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F Fr re en nc ch h

      Board Chairman:                                                                                                                                                                                    S Se ec ct ti io on n
                                                                                                                                                                                                       C Ce el le eb br ra at te es s
      Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El Said                                                                                                                                                                      S Si il lv ve er r   J Ju ub bi il le ee e

      Editor in Chief:

      Ramy Magdy  Ahmed                                        Elite

         Issued by the Faculty
                                                                                FEPS, Where elites are made..
          of Economics and

           Political Science,                                                                    Vol. 1 Issue .6 April 2019
           Cairo University

                                                                                                  Designed By: Ramy Magdy Ahmed

   Dr. Osa      ma El-Ghazali Harb , Politician and Political Scientist in an Interview with ELITE

           Public Liberties Control our Image in

                                                                     The West

  Our Editors (from Left) Farah Ezzeldin (Beside Dr. Osama) , Ramy Magdy and Esraa Yaacoub

  Cairo : Ramy Magdy, Esraa Yaacoub and Farah Ezzeldin            Concerning his opinion on the reign of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, he pointed   About January 25 and how he describes it as an event, he said that it was a

                                                                  out that his evaluation of the rule of the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser comes   bunch  of  waves  of  anger  against  the  policies  and  controls  of  the  state

    In  one  of New Cairo Classy and Calm Neighborhoods,  in  his   on two stages of time. The first is as a young man, he was - like others - fascinated   security apparatus at first, and a rejection of the project to inherit the rule
  house decorated with a  variety  of tastes Pharaonic, Islamic and  by the speeches and directions of the great Arab and African leader, and the second   of  Egypt  -  from  Hosni  Mubarak  to  his  son  Gamal  -  which  was  in  full

  modern,  Dr.  Osama  Elghazali  Harb  hosted  us  enabling  our   proves that the period of government was not all good, and there are great mistakes   swing. The Egyptian change conference was held at the headquarters of
  editors  to  conduct  a  very  rich  interview  for  ELITE.  In  the     that could have been avoided in favor of Egypt and pan-Arabism as well.   the Democratic Front Party in the presence of Mohamed ElBaradei, which
  beginning, Dr. Osama mentioned his reason for choosing FEPS.                                                                                    is a proud moment for him. He continued to say that January 25 is not a

  The political environment influenced him at that time despite that  We also talked with him about the most important stages in his political career, why   revolution,  but  an  "uprising"  that  changed  the  regime  and  toppled
  his  father  wanted  him  and  his  brother  to  study  medicine.  His  he did not join the diplomatic corps. He explained that he joined the armed forces in   Mubarak, and this is his scientific opinion as his master's thesis is on the

  brother  already  did  so,  but  Osama  focused  on  another  target  1969  after  graduating  from  the  university  until  February  1972,  and  that  he  was   concept of revolutions.He added that from the tragedies and disasters that
  inspite of his high grades in high school (82%).He insisted to join  arrested from the unit and was not in the fighting, but in the accounts of the military   followed 25 January  is that there was  no real alternative and a realistic

  FEPS being encouraged by Hoda Gamal Abdel Nasser - daughter  facility in Mansheyet Elbakry facility. He was interrogated and spent about 6 weeks   perception of the demise of the rule of Hosni Mubarak, so the revolution

  of  President  Nasser  who  was  a  charismatic  figure-  not  only  in  in  prison,  his  membership  in  a  political  organization  was  disproved,  this   reversed and led to the Muslim Brotherhood jumping to power. There was
  Egypt but also in the entire Arab world.                        organization  was  the  "Arab  pioneer"  and  his  military  service  was  terminated.   no strong party  on the ground. The  military councildid  not  find anyone

                                                                  However, this investigation prevented him from joining the Foreign Ministry and   apart from the Muslim Brotherhood who ruled -with American and British
  About his student life and his relationship with the professors, he   from joining the diplomatic corps later. He was appointed by the Central Auditing   help and blessing as an antidote to the Communist threat- and they were

  said that when  joining the  faculty,  he and six  of his colleagues   Organization according to the decision of the labor force to appoint young people   corrupted  and  toppled.  Thus,we  can  say  that  the  Left  in  Egypt  toppled
  have  launched  a  wall  newspaper  and  joined  the  youth       under Nasser.                                                                 Mubarak  but  could  not  lead  or  govern  because  it  was  a  fragile
  organization and member of socialists thinking society.                                                                                         establishment  on  the  ground  compared  to  the  popular  National

