Page 5 - Issue 57
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ELITE V V VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023
VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023
Recently, there has been considerable reliance on
Earlier, there had been an initiative by former
the financial role of Egyptians abroad. Are there President Mohammad Hosni Mubarak, "Start
models in coordination with the Union or individuals
by Yourself", which called for the attention of
who have provided financial support to the State's all people to be clean, for example, to reach a
projects? cleaner society. The idea of raising awareness
In the coronavirus pandemic, there was a threat of the investor's importance, albeit with
that groups of Egyptians residing in the Gulf relatively little money, is what we need to deal
countries were likely to return to Egypt due to the with any goals we aspire in order to support the
crisis. We held a conference and were State.
intermediaries with the Agricultural Development
Bank. Whoever comes to Egypt, we try to settle it The themes of sustainable development and
with the investment stakeholders, and the Armed climate change are relatively new and the current
Forces Service has reached out to us, offering huge difficult economic conditions affect Egyptians'
projects in agriculture and other. We also support interest in such topics. However, there are
the recent Egyptian exports to Africa in our projects aimed at profit and investment but at the
branch in Uganda - a State of the Nile Basin and a same time serve such issues as the Agricultural
central State that owns an important road network Development Bank project. Are there any
- is an Egyptian market component that seeks to agricultural or other projects that the Union
attract Egyptian exporters and allow them to contributes to?
export to Africa. Since we work in the field of volunteering, and
most of our work is focused on serving
The State’s plan slogan now is "Sustainable communities and working outside Egypt, so the
development", including issues of combating climate idea of working under the umbrella of
change, and its impact on agricultural crops, food sustainable development that targets society
security, water resources management, improvement and villages is not vivid, and yet if we deal with
of irrigation systems, renewable energy, beach it directly, we worked with many entities, most
erosion, etc. This topic is not only important as a notably the Fund "Tahya Masr", conducting a
prima facie form because we find stakeholders full survey of the needs of Egyptian society in
refusing to give loans except when making sure that all geographical areas, thus making financial
the project's policy is sustainable. Are there models contributions with the Fund. As a Union, we
of the Union or Egyptians abroad who have played a once donated about half a million pounds, in
role in projects of this kind? addition to which, there were remittances from
We call for support for the economy and Egyptians abroad in various currencies thanks
investment in general. With the attributed to the Union's campaigns. We also had
importance to Sustainable Development and its contributions donated to 57357 Hospital for
impact, yet we are talking about small, non-large several years, and today we coordinate with
investment opportunities that need support, Bahia Hospital and 500 500 Hospital.
although its industry not necessarily be
sustainable. We seek to attract and assist different
workers in different sectors. Especially because we
must have a complete vision, where we lack many
things in Egypt, such as the idea of raising
awareness of the importance of receiving foreign
tourists, their capital and Egyptian capital abroad.
This awareness must be under the organization of
the State.