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ELITE                                                                                      Issue6: Apr.2019                                                                                        Page | 2

   Ambassador Mohamed El-Oraby , Diplomat , Parliamentarian and Former Minister
   in an Exclusive Interview with ElITE

                  Public Diplomacy Should be a

        Cornerstone in Our Foreign Policy

   Our  Editors  (from  Left)  Abdelrahman  Elhadidi,  Aya  Shaaban  (Beside  Amb.  Oraby)  and  Silvana  Sobhy

   Cairo : Silvana Sobhy, Aya Shaaban and Abdelrahman Elhadidi                      diploma students at FEPS. He used to prepare the material of the course  The  German  Foreign  Minister  was  impressed  by  the
                                                                                    from  his  "life"  curriculum.  His  main  advice  to  the  students  of  the  idea of this art exhibition which reflects the reactions of
   In  Ritz  Carlton,  the  pharaonically  decorated  hotel  overlooking  Tahrir    faculty,  if  they  aspire  to  enroll  in  the  diplomatic  sector,  is  to  learn  different cultures to the same theme. Accordingly, the
   Square, the square of revolution, Ambassador Mohamed Al-Oraby hosted             multiple  languages.  Al-Oraby  believes  that  the  country  should  be  Egyptian  embassy  has  become  not  only  a  diplomatic
   us.  Al-Oraby,  former  Ambassador  in  Germany,  Parliamentarian  and           benefiting  from  people  whose  lives  were  enriched  with  lots  of  building, but also a cultural center that radiates positive
   Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, enabled ELITE Team to hold one of            experiences,  and  offer  them  to  the  current  generation  as  a  chance  to  energy through art exhibition and other activities, such
   its  richest  interviews.    The  interview  with  Ambassador  Mohamed  Al-      give back the great opportunities the country provided them with. He  as  seminars  and  lectures  as  the  lectures  by  the  late
   Oraby was fruitful because his answers to the questions that were proposed  believes  that  the  true  value  of  a  person  lies  within  passing  his  writer  Gamal  Al-Ghitani. All  of  this,  he  said,  follows
   by the journal were informative and beneficial. We asked him whether it  knowledge of life onto the next generations.                                       an  approach  and  a  cultural  perspective  to  develop
   was his ambition to work in the diplomatic sector, and he stated that indeed                                                                                relations  between  the  two  countries. Among  the
   it was. The journey began since he was in his high school in 1967; the year      Moreover, when we asked for his assessment of the students' activities     remarkable  activities  conducted  by  the  Egyptian
   when the June War with Israel took place. That was a turning point in his        in the faculty and about the students' union, he highlighted that being    Embassy in Germany was inviting the best achievers in
   life per the fact that he started to have other kinds of interests than those he   the consultant of the union, he induces the union to be always attractive   the  secondary  stage  education  to  Germany  and
                                                                                    to  the  students  because  long  ago,  the  unions  were  neglected  in  any
   used to have. There was an advertisement for an admission for the foreign        faculty. Hence, he recommended the president of the student union to       allowing      them      to    meet      the     German
   affairs test, and he made up his mind to enroll. He kept the advertisement,      invite  prominent  figures  like  Ambassador  Moshira  Khattab,  and  Dr.   Chancellor. The policy  adopted  by  Ambassador  Al-
   which  he  revealed  to  the  journal  as  his  ultimate  goal.Thus,  right  after   Mostafa Al-Fekki to visit the faculty and spur up the spirit of challenge   Oraby  was  so  successful  that  he  remained  in  his
   graduating from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, he instantly          in them and inspire them with their real life challenges, obstacles, and   position as ambassador of Egypt in Germany for eight
   took  the  exam.  After  graduating,  he  was  called  upon  for  military  duty,   their stories of success. Hence, the union would be more appealing to   years, which is exceptional in the diplomatic work.
   within which he was commanded to return from Issna to Cairo in order to          the students, who would feel tangible changes.                             Regarding  Egypt's  current  foreign  policy  and  the
   take  his  oral  exam.  Luckily,  he  got  accepted  in  the  diplomatic  institute                                                                         challenges  facing  Egypt  and  the  region,Al-Oraby
   where he kept working there simultaneously with his military period from         Ambassador  Al-Oraby  referred  to  several  actions  adopted  by  the     pointed out that Egypt is witnessing an unprecedented
   1974 till 1978. He was then assigned to work as a diplomat in Kuwait in          government  to  narrow  the  gap  between  the  academic  framework  and   success  in  its  foreign  policy,  under  very  difficult
   August 1978. He was one of the few at the time who had German as his             practical  reality.  He  mentioned  that  “The  Supreme  Council  of       conditions,  both  by  official  diplomacy  and  by
   second language. Most of his colleagues spoke French, which made him             Universities” has decided to give the opportunity to non-academics to      presidential  diplomacy. He  pointed  out  that  there  are
   quite unique.                                                                    teach in colleges, in order to reduce this gap, and pointed out the need   many  challenges  facing  Egypt  and  the  region.  This  is
                                                                                    to  apply  this  policy  in  the  colleges,  as  Egypt  is  full  of  experts  and
   When he was asked about the challenges that face students nowadays; he  professionals.                                                                      elaborated mainly by the unconventional alliances and
                                                                                                                                                               the strong existence of cross-border terrorism.
   pointed  that  long  before,  life  was  safer  and  future  was  more  guaranteed
   than  it  is  now  for  the  youth.  There  is  currently  a  consistent  growth  in   Political science researchers often refer to Ambassador and the former   The region is in general inflamed, but Egypt is able to
   population  and  the  number  of  graduates  is  surging  year  by  year;  hence,   foreign minister Mohamed Al-Oraby as the pioneer of the golden age      walk on a highly successful road and this is reflectedby
                                                                                    of Egyptian-German relations. Therefore, he was asked about the most
   competitiveness increases in the labor market. Therefore, there is a huge        important  achievements  that  made  Egyptian-German  relations  so        Egypt's  presidency  of  the  African  Union,  Egypt's
   responsibility on the youth to invest in themselves appropriately in order to    distinct.                                                                  participation  in  the  Munich  conference,  and  the
   run income.                                                                                                                                                 establishment  of  the  Arab-European  summit  on  the
                                                                                    The     beginning      of    Ambassador       Mohamed        Al-Oraby’s  land  of  Egypt. He  added  that  the  situation  of  the
   Furthermore,  the  most  provocative  thing  is  the  state  of  uncertainty     mission in Germany on September 15, 2001 -four days after the events  Egyptian  diplomacy  is  in  its  best  form  despite  the
   surrounding the future. And when we asked him to provide some advice             of  September  11,  which  occurred  in  the  United  States  of  America-  complexity  of  the  circumstances  in  the  region.
   for  the  students  in  accordance  with  his  vast  experience  in  life;  he   indicated  that  the  smart  diplomat  must  be  able  to  measure  the  Fortunately,  this  indicates  the  success  of  Egypt's
   emphasized that in the past, there were plenty of opportunities, but human       sensitivity  of  circumstances  and  perception  of  context  in  the  place  foreign policy.
   investment was a hard process. Now, it is the other way round; investing in      where  he  works.  Working    in the period  following  September
   the  oneself  nowadays,  is  way  smoother  in  the  era  of  technology,  as  we   11 marked  the  importance  of  changing  the stereotype  image  of     Regarding  the  absence  of  the  role  of  the  House  of
   become  more  capable  of  attaining  knowledge  easily;  and  being  more       all the inhabitants of the Islamic countries as being a threat to European   Representatives  in  foreign  policy,  he  pointed  out  that
   connected  to  the  whole  world,  which  we  call  "globalization",  helped  in   society.  Thus,  "policy of openness" needed  to  be  adopted  with  the   there are visits from parliamentary delegations to some
   facilitating the human investment process.                                       authorities  and  the  citizens  of  Germany.  Al-Oraby  has  pointed      countries, but they are not sufficient. He attributed this