                                                                  He said that he owes thanks to many personalities in his life, including his father   Democratic Party’s popularity.
  He was keen on attending conferences and seminars and listening   and mother, engineer Mohamed Adel Hassan, deputy head of the Central Auditing

  to  Nasser’s  speeches.  He  was  lucky  to  be  taught  by  great  Organization in the seventies and the late Mr. Yassin researcher at the Center for   He then went on to talk about the shortcomings of the Brotherhood's rule.
  professors  like  Dr.  Boutros  Ghaly  –  professors  of  political  Strategic and Political Studies at Al-Ahram and his teacher Dr. Boutros Boutros-  He admitted that Mohammed Morsi had come under the legitimacy of the

  science,  Dr.  Hamed  Rabie  and  Dr.  Refaat  Elmahgoub  –  Ghali.  During  his  work  at  the  Center  for  Strategic  and  Political  Studies  at  Al-  ballot box, although it was somewhat doubtful for the little difference in

  professors of economics and other professors who taught him the  Ahram,  he  was  surprised  by  the  contact  of  the  late  Chairman  of  the  Board  of   time from his rival, Ahmed Shafik, but he was opposed to the principle of
  great values of freedom, justice and equality beside other political  Directors of the Foundation, Ibrahim Nafie, and his request.              religious rule for taking possession of everything. A model to be taught in
  and scientific principles. He graduated in 1969.                                                                                                political foolishness and this is what they should be most blamed for.The
                                                                  He went to him and found Boutros Boutros-Ghali (the sixth Secretary-General of   reason for his objection to Mohamed Morsi as head of state at the time

  One the situations that he cannot forget during his study was with   the United Nations) asking Ibrahim Nafie to make Ghazali Harb, who was in his   stemmed from his rejection of the principle and practices of Brotherhood
  one  of  his  classmates  who  was  poor  but  brilliant  -the  late  Dr.     forties, the editor-in-chief of the magazine "International Politics" and not ElSayed   that they wanted to implicate Egypt with. They fell victim to their own
  Kamal  Elmenoufy  –  from  Telwana  village  in  Bagour  Monofia  Yassin,  who  was  15  years  older.  This  was  a  great  honor  and  trust  that  is  still   mistakes  when  they  placed  an  editor  as  the  head  of  the  Ministry  of

  governorate.He was so clever and was the top of his class but he  cherished to date, as he had an amazing ability to evaluate people and leaders in a   Culture,  and  placed  Salah  Abdelmaksoud  as  the  minister  of  mass
  once failed in a statistics exam, however he succeeded in other  few minutes. One of the most memorable moments of his life was when he visited   communication,when  it  was  possible  to  rely  on  dozens  of  respectable

  subjects  with  excellent  grades.  Sincehe  was  poor  and  from  a  Dr. Boutros in New York as Secretary-General of the United Nations and met his   names.  He  added  that  he  advised  them  despite  his  full  belief  that  they
  humble  family,  he  depended  on  excellent  students’  aid  to  secretary, Dr. Fayza Abul-Naga, with Egyptian security guards and secretaries, and   would not listen to him and would not take anyone's opinion except their

  complete  his  education  so  Dr.  Osama  advised  him  to  write  an  then he felt very proud.                                                 leader and group.However, as a patriotic and democratic man who loves
  appeal to President Nasser to be conveyed by  his daughter and                                                                                  Egypt, he wanted to avoid involving his country, in his simple words and
  their classmate Hoda Abdel Nasser but they preferred to send it  As  for  his  vision  of  the  future  of  the  Palestinian  cause  in  the  context  of  Jewish   humble  opinion,in any  clash  on the ground. Even  as they  have allowed

  through  her  bodyguard.  Four  days  later,  the  response  to  the  practices, it must be recognized that the Jews are historically older than the Arabs   great freedom in the media, they faced political stupidity in governance.
  appeal by president Nasser was to grant Dr. Kamal Elmenoufy 40  are. The Torah contains the name of Jerusalem 600 times. Judaism is not only a

