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ELITE                                                                                      Issue6: Apr.2019                                                                                        Page | 3

    The Filière Turns 25’

    FEPS French Section Celebrates Its Silver Jubilee in The French Embassy in Cairo and A New (FEPS-Paris 1) Class Gets Graduated At Cairo University

                                           ELITE Covers The Event And Explores Professors’ Impressions

                                                          Graduation Photo for FEPS-PARIS 1 CLASS
                                                                                                                                                    French Ambassador Stephane Roumatier’s Speech at The Ceremony
                                                    Cairo  :  Nahed  Taha,  Mayar  Tarek,  Amr  Samy,  Speaking  about  the  section’s  ability  to  achieve  its
                                                    Mai Osama and Dina Ehab                                 objectives  ,Prof.  Maha  said  that  the  section  has

                                                                                                            achieved its objectives since its establishment, in terms
                                                      On  March  4,  2019,  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and
                                                                                                            of its cooperation with the University of Paris and the
                                                    Political  Science,  Cairo  University,  in  cooperation   Sorbonne. And the delegations of a number of French
                                                    with the French Embassy in Cairo, celebrated the 25th   students to study at the section, as well as sending the
                                                    anniversary  of  the  establishment  of  FEPS  French
                                                    section,  in addition to the graduation of a new  batch   section’s students to study abroad and the exchange of
                                                    from  the  University  of  Paris  Penthéon  Sorbonne    a  number  of  faculty  members  from  both  sides  which
                                                                                                            reassures  that  the  section  has  achieved  a  lot  of  its
                                                    cooperation.                                            objectives. And about what she hopes for the section in
                                                                                                            the next phase, Prof. Maha talked about her ambitions
                                                    The ceremony was attended by a number of prominent
                                                                                                            to add Statistics to the program of Political Science and
                                                    public  figures,  includingProf.  Dr.  Mahmoud  El-Said,   Economics in the future.
                                                    FEPS  Dean,  Dr.  Hala  Al-Said,  Minister  of  Planning
                                                    Follow-up and Administrative Reform, andthe French
                                                    Ambassador     in   Cairo,   Ambassador     Stephane  Prof.Dr.  Laila  Elkhawaga  expressed  her  excitement
                                                    Roumatier.                                              with the event against which she stressed the success of

                                                                                                            the  French  section  as  an  idea  and  referred  to  the
                                                    During the ceremony, the professors who founded the  increasing scholarships the   filiere students received. In
                                                    French  section,  its  former  directors,  and  the  French  addition, ElKhawaga  aspires that the English Masters
                                                    professors who contributed into making the agreement  program with Sorbonne will further develop the French
                                                    with the University of Paris 1 possible were honored.   section.  Finally,  Khawaga  wishes  more  students  to

                                                                                                            decide taking the filiere as their choice.
                                                     The agreement between the faculty and the University
                                                    of  Paris  1  -  Pantheon  Sorbonne  is  a  model  for
                                                                                                            Prof.  Dr.  Mostafa  Kamel  Elsayyed  on  his  part
                                                    successful academic partnerships at the undergraduate,
                                                    postgraduate,  and  academic  exchanges  levels.        expressed  his  confidence  on  the  high  level  of
                                                    Congratulations  to  our  graduates,  wishing  them  the   excellence  French  section  students  show  ,  he  also
                                                    best of excellence.                                     appreciated  their  linguistic  mastery,  punctuality  and
                                                                                                            dedication. Kamel found that the French section is an

                                                    In the framework of the celebration of the College 25   experience that needs to be an examplar for the rest of
                                                    anniversary since the foundation of the French section,  faculty,  though  Kamel  ushered  to  the  need  of
                                                    ELITE went to interview Prof. Maha El Ashram, Prof.     improving  the  library  of  the  section.  As  for  the
                                                    Laila Elkhawaga and Prof. Mostafa Kamel professors      ceremony  Kamel  expressed  his  admiration  of  it
                                                    at the department
                                                                                                            although he wished for a more time to honor excellent
                                                                                                            students  of  the  section  .  he  also  wished  a  more
                                                    Dr.  Maha  ElAshram  expressed  her  positive           extended  period  for  exchange  professors  and  a  more
                                                    impression of the celebration in terms of organization
                                                                                                            resources for the French section in general.
                                                    excellence,  in  addition  to  being  an  opportunity  to
                                                    reunite  the  graduates  of  the  section  again.  She  also
                                                    stressed that the presence of Dr. Hala Al-Saeed gave
                                                    the       celebration      a       special      taste.         Bonne Anniversaire Notre Filliere
                    Prof. Dr. Maha El-Ashram                                                                                                                                     Prof.Dr. Mostafa Kamel Elsayyed

  Prof.Dr. Mahmoud ElSaid (The Dean), Prof. Dr. Hala Elsaid (Former Dean and   Prof.Dr. Mahmoud ElSaid (The Dean), Prof. Dr. Hala Elsaid (Former Dean   Prof. Dr. Hala Elsaid (Former Dean and Planning Minister) in a photo with a
              Planning Minister) Honors The French Ambassador                           and Planning Minister) Honors Dr. Mona Amer                                group of the French section professors

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