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ELITE                                                                                       Issue6: Apr.2019                                                                                       Page | 4

   Ms.  Mahitab  Montasser,  FEPS  TA  at  Osnabruck  Germany                  Prof. Dr. Mohamed Soffar writes:

   Master’s Program  writes                                                                          Establishing Political Science:
          German Notes

                                                                                              Between The Lion and The Rabbit

       In the summer of 2017, I have flown to Germany to get my MA after graduating directly   Translation : Maries Adel                              abstract  principles - in  the  form  of  a  bird,  an  animal  or  a  human  being -
   from  the  Department  of  Political  Science  -  Cairo  University.  Actually,  I  had  a  great                                                   makes the lessons of science more accessible, enjoyable and less difficult

   amount of enthusiasm and passion but were encapsulated with some  feelings of  fear of     For so long, those who deduced the cultural and historical centrality of the   for  the  learner. The  theme of  the book  is the study of politics  from
   failure, especially because I did not know anything about the German language, which I   West, have overwhelmed us with the theory of the Greek miracle; Greece was   two aspects, as   reflected   by the book sections, the first   aspect

   discovered later that this language has the ability to expand your imagination and provide   a beautiful flower in the barren  desert  of  history. Greece  has cherished  the   is the area of politics, and  it  is in turn  divided  into internal  policy;
   the mind and soul with various vocabularies that make it easier for you to explain what you   fruits  of  its  poets  and  philosophers  amidst  the  wilderness  of  poverty  that   process of interaction   between the center of power   and the parties

   feel in a brief  way  without losing the delicacy and tactfulness during talking to anyone   pervades it; the civilization of Greece and its thought has been born out of its   surrounding  it  under the same  political unity.  And foreign  policy
   regardless his or her intellectual background or even age and gender factor.   own inspiration and returns to  it , and it  owes  nobody  a favor . This theory
                                                                                                                                                      focusing on the process of interaction between different political actors with
                                                                               makes  the  West  looks  like  a  miracle  at  all  stages  of  its  historical
   Because the program is based on the mandatory attendance of German courses intensively,   development, so only non-Westerners can look for a true and false proximity   no  supreme authority over them; the jungle is the most descriptive adjective

   the experience of stumbling and inability to communicate with the German society was the   to  the  West,  the model  of  higher  humanity. To be fair,  the  Western   for  it. The  second  aspect  is  the  instruments  of  political  practices,  it  is
   most difficult experience at all, similarly in the Egyptian society we find that the Arabic   researchers  has  revealed  in the last  century the falsehood of this theory, and   concerned  with two  instruments, namely the use of words  or  what the  wise

   language is the basis of communication other than the non-Arabic speaking person will   highlighted  the  ethnic  segregation  it  promotes, linked to  the historical   Aristotle call  the art of rhetoric  and  he  makes  it  a  part  of the political
   feel  with  a  severe  inability  to  do  the  smallest  things  which  are  very  necessary.  This  is   conditions  of the centuries the eighteenth  and  nineteenth centuries. Senior   science, as  well  as the use of acts  or  what Plato  call  “the  divinity”,

   exactly what happened to me, which made me encounter experiences that I cannot imagine   scientists  of the rank of George Sarton and Martin Bernal revealed that the   the art of legislation and  devotes a special book to it,  the ancients later on
   before. Some of those experiences left good impressions and beautiful memories and the                                                             will            translate            it            as “The Laws.”

   other made me judge that this is inevitable to be classified as clear racism and arrogance   civilization of Greece benefited from the neighboring civilizations, and those
   which is unjustified.                                                       who  achieved  political,  cultural  and  military  supremacy in  Egypt  and   Although the purpose of the book is to enable the ruler to exercise his role

                                                                               Phoenicia and Babylon. Did not Thales, the first Greek philosopher, declare
   But once I have already gained the basis of German language structure and I moved to   that  water  is  the  origin  of  everything, because  he  lived  in  Egypt  before   while  being  aware  of  the  origins  and  principles  of  the  art  of  politics, as

   another city where my current university and started my programme, I felt that the matters   that, and  the  prevailing  religion  there  believed  that  the  world  was  created   evidenced  by  the  introduction  and  sections  of  the  book, as  we  have
   went  calmer  and less  pressure. Thus,  I  could  find new  paths  in  order  to  react  with  the   from water.                                  shown, which enters the book in the tradition of literature of advice, but if

   surrounding  environment  differently.  Also,  the  German  society  is  rich  and  fertile  with                                                  we  look  closely  we  will  observe  that  it  tend  to  correct  the  political
   numerous  issues  starting  from  people's  interaction  with  each  other  and  their  interaction                                                relationship   through   enabling   the   ruled    to    resist. So