  pounds  a  month  until  his  graduation  and  it  was  one  of  the  religion but also a nationality. It was the Arabs who gave the Jews a homeland in   Since  Mohamed  Morsi  Alayyat's  announcement  of  a  detailed  constitution
  unforgettable  situations  and  was  never  forgotten  byElmenoufy  the land of Palestine according to the Sykes-Picot agreement. The problem is that   dedicated to supporting the Brotherhood's rule in Egypt, the National Salvation

  who went on to become dean of the faculty. Harb added that he  they have collected the Jews from various parts of the world and gave them a free   Front  was  formed  to  save  the  country  from  the  hegemony  of  the  Muslim

  studied  political  science  out  of  his  love  for  political  work.  He  home at the expense of the Palestinians. They evade the rights of the Palestinian   Brotherhood and force them to run the reins of government. This eventually led
  practiced politics  first through  illegal work and was arrested  in  people and practice all kinds of political filth and international pressure in order to   to  the  30   of  June  revolution,  and  all  of  the  salvation  front’s  members  were

  1972  for  joining  the  “Arab  Pioneer  organization”  and  his  keep the situation as it is with regard to the Palestinian cause and control the path   present  (including  Mohamed  ElBaradei,  Sakina  Fouad,  and  others)  in  the
  relationship with founder Ismat Saif al-Dawla, although he was  out of Jewish bullying, and he believes that the best solution to this problem is a   statement delivered by the then Minister of Defense Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.As for

                                                                                                                                                  his relationship with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, he explained that he respects
  later on cleared from these charges. He was sentenced due to his  two-state  solution.  He  then  spoke  about  his  participation  in  the  political  system   him. He is a strong patriotic person who sought to preserve the state at a difficult

  membership in the Egyptian Communist Party in 1975. This also  during the days of President Hosni Mubarak, explaining that his participation was   time  to  prevent  the  civil  war,  sabotage  and  destruction  during  the  Muslim
  caused him not to join the diplomatic corps, but this contributed  very marginal. He was appointed to the Shura Council by a decision of Mubarak in   Brotherhood's rule. He  met him  when  he chose  him in  the amnesty committee

  to  his  close  acquaintance  with  the  Egyptian  communist  1995  to  complete  the  term  of  MP  Kamal  Abu  Aldahab  and  continued  his   formed  after  the  June  30  revolution.  "They  tried  not  to  have  young  people  in
  movement,  which  influenced  his  intellectual  and  political  appointment  until  2004.  He  objected  to  the  amendment  of  article  76  of  the   prison. There is no father who wants his sons to be in prison, and no one can find

  maturity to a large extent.                                     Constitution, which opened the door for Gamal Mubarak to be elected president of   a  job."  However,  he  added  that  it  should  be  recognized  that  the  situation  of
                                                                    the  country.Despite  his  close  and  personal  relations  with  Gamal  Mubarak,  his   freedoms has now declined significantly and there are criticisms from the West
  He  believes  that  there  can  be  no  student  who  studies  political   rejection came in principle because he wanted a democratic climate for Egypt. He   about  the  internal  situation  in  Egypt,whichcurrently  lives  in  the  time  of  the

  science without being interested in politics. There are two types  resigned from the National Democratic Party's policy committee and founded the   counterrevolutionas  Harb  termed.  He  believed  that  public  liberties  controls
  of students: the first studies political science without interest in  Front  Party,  an  opposition  party.  It  was  strange  that  the  establishment  was   Egypt’s image in the West.

  politics,  the  other  studies  it  while  wanting  to  be  active  or  approved.  He  says  that  the  members  in  his  party  were  the  young  people  who   He concluded by saying that Egypt enjoys a special place in the world due to its
  involved  in  politics  and  public  life.  Dr.  Kamal  Elmenoufy  participated in the revolution of January 25, 2011 until he read the writer journalist   history, great civilization, geographical position in the center of the world. A key

  represents  the  model  that  studied  politics  without  practicing  its   Ibrahim Eissa, an article in the ElDostour newspaper, which confirmed that those   feature  is  the  international  conferences  that  are  held  in  Sharm  El-Sheikh  and
  activities and also Dr. Mona Zulfikar, who was interested in the   whotoppled  Hosni  Mubarak  were  Dr.  Mohamed  ElBaradei  and  then  Osama  al-  Cairo, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is exerting great efforts in this regard.
  human rights field.                                             Ghazali Harb.                                                                   He wishes for Egypt to keep moving towards the best in all fields.

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