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ELITE                                              V V VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023
                                                                        VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023

                                            On the Margins of Time

                                                    Prof. Hanan M. Aly,  FEPS Acting Dean

                                                                              Translated by: Mariam Ismail

                Elegantly dressed, calm in his nature, categorical Gloomy  days  and  months  passed,  and  he  became
                in his words, correct in his opinion, severe in his bored with a monotonous life.
                right…                                     Whenever  memories  and  nostalgia  overwhelmed
                As  years  passed…  his  experience  increased,  his him, he would go to his old place of work, breathe in
                worth heightened, his position advanced…   its news, wander its corridors, and stare at its people.
                He became the leader to whom everyone listened, While  preparing  for  one  of  the  regular  events,
                obeyed his command, and followed his path.  someone invited him to attend.
                He  achieved  many  successes,  added  many His  eyes  sparkled,  his  mouth  smiled,  and  his  heart
                achievements, and showed many innovations.  danced…  He  expressed  his  approval  to  attend,
                One day he woke up to someone congratulating welcome  to  participate,  and  enthusiasm  to  express
                him  on  his  sixtieth  birthday…  someone his opinion…
                presenting  to  him  the  referral  papers  for And he began to prepare himself for this important
                retirement… someone signing the termination of event...  turning  over  his  papers…  recalling  his
                his  service…  someone  bidding  farewell,  saying: memories…
                “We  will  miss  you”…  someone  making  him On the promised day, he came early, as usual, bright
                promise to come to visit them… someone asking in appearance.
                him  for  advice,  as  he  would  replace  him… He  sat  in  the  first  rows,  ready,  excitedly  flipping
                someone removing the sign that bears his name... through some papers, looking at the faces of those
                someone turning his back on him...         present with a smile.
                The  world  darkened  in  his  eyes,  thoughts Some  of  them  took  the  stage…  the  event  began,
                turbulent in his head, grievances crowded in his speeches said, and dialogues were conducted..
                chest, and words weighed heavy on his tongue..  And  in  the  meantime…  and  after  his  eyes  were
                He did not believe that he would not go to work shining with light… his shine began to turn off little
                again…  He  did  not  understand  how  he  would by little… Until his eyelids almost closed…
                stay  at  home  day  and  night…  He  did  not  plan And  after  his  face  was  shining  with  a  smile…  the
                how  he  would  occupy  his  time…  He  did  not smile began to disappear little by little… until a look
                imagine what his life would look like…     of gloom appeared on his face…

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