   with  their  city  and  the  other  German  cities’  structures  with  all  their  details  concerning   Based on this, the search for a beginning of political science extends beyond   politics is in the book, although  the  wise  man  did  not  reveal  it bluntly
   transportation,  the  entertainment  and  picnic  spaces,  learning  and  education  spaces,  the   the shores  of the Mediterranean Sea and turns to the East, according to Dr.   because  of  his  wisdom  he  knows the limits of his  sayingsand  the

   housing procedure with its volatile policies, and the medical and health structure with its   Muhammad Husain Heikal. In this context we have to look beyond the texts   consequences of  trespassing  it, I  say  that  politics is broader  than the mere
   complicated  bureaucratic  system  especially  for  the  non-Germans,  passing  on  the  major   of classical philosophy ( that is, the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle ), even   exercise of ruling  over  the  ruled,  but  also the practice of resistance

   issues which are related to the domestic  policies with the connection to the German citizen   though they took on an unusual form or character for us , after we broadcast   against the rulers, because the practice of  politics  is  not  separated  from
   and  its  relations                                                         an age relating to the covenants of the West, its philosophies, currents, ideas
                 with  the regional  interactions  at the  European level  and how  could  be
   considered the correlation between the German citizen and the German state institutions   and  concepts . Here  we  find  the  tradition  of  the  literature  of  advice  or  the   ethics, or what Plato calls theoretical virtues. Perhaps the story of the rabbit
   based accumulated functions,  ending with the international issues which have a profound   royal literature or mirrors of princes, which was famous in the Islamic world   and lion with its metaphors reveals this clearly.

   impact on the German society, the most important current issue is  Syrian refugees and   as one of the traditions of studying the phenomenon of power in the vicinity
                 has the German society considered the Syrian society,  which reflected
   asylum and how                                                              of  juridical  politics  and  civil  philosophy. If  we  follow  this  tradition  in  its   It is said that the Lion was very brutal and does not hand over animals from
   changes and fluctuations that left the impressions of hope and optimism in some cases but   infancy, it will lead us to the text of “The Five Books”, which was written   his  harm;  he  was  executing  the  animals  in  bulk, without  any  purpose  or
   sooner  those     impressions  changed  into  the  impression  of  terror  and  deception  on  both   between 100 BC   and 500 BC   in   ancient   India.     mercy. Thus,  the  lion  symbolizes  in  the  story  the  very  tyrannical  and
   sides,  whether  German  society  with  its  all  backgrounds,  or  similarly  with  Syrian   This  book  starts  with  an  acknowledgmentthat  reveals  the  purpose  of  its   authoritative ruler who abhors the oppression and abuse of his subjects, and
   counterpart  which  brought  out  the  background  of  war  and  destruction.  Also,  it  reflects   authorship. The book is dedicated to three characters that we do not know, but   does so according to purpose and lust, as Ibn Khaldun says. As this ruler has

   storytelling that is able to easily change your vision of life in a remarkable and recognized   it is clear from the  description of the book that they  have  written books in
   manner.    regarding the curriculum and student life, there was a fear of stumbling from the   political  science, and  to  those  the  book grants  "the most  sincere  signs  of   subjugated  the  governed, all  they  can  do  is  to  remind  the  lion  with  the

   curriculum and the program's content. But latterly I discovered that there are intersections                                                       doomsday,  the  judgment  and  the  sins that  will  deny  him  from  eternal

   between what I studied in the Department of Political Science in Cairo university and my   sincerity  and  reverence." The  introduction  to  the  book  shows  us  the   blessings;this reflects the submissiveness and helplessness of doing anything
   current program at Osnabrück University. these common areas could be described to be   circumstances surrounding its writing, which  make it easier for us to reveal   against  the lion. But  more than that they subjected themselves  to the lion
   somehow  solid    and  strong,  but  not  as  the  degree  of  cognitive  depth  that  I  sometimes   the  subject  and  purpose  of  the  book. The  introduction  begins  with  a  very   and despotism, where  they  distributed  the  cost  of  tyranny  over
   experienced  because  of  the  differences  of  research  interests,  levels  of  analysis,  adopted   critical paradox; there is the Indian king, whose power is so immense that his   everyone, that they were worshiping themselves to the tyrant. They agreed

   concepts  and  theories,  adopted  methodologies,  and  contemporary  issues  that  preoccupy   feet are illuminated by  the rays of  jewelry in  the  crowns  of the  kings  who   with each other that each tribe, respectively, would send one of its members
   German society in particular and other European societies generally. The department at the   kneel  down  to  him. He  was  not  only  the  king  who  held  the  power  of  the   each day to be served as a meal to the lion, and that individual, the victim,