                                                                                    the importance of what  is  known  as  “public  diplomacy”.  It is  the    to the absence of the culture of using the parliament by
   However, opportunities in the labor  market are  decreasing.  Additionally,                                                                                 the state as a tool in foreign policy. He explained that
   chances to travel abroad in order to acquire knowledge or to have a job are      science of “people to people diplomacy,” which shows that diplomatic       there is    a difference      between the parliamentary
   now stricter than they used to be long ago. To cut it short, the main advice     relationships should be maintained with the country’s officials as well    diplomacy carried out by the parliament and the public
                                                                                    as its citizens.
   was to set a specific goal that one wants to reach eagerly, and to keep on       Egypt’s excellent reputation worldwide offered a very fertile and solid    diplomacy carried out by delegates of Egyptian citizens
   adding value to oneself, as well as inducing the students' parents to help       ground  for the  adoption  of  a  policy  of "open  doors"  for  German  and   after taking permission from the state.
   them  accomplish  their  own  dreams,  rather  than  seeking  an  unwanted       non-German  citizens,  including  school  students  and  the  elderly.  He
   dream.                                                                           illustrated  several  creative  activities  carried  out  by  the  Egyptian   Finally, He insisted on the fact that the Egyptian state
   Furthermore, when we inquired about the advice he would like to provide          embassy  in  Germany.  For  example,  the  Egyptian  embassy               should  prepare  cadres  that  can  communicate  with  the
   the students of FEPS  with on how  to enroll  in the diplomatic sector, he       established an art exhibition inside its building. The main theme of this   different  perspectives.  He  pointed  out  that  there  is  a
                                                                                                                                                               shortage  of  cadres  who  own  this  trait  and  everyone
   mentioned that the faculty should do its best to put students on the right       exhibition was translating parts of Salah  Jaheen’s Quartet to different
   track,  and  how  to  appropriately  work  on  their  points  of  strengths.  For   languages  then  converting  written  text  into  painted  images.  Several   should use their utmost to uphold their country's name
                                                                                                                                                               because  they  all  are  serving  their  beloved  country
   instance,  in  the  American  universities,  they  assign  or  ask  diplomats  like   embassies  took  part  in  this  exhibition  such  as  the  embassies  of   “Egypt.”
   Al-Oraby  to  raise  awareness  for  the  students  in  order  to  give  them  the   Korea, Japan and India. These embassies participated in the phase of
   chance to shape their minds about the world with regards to the experience       translation to their own languages and their own artists painted what
   they went through. Al-Oraby used to give a "negotiation" course for the          was translated.

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