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ELITE                                              V V VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023
                                                                        VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023

                                           Commodifying Identities

                                                                  Noor Khaled - Senior - Economics


                   Dear reader, as you navigate this          creative, and “unique.” You need

                   article, I want you to think about         to  stand  out  and  fit  the  cookie
                   how your brand yourself. Is your           cutter  at  the  same  time.  You

                   professional brand similar to how          can’t be too “unique,” or you risk
                   you  advertise  yourself  in  the          being seen as “weird.” You can’t
                   social  arena?  Which  branding  is        fit  the  mold  too  well  either

                   more accurate to your true self?           because  then  you’re  just  boring.
                   If  you  look  up  ways  to  become        You don’t just sell your time and

                   more  appealing  to  employers,            labor.  You  have  to  sell  your
                   you’ll  come  across  the  words           personality  as  well.  We  slowly

                   “personal  branding.”  In  simple          erase  our  core  –  what  makes  us
                   terms,  personal  branding  is  how        unique – and use our identities as

                   you market yourself to employers           canvasses  to  paint  a  piece  that
                   –  how  you  sell  yourself.  It  isn’t    panders  to  our  environment  We
                   complicated, you just have to be           reduce  the  very  essence  that

                   charismatic, professional,                 makes us human to a device

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