   Osnabrück University is determined by the term of social and human sciences. Within it,   country, but also the wise man of all arts, chiefly the art of ruling. It is as if   would go with his feet to his death. Do you see a greater humiliation than
   you can find the branch of political science, which in turn is not divided into the common   we are talking about the king – thephilosopher king- whom Plato made “the   this  in  the  face  of  tyrannical  authority? As  a  result  of  this  humiliating

   divisions  in  our  Arab  societies,  rather  it  is  divided  according  to  what  is  witnessed  and   divine”, as  the  ancients  called  him, at  the  head  of  the  ideal  regime  of  the   submission, the lion acknowledged them for the humiliation they committed
   required  by  the  society  to  examine  and  study  both  on  the  local  and international  level.   republic. However, this king is subjected to the tribulation that always afflicts   themselves            to.

   That’s why the content of the programmes is in dynamic status and profound change, but   those  great  kings. He  has  three  children,  they  are  idiots  and  they  know   In this context, the rabbit appears on the political scene, as the victim whose
   of  course  there  are  some  fixed  aspects  that  are  considered  to  be  the  fundamentals  of   nothing, as  their  father  describes  them,  and they  are  completely  ignorant  of   turn  has  come, and  the  rabbit  is  the  objective  opposite  of  the

   political science.                                                          the principles of political science.                                   lion, symbolizing  cowardice,  weakness  and  sedition.  The gap  is wide

    In  general,  the  cognitive  content tends to  focus  on  small,  articular issues  and after  the                                               between  him  and  the  lion, and  the  imbalance  of  power  between  them  is
   student  has  studied  the  broad  Macro  pathways  in  the  first  semester  which  it  could  be   This  paradox  puts  the  King  and  the  entire  Kingdom  in  the  face  of  a  very   enormous. Which is intended because the rabbit has refused to be led to die

   numerated briefly as following: political theory and civil society, introductions on research   serious problem. The succession of his rule to these princes only means the   and  go  by  himself  to  the  clutches  of  death, the  rabbit  highlighted  the
   methodology  in  political  sciences,  introductions  on  international  relations,  economic   loss of his power, the collapse of his kingdom and the distortion of his legacy   trick, which  is  the  basis  of  governance  and  its  outcome, as  it  enables  its

   sociology, political economy, and criminology in relation to the complexities of societies,   to  future  generations. The  problem  is  not  confined  to  the  king  alone, but   owner  to  overcome his  disability, no  matter  how  weak. The  rabbit  has
   contemporary  issues  in  comparative  political  systems,  comparative  policy  analysis  and   includes  his  entourage,  in  the  language  of  the  Royal  literature, where  their   decided that it will kill the lion by the trick, so only wisdom can bridge the

   good governance, civil society from comparative perspectives, theories of democracies and   political interests and social status and material wealth and property coincided   wide gap between the two extremes in the political equation and restore the
   Transitional  junctures  studies,  and  the  European  Union  from  legal  and  comparative   with the continuation of the regime of the king after his death, he proposed   balance of power between them. Even worse, it will enable the weakest of

   legislative and analytical perspectives. After that the specialized studies with tiny issues   the issue to his ministers who agreed that only the old wise man can save the   the neck of the strongest. Thus, the weak rabbit walked slowly to arrive late
   and intensive analysis issues sphere come into the consideration. I can summarize as far as   situation. He is able in his wisdom to teach the foolish princes the principles   for the time of the lion's meal, thus making an occasion to provoke the lion’s

   possible some of them as following: Contemporary societal issues between climate change                                                            anger and vexation. When the lion asked him why he was late, he spawned
   and  conflicts,  social  welfare  and  sustainability,  gender  studies  from  the  sociological   of power and the origins of governance in a short time. So the purpose of the   his trap. He mentioned that he had met another lion who did not recognize

   perspective,  poverty  and  scarcity  in  Germany,  The  professional  market  and  occupation   book as it will be clear is to teach the  principles  of  political science to the   the  tyrannical  power  of  the  lion and despised  him  by  calling  him  the
   from  the  perspective  of  political  economy,  digitization  and  the  future  of  work  in   ignorant  that  is Political  Science  for  Dummies;  also  called  novice  books   thief. The  rabbit  has  said  all  what  he  wish  through  the  imaginary  lion's

   contemporary societies,  energy policies, asylum policies in Germany, migration and the   nowadays. The purpose of the book was not theoretical education, but it was   tongue, from which he has made a hypocritical enemy of the tyrant to stir
   south earth, the sociology of migration, migration studies and migration research, gender   for practical purposes. This issue also relates to the relationship between the   his strength, by aggravating his anger and provoking him, in the direction he

   studies in Syrian refugee crises, emotional sociology,  economics and society in Europe,   king and the wise or between the prince and the educated in our contemporary   wants.
   city  and  local  politics,  dynamics  of  family  relations,  political  thought  and  social   language, as revealed by the dialogue between the king and the wise.

