  Back  to  our  main  point,  the  first                       (Chairman)--Prof.  Dr.  Hanan  Mohamed  Ali  (member)--
  company  shares  to  be  offered  are  Eastern  Company’s  on  the  3   of  March.  Unlike  what  was  expected,                             Prof.Dr. SamyElsayyed (member)--Prof. Dr. Mazen Hassan
  declarations  by  the  government  state  that  that  the  price  of  Eastern’s  share  was  not  undervalued  and                           (member)--RamyMagdy Ahmed (editor in chief)
  17EGP/share is its normal price. Let’s have a look on figures 2.1 and 2.2. We can see EGX30 and EGX50
  declined exponentially until it touched the x-axis at the 6  of March. At that date, the final disclosure note                               Editorial  Board:  SilvanaSobhy--NahedTahaElzeiny--Mai
  of the company was published and this is why we see the  lowest trough at that date.  We can see  other                                      Osama       Soliman--Lina        Hesham—Sara           Naserldin       --
  troughs for the second time in both figures 2.1 and 2.2 however I wasn’t able to find a clear reason to it after                             NermineTawfik
  looking  at  Egypt’s  internal  affairs  at  that  date.  On  an  international  scale,  I  found  that  most  of  the   This issue is dedicated to
  international  stock  exchange  markets,  especially  the  New  York  stock  exchange  in  Wall  Street,  faced  a                           Editors  (this  issue):  Esraa  Yaacoub--Farah  Ezzeldin--
  sudden and exponential decline. The decline was due to Fedex announcing that it has incurred losses at that   our praying victims in
  date. It does sound a little bit reasonable since if we took a look back at the graphs we realize that the drop   Christchurch, New Zealand   Fareeda  Khalifa--Abdelrahman  ElHadidi--Aya  Shaaban--
  was sudden between the 19  and 20  of March. The good news, though, is that this week ended with a                                           Abdelrahman  Osama--Maries  Adel--Mayar  Tarek--Amr
  positive  percentage  change  of  0.4%&  Year  to  date  of  13.4%  for  EGX30  and  0.57%&  year  to  date  of     #HelloBrother            Samy--Dina Ehab--Mohamed Fawzi
  11.92% for EGX50. The trend seems to be rising again and I expect that it will improve more especially
  after Fitch ratings raised Egypt’s score to B+! This will encourage foreign investors to put their money in

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