   movements, violence and protest studies, comparative civil-military relations.                                                                      The rabbit went a step further, through inciting the logic of authoritarianism

                                                                                                                                                      inherent  in the mind of  the lion, the  rabbit  told  him  that  that  lion  is
   Thus,  the  pattern  of  these  courses  tends  to  turn  the  ordinary  person  into  a  specialized   The king asked the wise to do him and his children a favor; the wise man shall   waiting for him   and   is   challenging   him   in a battle   or   power
   person who can discuss public issues that are easy for the German citizen to discuss, but   teach  the  foolish  children  the  art  of  ruling  and  in  return  the  king  will   struggle in which the victor  wins the  rule of  the jungle. As  the  tyrannical

   with  methodologies  and methods  that  can  apply  the  academic  and  scientific nature  and   generously reward him. The truth is that the relationship, even if it bears the   logical  dominate  the lion’s  vision and  practice of  power, he accepted that
   come up with ideas and outputs that can solve the reality and be applied at the grassroots   description of a favor, it is just by name, for as long as the wise man receives   call for the battle because it is based on the same logic, which is that the rule

   level. That's what I felt with my third semester. However, at some stages, it was easy to   a  reward for  his  knowledge,  the  two  sides  become  equal;  no  favor,  no   of the people of the forest for this who wins. After the rabbit manipulated
   find cognitive blanks about non-European perspectives and the lack of regions studies such   service. The wise man was aware of this, and because he wanted the favor to

   as Arab region, African, Asian and Latin region, but perhaps the focus attention on the   be a real one, he refused to take anything in return,  and thus has the  upper   the lion psychologically and intellectually, he had to direct his movement to
   issues  and  concerns  of  the  German  and  European  society  is  attributed  to  cope  with  the   hand.   And even   more,   he   put   himself   in   scientific   and   drive  him  to  death  and  get  rid  of  him. He  led  the  lion  to  the  imaginary

   current issues to be answered and examined Scientifically and academically.regarding the   educational challenge; he  called  it the challenge  of  the  ingenuity  of   enemy, and  actually  made  him  move  towards  a  deep  pure  well.
   professors and teaching staff, they have largely reflected a satisfactory degree of flexibility   thinking. Within six months, the ignorant princes will become "experts in the   As the tyrannical lion  was a licentious ignorant, he  did  not  know anything

   and  accept  different  views  and  perspectives  despite  their  clear  focus  on  European   art  of  administration," otherwise  the  king will punish him  by  denying  him   about the mirror and reflectivity, when  he saw  his image  on the surface of
   perspectives,     but  this  does  not  prevent  them  from  understanding  and  revealing  their   access to the court or deportation. The wise man has turned the equation and   the water, and certainly was sullen and motivated to fight, soon he jumped

   passion to  know  how  the  other thinks  and  because  of  the  nature  of  the  whole  program   made  the  relationship  between  him  and  the  power  unequal  in  his  favor;   on the reflection  in the water  or the enemy  he  thought  is  challenging
   which  gathers     among  students  from  different  geographical  cultural  background  whether   he will not receive a reward, but he is testing himself.    him. He                                         died.
   from Africa, Latin America, the Arab region, the Asian world and others.                                                                           This  story  refers  to  the  ability  of  wisdom  to  deal  with  imbalances  in  the
                                                                               The educational form of the book, which will facilitate the achievement of its   balance of power; facing the rule with resistance , making the establishment
   To sum up, I find that experience, which has not yet been completed, and I hope that it will   purpose,  is  that  the  teachings  or  principles  of  political  science  will  be   of  political  science,  that  the  book  wanted  to  establish  on  practical  terms,
   end with writing my dissertations, presented and will provide me with many new ideas and   presented on the tongue of birds and animals. The personification of   done by the weak rabbit in the face of tyrant lion.
   people with good hearts and souls. I was also exposed to situations through which I have
   found my stake and support, which I did not expect but came from God to make me able to                                                                                                          To be continued…
   finish what I started.

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